August 2021
Fall Regional Meetings

Even though the ZOOM sessions are barely cold from the Summer Board Meetings, it is already time to start thinking about the Fall Regional Meetings.

There will be a mix of in-person and virtual meetings. Virtual meetings will require advance registration.

Please take the time to promote these meetings to your members. This is their chance to participate.

The schedule of meetings is below:

SOUTHWEST REGION - September 7 at 3:00 p.m. (Conference Call)
MIDEAST REGION - September 8 at 5:30 p.m. (In-person)
NORTHWEST REGION - September 8 at 6:30 p.m. (ZOOM)
SOUTHEAST REGION - September 9 at 3:00 p.m. (In-person)
NORTHEAST REGION - September 9 at 5:30 p.m. (In-person)
SOUTHCENTRAL REGION - September 14 at 4:00 p.m. (ZOOM)
NORTHCENTRAL REGION - September 14 at 5:30 p.m. (In-person)
MIDWEST REGION - September 16 at 5:30 p.m. (In-person)

EOC Orientation Registration is Open

The EOC NAHB Orientation provides Executive Officers the opportunity to become familiar with NAHB’s programs, products, and services. Through networking with their peers and NAHB staff, EOs can more effectively articulate NAHB's benefits and the services it makes available to HBAs and members.

The program is scheduled for October 7-8 at the National Housing Center in Washington D.C. Funding of up to $1,255 (stipulations apply) is provided to all registered attendees. This figure is based on NAHB’s estimated costs to fully participate. Reimbursements will be made based on actual dollars spent on airfare, lodging, ground transportation, and a predetermined food allowance for meals not included in the event programming. Reimbursements are made payable to the HBA only.

For more information, please click on the link below and read ALL the details. Deadline for registration is September 24.

Preparing for Associate Appreciation Month

September is Associate Appreciation Month and it is time to start planning how to celebrate these important members.

As we all know, during 2020 the largest loss of members was in the Associate category. Take the time to shine the spotlight and let them know how critical they are to our mission.

NAHB provides some tips and resources for locals. CHECK THEM OUT HERE
Member Education + Recruiting Tool = A Winning Combo!

With the new codes coming, the Pennsylvania Housing Research Center is putting together educational presentations that they are offering to the local associations. This is an extremely valuable tool for your members.

So why not use that educational opportunity to attract new members? Consider contacting PHRC and set up a training - then invite non-members as well. While they are in the seats, it is a perfect chance for you to share the benefits of membership.

Maybe partner up with another local or go about it on your own.

EO Sharing Corner

Wayne Pike BIA Executive Officer Nicky Paterson recently watched one of the Growthzone webinars. The subject matter was Unlocking the Secrets of Member Engagement. The host was Amanda Kaiser, a past speaker at AMC. Nicky says there is some really insight information and thought others would be interested. Below is the link along with a few other links to information.

Thanks, Nicky.

If anyone comes across some information that you think would be helpful to everyone, please send it to me and I will include in future Exec Connect editions. Also, please feel free to email to your fellow EOs as well.

Local of the Month - Central Susquehanna Builders Association

Members helping members and their community. That's the core of the Central Susquehanna BA membership. This local association located in the heart of the state is committed to the future of the workforce and helping out wherever they can.


How long have you been an EO? "Since March 2021"
What do you enjoy most about your position? "I enjoy working with our Board and helping to organize our upcoming home show."
What is a "fun fact" that most people do not know about you? "I am a licensed cosmetologist and also drove a fork truck for a living."
News from My Benefit Advisor...


Until recently, self-funding has only been a realistic option for larger groups. Now, however, with the advent of “level funded” programs, small groups can obtain the advantages of traditional self-funding with the benefit of stable monthly costs.

Level funding is worth considering for employers with 25 or more employees if the insured population is generally healthy. 

With level funding, the employer pays a fixed monthly cost to cover the amounts necessary for administration of the plan, stop loss coverage and claims funding. A third-party administrator pays the claims. Generally speaking, if at the end of the year, claim costs come in lower than expected, the administrator refunds the difference. If at the end of the year, claims come in higher than expected, the employer will reimburse the administrator for the difference.

Protection for the employer comes in the form of stop-loss insurance. Specific stop-loss limits the employer’s financial exposure when health claims for a particular covered individual exceed a specified dollar level, such as $25,000 or $50,000. Aggregate stop-loss insurance limits the employer’s financial liability when the total claims incurred by their group exceed a specified level, such as 120% or 125% of expected claims.

The Pennsylvania Builders Association offers its members access to My Benefit Advisor as a solution for employee benefits, including voluntary offerings. For more information about My Benefit Advisor, visit our website at or contact Glynis Roberts at (888) 333-7526.
Participate in the Public Comment Hearings - Share with your members

Consider participating in the International Code Council Public Comment Hearings September 21-26.

The hearings provide an opportunity for participants to influence the 2024 I‑Codes, the most widely-used and adopted set of building safety codes in the world. At the hearings, Governmental Member Voting Representatives vote on hundreds of proposed code changes on behalf of their respective jurisdictions.


PBA is posting weekly Did You Know graphics on social media. Included are links for more information. We encourage you to share these with your members. Below are the topics that ran during July.

NAHB offers a wealth of educational programs for members of PBA? These are opportunities for members to improve their skills, advance careers, and network with others in the homebuilding industry. - MORE INFORMATION

PBA members are eligible for a free Business Diagnostic Plan of Action through Small Business Growth Partners.? This program valued at $4,200 is free with your membership. Take advantage and help your business thrive. - MORE INFORMATION

The Professional Women in Building Council (PWB) is the voice of women in the building industry, dedicated to promoting industry professionalism and supporting members at the local, state and national levels? - MORE INFORMATION

Through your PBA membership, you can get up to $1,000 toward the purchase or lease of select GM vehicles? Find out how you can take advantage of this fantastic opportunity. - MORE INFORMATION

PBA President Cindy Cepko holds weekly virtual lunch sessions? PBA members can learn what’s going on in the industry and talk about their concerns and ideas. It’s a wide-open conversation available for any PBA member and the occasional guest expert. - MORE INFORMATION