Welcome to the Prevent Child Abuse Illinois E-mail Newsletter! We look forward to bringing you child abuse prevention information, free trainings, free material, and updates about our prevention efforts throughout the state.
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month!
Child Abuse Prevention Month has been observed each April since its first presidential proclamation in 1983. Since that time millions of Americans have participated in this exciting public awareness campaign. Individuals, organizations and communities across the country plant pinwheels, tie ribbons, organize trainings, host fundraisers, hold family events, and support a multitude of other activities celebrating childhood and raising awareness that all children deserve to grow up in happy, healthy environments.
Consider attending a kick-off event in your area! Find out more.
Make sure you Wear Blue on April 10th.
By wearing blue, you can show your commitment to prevent child abuse and supporting strong families and healthy children in Illinois!
And on April 10th, share pictures of yourself wearing blue to our Facebook page! Use #CAPmonth and #preventchildabuseillinois.
Download the poster.
Watch out for our traveling kids display in April.
Child Abuse Prevention Month is in April. This year, our traveling child will be headed around the state. When you see our display, snap a picture with it and post it on Facebook or Twitter using
Show your support of kids, and spread the word that every child deserves to grow up in a happy, healthy and safe environment.
Please help Prevent Child Abuse Illinois win $1,000!
You can help us win $1,000 simply by hitting "like" on a Facebook page!
Mike Williams Plumbing is giving away $1,000 every month to a charity. Prevent Child Abuse Illinois is one up for this amazing opportunity.
Please find
Mike Williams Plumbing on Facebook, like their page, and then find our logo in their "Vote for your Favorite Local Charity Organization" photo album. Like our logo, and the organization with the most likes wins!
Voting ends March 31st! We'd love to have $1,000 to start off April as Child Abuse Prevention month. Please help us, and vote today!
April is not only Child Abuse Prevention Month; it is also Sexual Assault Awareness Month.
In order to better protect children from child sexual abuse it is very important for parents to teach their children in an age-appropriate way about their bodies and about healthy sexuality. It is important to have those conversations and more importantly to keep those conversations on-going because in today's world children are constantly bombarded by inappropriate and oftentimes offensive sexual messages everywhere. In fact most children inappropriately learn about sex through their friends and messaging through the media. Having conversations about healthy sexuality with your children should not be difficult. By doing so, it can open up the dialogue and help to create strong relationships and a healthy bond of open communication between parent and child about a difficult subject. Having these conversations can help protect children from abuse!
There are many resources available to help parents and their children to begin or continue this very important conversation. Here are only a few resources that you might find helpful:
Dr. Janet Rosenzweig, http://www.janetrosenzweig.com/ & http://www.sexwiseparent.com/
Prevent Child Abuse Illinois offers two child sexual abuse prevention trainings for adults, Child Sexual Abuse Prevention 101' and the 'Stewards of Children'. If you are interested in learning more or to schedule a training, please contact Jennifer Samartano,
[email protected] or call 630-701-4710, or call our Springfield office at 217-522-1129.
2015 Metro East Meth + Other Drugs Conference dates announced
The Metro East Meth + Other Drugs conference is scheduled for April 22-23, 2015 at The National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows in Belleville, IL.
Registration is now open. Please visit here to download the forms if you are interested in attending. For questions, contact Tarra Winters at [email protected].
Safe & Healthy Infant Training scheduled for April 30.
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) and Safe Sleep Environments for Babies might be the most important information you ever learn and might mean the difference between life and death! SIDS is the leading cause of death for infants between 1 month and 12 months of age, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. According to the Centers for Disease Control, SBS is the leading cause of child abuse deaths in the US. Nearly all victims of SBS suffer serious health consequences and at least 1 of 4 babies who are violently shaken will die. Both SIDS and SBS are most common among infants from 1-4 months old. This training will be held at the Dove Conference Center in Springfield, Illinois, and is sponsored in part by the Community Child Care Connection, SIDS of Illinois and Prevent Child Abuse Illinois.
Human Trafficking CAP Summit on May 13.
Everyday children, youth, and adults become victims of human trafficking, but what is it? Stacy Sloan from the Department of Children and Family Services will be our presenter at this year's upcoming Child Abuse Prevention Summit. The workshop will take place on May 13, 2015 from 9:00am-12:00pm at Baby Fold in Normal, IL. During the training, Stacy will provide participants with a foundational understanding of what is human trafficking, what it entails, as well as the impact it is having on our communities.
If you have an interest in attending this year's CAP summit or joining a coalition, please reach out to Tamara Guy at [email protected].
2015 Illinois Walk for Children will be June 6th: Get registered!
The 6th Annual Illinois Walk for Children: Be a Superhero to Every Child is a fundraiser for Prevent Child Abuse Illinois to help continue their efforts of providing child abuse prevention education throughout the State of Illinois.
This fun, family-friendly event will be held on June 6, 2015, at Southern View Park in Springfield. There is a 1-mile walk, followed by an old-fashioned carnival for children ages 12 and younger, and a hot dog lunch. Marvel's very own Iron Man and Spiderman will be on-site to encourage walkers of all ages to get involved!