ASA E-News | July 10, 2019
Advisor Update
The latest product and rate-related carrier announcements, for your convenience.
In the News
Long Term Care Solutions
Long Term Care insurance is changing! Visit our newly improved website to learn more about the different products and strategies available to help your clients prepare for future long term care needs. You can also access free cost of care calculators which you can share with your clients to help them better understand the true costs of LTC across the US.

PBR is More Than a Beer. Learn About Regulatory Changes That Will Impact Your Business.
Lincoln Financial Group released it's 2019 transition and placement guidelines on July 29th. These rules are applicable for any Lincoln life insurance product that is not PBR and/or CSO compliant. Beginning Jan. 1, 2020, compliance with PBR is mandatory for all companies not
otherwise exempted.
7 Reasons Why Life Insurance Trusts Will Always Make Sense
When the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 was signed into law in December of 2017, the estate planning market was altered. The law raised the federal estate tax exemption and many believed the need for a life insurance trust to house their policy was diminished. However, even after TCJA, there are several excellent reasons to have a life insurance trust, and the policy owner should consider these facts.

Your Wealthy Customers Will Spend More on Life Insurance Than the Average Home.
According to ITM Twentyfirst Services and the data collected over 18 years on 49,000+ trust owned policies, the average Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust will surpass the typical home as the largest investment. Consider the below statistics and make a commitment to talk to your ILIT clients about appointing a qualified trustee to protect them as well as yourself.
  • 79% of all insurance trusts are not performing as planned.
  • 54% of Trust Owned Life Insurance is projected to lapse prior to maturity
  • 32% of Guaranteed Universal Life benefits have been compromised
  • 95% of term Trust Owned Life Insurance is never converted.
  • 23% of Trust Owned Life Insurance will lapse prior to the insured's death.
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