You are receiving this newsletter because you have been a member of the Longhouse Council, Boy Scouts of America. To stay up to date on Scouting news, please be sure to update the Council with any changes to your email address!  
Longhouse Council - Pathways - June 12, 2020
Vol. #2 Issue #18
Monday, June 15th, Council Service Center Personal Return to the Office
This upcoming Monday all Council personal will return to the office. But, this does not mean we are back to business as usual. The office will be open, by appointment only. Please contact the office and request an appointment. Once you are at the office, you will need to be screened before you can enter. Please remember to continue to practice social distancing, wear a mask, and wash hands frequently.
DAY CAMP 2020 is a GO!
As of TODAY we are happy to announce that the State has given permission for Day Camp program to open. We are still waiting on the decision for resident camps, and we are hoping that will be coming soon. But, Day Camps are a GO and we can't wait to have Scouts from 7 to 17 attending one of our spectacular Day camp programs.
There will of course be some changes to how we run our programs to ensure the safety of the Scouts and volunteers that run these programs. We will have detailed info coming out about these changes and precautions coming soon. But, till then check out our videos and website for more info or to sign up today. We are excited to be one of the few programs still available to Scouts and their families. We hope to see you at camp this summer.
Check Out Cub Scout Day Camp
Check Out Scouts BSA Day Camp
We Alway Appreciate Your Support
Boy Scouts of America, Longhouse Council has partnered with Give Lively to securely process your online donation. 
Any donation amount helps further the reach and impact of Scouting. Your generosity will enable us to provide a great Scouting program to more youth, and will help prepare youth for the rest of their lives.
The 2020 International Brotherhood Camporee  
You’re Invited to Celebrate with Us! 
LONGHOUSE COUNCIL’S Premier Camping Event. 
The 25 th - 27 th  of September 
Wellesley Island State Park 
44927 Cross Island Rd, Wellesley Island Rd. 
Please bring:  Packs  &  Troops   that want to have FUN
  E arly bird special extended to August 1st.  
Sign up for the Northeast Region
Seabadge Course (Seabadge-54-NY-2020)
ALL registered leaders within BSA are invited to attend no matter what program you are in (Pack, Troop, Crew, Ship, District, Council, etc.) this is not just for Sea Scout Leaders.
Date: Fri., October 2, to Sun., October 4, 2020
Location: Camp Woodland
Longhouse Council
        491 Kibbie Lake Rd, Constantia, NY
 Cost: $175.00. 
2021 National Jamboree
For more information on events, training opportunities, and other activities happening in your district, visit your district webpage:

Other Dates of Interest
July 3rd, 2020 Office Closed

“I googled my symptoms… turned out I just need to go camping”