PACFA Newsletter | Summer 2021
Program Updates
2020 Shelter/Rescue Statistics Posted

The 2020 Shelter/Rescue Annual and Individual Statistics Report was posted to our webpage at the beginning of June.

This renewal season we began using a new statistics portal. This the best year yet in collecting statistical data from facilities that are required to report. The data is more efficient and allowed us to post this information on our webpage one month after our renewal season closed.
Click on the graphic above to access the 2020 Shelter/Rescue Annual and Individual Statistics Reports.
COVID Updates

The state emergency order for COVID-19 including the state-wide mask mandate has been lifted by the Governor for vaccinated individuals, however, individual businesses may still require employees and customers to wear masks, and/or other health/safety protocols.

Please continue to monitor your local county health department for updated mandates and regulations regarding COVID-19.
Meet Our New Inspector/Investigator!
We are excited to welcome our new Inspector/Investigator to the PACFA Team!

Rosanne "Roz" Sapirie, has an extensive background in law enforcement; serving as a police officer on the streets of a large metropolitan city in Colorado to serving as the chief of police in a small mountain community in southern Colorado. Roz has served in law enforcement for 18 years, worked and lived in New Zealand working for the Judicial Branch of the NZ government with their Restorative Justice Program, and most recently spent more than 14 years as a Captain and Unit Manager with a Colorado Correctional Facility. Roz says, "I am excited to meet the people in the community and to help educate everyone about PACFA's mission." 
PACFA Advisory Committee News

Colorado Department of Agriculture Commissioner Kate Greenberg made the following Advisory Committee Appointments in early 2021.

We would like to welcome our new Committee Members:
Cornelia Kern/Small Mammal Breeder
Blake Gibson/Cat Breeder
Tracy Jackson/Dog Daycare
Tom Mascarenas/Retail 
Joyce Cohen/General Public
Diane Balkin/General Public

PACFA Advisory Committee Meeting

The latest PACFA Advisory Committee meeting was held virtually on June 17, 2021. Topics covered were new Advisory Committee member orientation, a preview of the new PACFA Qualifying Education Course, the proposed rule that will require qualifying education for new applicants beginning this fall, and continuing education for current licensees beginning during renewal in 2023/24. Stakeholder meetings regarding animal transport and importation and rulemaking around the implementation of HB 21-1102 and HB 21-1160 will be held this fall in an in-person or hybrid format. An email notification will be sent out to everyone on our email listserv once stakeholder meetings for each rulemaking topic have been scheduled.

The next PACFA Advisory Committee meeting will be scheduled in November. An email notification will be sent out once the meeting has been scheduled.
PACFA Qualifying Education Course

The PACFA Qualifying Education Course has been created and we will be ready to begin implementation this fall for new license applicants. The course is designed to cover four modules (Click on the Design Module link below) and covers topics ranging from regulatory requirements to standards for disease control and transportation.

Requirements to complete these courses as a condition for licensure will be defined through rule. The Commissioner has the authority under 35-80-109 to set qualification standards for new and renewal licenses. A public hearing on the proposed rule will be noticed for a date between August 16th-24th, with review by the Agriculture Commission on September 8th. The proposed rule will require qualifying education for all new applicants prior to receiving a license and a continuing education course for current licensees to be taken once every two years. Current licensees will take the Qualifying Education Course as their first continuing education course in 2023 or 2024. More information to come as the course is rolled out this fall.

There is excitement to have PACFA launch this essential addition to our program as it will establish a baseline of knowledge for all licensees to help achieve greater compliance and enhanced animal health, safety, and welfare and enhance consumer protection for those consumers who use pet-care-related services.

We want to give a special thank you to all our subject matter experts (SME) who volunteered their time in developing the course:
Dr. Jenelle Vail 
Kim Rief
Kari Kishiyama 
Brook Brown
Brooke El Merrahi
Katie Parker 
Angela Cerci
Julie Jury
Lynn Gerber
Roni Taylor

We also want to recognize and thank, Michele Barton who has assumed the new role as the PACFA Licensing and Education Administrator, and our SME Team Leads, PACFA Lead Inspector Cindy Thompson, and PACFA Inspector Becky Robison for their tireless work in helping this project come to fruition.

We are very excited about how the course turned out and we are excited to be able to offer the course at no cost to our licensed community! This means that anyone who wants to have their staff take the course can ask and we can register your managers, and/or employees for the course.

PACFA Inspectors and staff are dedicated to helping licensed facilities understand and follow PACFA and the rules and regulations. PACFA also responds and investigates consumer complaints on licensed and unlicensed facilities.

What Questions Can I Contact My Inspector About?
Your inspector is here to help you comply with PACFA and the rules and regulations!
  • Questions that come up before or after an inspection
  • Adding a new category like grooming, pet handling, or pet transporting
  • Remodeling or renovations, and whether new equipment and materials comply with the rules

PACFA inspectors are typically out in the field conducting inspections or responding to consumer complaints and can be reached by cell phone.

When will my inspector do my next inspection?
  • PACFA's program goal is to perform a routine inspection at each licensed facility once per year
  • Routine inspections are typically unannounced and are scheduled based on several factors

Where can I get a copy of my license?
Our online licensing portal, AgLicense. Simply log into your account and click on the PACFA license button.
  • Be sure your pop-up blocker is enabled on the web browser you are using.
  • If you are a newly licensed facility, you will need to register your account first. Please contact your inspector or the office to get the information needed to register.
How do I make changes to my license?
The following changes require a new application submission:
  • Primary Business Contact Change (see webpage for more instructions)
  • Entity type
  • Business Name
  • New Ownership
  • Physical Business Address
  • Category Add and/or Update
The following changes may be requested in writing via email or letter by the Primary Business Contact/Licensee, submitted to
  • Contact Information, such as email and phone numbers
  • Hours of Operation
  • DBA Name

Refer to the Facility Reporting Forms box on our webpage for reporting additional changes to your license.
Spread the Word
Please share this newsletter with anyone who may be interested.

Didn't receive this newsletter in your Inbox? Click the sign-up button below to receive our Spring 2020 Newsletter. Our goal is to educate everyone about the PACFA Program.

Please help support our efforts in safeguarding pet animals in pet care facilities throughout Colorado and protect consumers who purchase or adopt pets and who use pet-related services.

305 Interlocken Parkway
Broomfield, CO 80021