Changing the way we think about prevention
February 5, 2019
Welcome Miguel Tovar,
Chief Financial Officer
I am pleased to introduce Miguel Tovar, who joins the Prevent Child Abuse America national office this week as our new Chief Financial Officer.

Previously, Miguel served as Chief Financial Officer at Instituto Del Progreso Latino, a Chicago-based international nonprofit that serves more than 10,000 families annually, providing education, healthcare, and nutrition and job guidance to increase independence.

Prior to that, he occupied numerous roles at Univision Television, including Vice President, Controller, and Business Manager. Through each step of his career, Miguel has proven himself a valuable leader, successfully directing and optimizing the fiscal health and growth of multi-tiered organizations. He is adept at proactively identifying and solving complex issues, as well as easily and clearly communicating outcomes with a wide range of stakeholders. 
A deep believer in community involvement, Miguel serves on the State of Illinois Treasurer’s Office Hispanic Advisory Council and is a member of the Board of Trustees for the Norwegian American Hospital. A graduate of California State University of Sacramento, he holds a B.S. in Accounting.

Please join me in welcoming Miguel to PCA America, where he will play an instrumental role in advancing our mission and helping great childhoods happen. You can reach him at [email protected] .
Dan Duffy
President & CEO
Prevent Child Abuse America