Child Care

Finding quality, affordable, and available child care is challenging and has become a barrier for many parents and guardians trying to find employment. Child care and early education programs can allow parents to obtain and retain employment by opening up time in their day. These programs also further their child's education, while promoting child development and school readiness. Finding Quality Child Care: A Guide for Oregon's Families, provides information, resources, and guidance to help you to make the best decision when choosing a child care program that meets the needs of your family. When you’re looking for child care, you want to find a program that’s convenient, open when you need it, and within your budget. All of those things are important, but most importantly, you and your child need a child care program that makes sure your child is safe, healthy and learning.

You are your child’s first and most important teacher. Your child care provider is a critical partner with you. To make sure your child care supports your child, your family and your ability to get to work, it’s important to choose a high quality child care program. It can be hard to identify high quality child care. For information on how to find quality child care and what a quality child care program looks like, start here.

If you are looking for local resources in Central Oregon, NeighborImpact provides Childcare Resources.

Check out the guides below to help you find quality child care and the best questions to ask when looking for child care.