PACFA License Renewal Announcement
Hello PACFA Licensees,

Renewal time is just around the corner and there is a lot to prepare for licensing renewal! Below are instructions and guidelines to get you started.

Please understand that the renewal season is extremely busy for the office staff as we help our facilities through the license renewal process. To get your renewal questions answered as quickly as possible, reach out to your inspector or the office with any questions now so we can better assist you. We appreciate your patience and understanding during the license renewal season.

Thank you,

All PACFA Licenses Expire on March 1st!
  • Licensed facilities that do not have to report annual statistics will be able to renew their license as early as December 1, 2021
  • All other facilities will be able to renew starting January 1, 2022.
  • Facilities may renew in two ways: online through AgLicense or by regular application.
  • Emailed notices will be sent via email when renewals open on December 1st.
  • Renewal applications received after March 1st shall have a 10% late fee applied automatically to the renewal fee.
  • If any corrections are required to your renewal application, information will be sent to you by email and must be responded to immediately or your license will not be renewed.
  • PACFA will have temporary Help Desk employees assisting with renewal season and they may email you with corrections or issues. Their email will have the CDA logo on it so you know it is not spam or junk email.
  • Check your spam folder: Renewal notices, are automated emails sent from AgLicense and may land in your spam folder first. Help Desk emails may go into your spam folder as well so please check often!

Click on the button below for a Renewal Instructions and Tips checklist.
  • AgLicense is the online system we use for online renewals and is available to you at any time to access and print your license
  • You will only be able to renew using AgLicense when renewal opens on December 1st.

Click on the AgLicense box above to access AgLicense or through the PACFA webpage.

Setting Up or Accessing Your AgLicense Account
  • Setting up your AgLicense account is easy.
  • You should have received your AgLicense account registration information during your pre-license inspection.
  • Your account information is also included on the Renewal Notice that will be sent on December 1, 2021.
Important Password and Username Information!
  • If you are a current AgLicense User and have any spaces or special characters such as "&" of "/" in your username, contact us immediately to get it reset as you will not be able to log in.
  • Password criteria was updated in the AgLicense system and you may be required to create a new one.
  • Please try accessing your account now so we can better assist you before our busy renewal time starts.
  • The 'Reset Password' button does not work.
  • Call the Help Desk number for any password issues.

Browser/Internet Type to Use for Renewal
  • Internet Explorer/Edge cannot be used to process your online renewal
  • We suggest using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox to avoid any issues

The AgLicense renewal process can be tricky.
Click on the Step by Step Renewal Instructions button below to help you through the entire online/renewal process!

Annual Statistics Reports Due: For Shelters, Rescues, Transporters, and Pet Animal Breeders
Are you registered in the statistics reporting portal? To access the statistics reporting portal, click on the Report Statistics box on our web page.
  • Reminder: All facilities that are required to submit their annual report must do so from the portal and cannot do so until January 1, 2022.

New! AgLicense Has New File Naming Requirements
  • Please make sure the file name of your report does not contain the following: Spaces or any special characters such as /, &, ()
  • We have made sure the report downloaded/printed from the stats portal follows these new criteria. As long as you do not change the name of the file, you should be able to upload it successfully.
  • AgLicense will not allow you to upload your stats report if the name of the file does not follow the new requirements.
  • Please contact your inspector or the office with any questions or issues with uploading your report.


Do You Need to Make Changes to Your License?
The following changes will require a new application to be submitted and cannot be made through AgLicense:
  • Address changes, ownership changes, primary business contact/licensee changes, entity type changes, business name changes, etc.?
  • License category changes
  • If you have closed your business and are not renewing your license, you are required to report your closure by filling out our Close of Business form on our webpage.

After my license is renewed, how will I receive a copy of my license?
The PACFA office does not send renewed licenses. All facilities have access to their license through their account in AgLicense.

Where can I get a copy of my license?
Our online licensing portal, AgLicense. Simply log into your account and click on the PACFA license button.
  • Be sure your pop-up blocker is enabled on the web browser you are using.
  • Click here for instructions to print your license.

Who should I call if I can't get a hold of my inspector or the office?
Please call the Help Desk at 1-844-235-3815
The following changes may be requested in writing via email or letter by the Primary Business Contact/Licensee:
  • Hours of Operation
  • DBA Name
  • Submitted to

Refer to the Facility Reporting Forms box on our webpage for reporting additional changes.

305 Interlocken Parkway
Broomfield, CO 80021
Help Desk Phone: 1-844-235-3815