So many dogs and cats run away from home over the 4th of July. It happens very quickly, so it helps to be prepared. Here are some tips to help your pets over the upcoming holidays.
Feed dinner well before dark so your pet doesn't have a full belly when the loud noises start. Also, for dogs, take them outside for a potty break well before dark.
Ensure your pet has access to a dark hiding place if they want it. If you use a crate, cover the back half of the crate with a blanket for a makeshift cave.
Consider putting your pets in the basement or an interior room with as few windows and doors as possible. Turn on some calming music and a fan for white noise.
If you don't know how your pet reacts to fireworks, leave them at home if you are going to be around fireworks.
Make sure your pet’s microchip contact info is up to date. Ensure you have clear full-body photos of your pet and their microchip brand and number in an easily accessible spot. If you don't know how to update your pet's microchip, look at your adoption folder or give us a call for assistance.