January 26, 2023

Dear MISD Parents,

As we are about to head into a brand new month next week, I am #MISDProud that we are finishing out the month of January strong! 

With that being said, I would like to congratulate the nearly 500 Legacy High School students who have met CCMR requirements. College, Career, Military Readiness (CCMR) requirements can be met by completing one of the district's CTE programs of study, earning an industry-based certificate, and taking dual credit for example. Learn more about CCMR requirements here

We also had several students this week from General Tommy Franks Elementary and Parker Elementary receive semester awards for A, AB Honor Roll, and perfect attendance! Way to go students! Thank you, parents and families for supporting your children in their academic endeavors and also making attendance a priority. 

If your senior is interested in attending Midland College, Chap Pro Days are coming up! This is a great opportunity for students to take a tour of the campus, go through orientation, and registration. Pro Days will start on April 19 @ 9 a.m.

You can also reach out to for more information and upcoming dates. To RSVP, be sure to visit the website.


UTPB is providing Nursing & Pre-Health Scholarships to students who are interested in biology, chemistry, nursing, mathematics, geoscience, psychology, and exercise science. The deadline to apply is on April 1. For more information and to apply, please click here. If you have any questions, please be sure to contact

Class of 2024 graduation dates/times will be announced within the next few weeks.


I would like to congratulate our campus attendance winners from the final six weeks of the fall semester. Bonham Elementary, Abell Junior High, and Coleman High School were recognized for their improved attendance rate! Attendance is such a critical piece of what we do here – if students are not here, they cannot learn! Thank you for working alongside us and prioritizing the importance of getting your children to school every day.


I would like to congratulate the sixteen MISD students who have qualified for the state DECA competition. These future business leaders will represent MISD at the state competition in Houston in February.


If you went to the basketball games last Friday, then you would have noticed some freshly cleaned bleachers! The Maintenance Department has been hard at work and gave all of the seating in our gyms a deep cleaning! Our bleachers look fantastic, and I am thankful for a team that makes it all happen before the games. There are a couple of exciting games tonight and fine arts activities taking place this weekend. Be sure to take a look at the events section below to find out more information on dates and times.


The first application window for Apply Midland closes today for Schools of Choice and transfer requests. Families can access Apply Midland via computer or mobile device at 

New this year, transfer students who plan to remain at the same campus do not need to file an intent-to-return form, as in previous years. A transfer student is one who has requested and been granted permission to transfer to a neighborhood school outside their attendance zone.

Students at our magnet schools (Bowie Fine Arts and Pease Communications Academy) will receive information from their campus regarding the intent to return.

For complete details, see the press release.

Do you have questions? Contact Student Services at


Today, we recognize Parker kindergarten teacher Kristen Scott! Mrs. Scott is a West Texas native and UTPB grad now in her second year of teaching. She says she is so thankful to have achieved her lifelong goals of becoming a teacher and a mother! One parent told us, “Mrs. Scott does an amazing job and goes above and beyond to help my child. She also does a wonderful job managing the classroom and finding resolutions.” Thank you, Mrs. Scott for all you do for our students!

Do you want to nominate an MISD student or staff member for the great things they are doing? Let us know at


Crosstown basketball games are tonight!

Friday, Jan. 26 - MHS girls basketball host LHS @ 6:30 p.m.

Friday, Jan. 26 - MHS boys basketball host LHS @ 7:30 p.m.

Saturday, Jan. 27 - Orchestra UIL Solo & Ensemble Contest @ Odessa College (All Day)


I hope you have a wonderful day and weekend!

Stephanie D. Howard, Ed.D.

Superintendent, Midland ISD

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