
"Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! Again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone? And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him--a threefold cord is not quickly broken." Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

"A life-giving leader is not a solo act. She is called to lead covenantally."

Life-giving Leadership

by Karen Hodge and Susan Hunt

I've met some lone-ranger leaders. Truth be told, I have been a lone-ranger leader more times than I want to confess. We might be personality-driven leaders where the ministry can only extend to the extent of an individual's giftedness. We might be isolated and under-resourced, feeling the weight of the ministry upon our shoulders. No one sets out to lead alone. The hard facts are that sometimes we look over our shoulder, and no one is following. A life-giving leader is never a solo act.

Solomon reminds a lonely leader that two are always better than one. This passage showcases the beauty and the blessing of rich fellowship and gospel-partnership. When we serve shoulder to shoulder, the Lord will provide a good reward for our kingdom investment. When we are discouraged and fall, our teammates are there to lift us up. When not, if life and ministry get cold and barren, we have the privilege of reminding each other what is true and to be warmed in Christ's love. And when criticism and attack come, friends strengthen us as we stand united in the truth of His Word. Team-based Women's Ministry is not about one or two women trying to prop up a Women's Ministry program. It is a joy-filled call to corporately lay down our lives as we serve and submit to His leadership over our lives.

These verses remind us of the necessity of fellowship and that our earthly relationships must be bound together by the unseen cord of our common relationship with Jesus. Christ is our life-giving Leader, and we are united and interwoven with Him. Life-giving leadership is His love, grace, wisdom, and strength through us to others. Threefold leadership Women's Ministry is the only kind of ministry that won’t unravel. 

Early Registration Deadline for Women's Ministry Leadership Training is 11/30!

WM 101 Podcast

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