Winter Updates 2022

Text Alert Service Update

Due to increasing issues with the current text alert service, we will be changing services on January 2nd. All customers must re-sign up to continue to receive text alerts for added ferries, canceled runs, package deliveries, and other important information. Please visit our website or signup in our PI office. We will now be paying for this service so please only select the months that you will be traveling on the ferry. Thank you!

Please click here to sign up for Text Alerts

Ferry Vessel switch

The newly replaced engines in the Herbert C. Bonner have made a big difference in emissions, fuel efficiency, and increased power for handling. The Bonner will need to come out of service for at least a month this winter while the engines and systems undergo routine maintenance.

The Prudence Ferry will come back into service in late January while the Bonner gets serviced at the dock in Bristol.

We will be monitoring ferry traffic and will add runs as needed.

Please book all vehicle travel in advance! This will guarantee your spot and allow us to see where we may need to add extra runs.

Snow and Ice season is here...

Please keep the center lane of the parking lot clear during snow events to allow for snow plowing.

Crew and office staff will be hard at work to keep docks, ramps, and vessels clear of ice and snow, but please walk with caution, surfaces may be slippery!

Captains Cards Make Great Gifts!

Need a last minute gift? Pick up a Captains Card from the Prudence Island or Bristol ferry ticket office. Captains Cards are gift cards that never expire and can be loaded with a custom dollar amount.

Parking Updates from Bristol Harbor Master's Office

The free day parking lot across the street from the ferry has been closed for the winter.

The parking lot at the ferry continues to be parking for marina permit holders only, other vehicles may be towed.

During the winter months there is no paid overnight parking available through the Harbor Master office.

For parking questions please call the Harbor Master's office at 401-253-1700

Notice from P.I Officer Tavernier

Officer Tavernier has again offered to give rides to anyone who can leave their vehicle at their island residence rather than in the PI parking lot. This will help us keep the lot clear for commuters and for snow plowing.

All golf cart registrations expire at the end of December 2022 and must be re-registered for 2023. See Officer Tavernier in the PI lot at ferry time for more information on golf cart registration.

Thank you to East Bay Power for brightening things up with the new waiting area lights!

Happy Holidays from all of the staff and crew at Prudence and Bay Islands Transport! Thank you all for your support and kindness throughout the year!