Happy Valentines Day, everybody!

It's a nice thing that this day celebrating love and friendship, falls at the most weather brutal time of year. We certainly can use some cheer mid-winter, and as if in agreement, the sun was blazing full of love on our rather frigid little corner of the world today. Lovely!

Good news! The walk-in fridges are finishing up and Chef Christina and her team will be back in our kitchen next week. Now the only thing left in this massive upgrade, is getting some extra shelving for the pantry and hooking up the new steam table in the kitchen. That last item will still take some time since new electricity lines need to be brought to the steam table location. This won't affect lunch service in any way because we've been working this long without a steam table, so a few more weeks won't change anything.

Our March 'Dinner Theater' event has been posted and we hope you are looking forward to a performance of Billy Holiday's best tunes, performed at the Geva Theater. Chef Christina spent some time researching the fare that was served at some of the venues Ms Holiday performed at and she will be bringing some of these flavors to your table. We hope you will enjoy them!

Another fun event coming up next month is our annual Irish Night. The Irish Dancing School, Rince Na Tiarna, will be back again for an hour of invigorating entertainment! Typical Irish fare will be served along with our famous Chocolate Guinness Cupcakes for dessert; so register soon because this will fill up fast.

A new MVPT Seminar is scheduled for March that will surely appeal to all Pickleball players out there because it will be all about preventing injuries while playing this fun and addictive game.

Lesley Shakespeare has scheduled another Acrylic Painting class for April. This one is scheduled as an evening activity for members of the 55+ crowd that can't make it to an afternoon class.

For those of you participating in our aquatic fitness classes: Marjorie and Marcia will both be on vacation next week, so no classes.

Since we're on the topic of fitness classes, I've been asked to reiterate to (please please please) wait for a previous class to empty from a room, before entering for your upcoming class. I realize that folks are rushing to grab "their" spots, so please keep in mind that flexibility keeps us young and to enjoy the view of the room from another angle if you don't get the spot that you 'usually' get. We cannot, and will not, reserve spots.

The other thing I wanted to mention about the fitness classes, is that there is a rumor going around that you don't need to sign in for a class if you have previously signed in to an earlier class that same day. This is not true. You must sign in to every class you attend and are registered for. There are a number of reasons for this; such as 1) it's a legal requirement, 2) we need to know how many people participate in each class, 3) to be able to identify no-shows and provide a spot to someone waiting on stand-by, 4) to be able to identify who attends classes without registering, and finally, 5) to get reimbursed by your insurance provider.

And that is that for this brisk, but sunny, Valentine Wednesday!
I hope you have a great rest of the week and get to spend some time with those you love... or even just like. Buy some flowers to cheer your space and choose some chocolate flavors you've never tried before just for the sheer adventure of it.

Stay warm!

This limited edition 16" x 19" poster is now available for purchase at the front desk of the PCC lobby for $20.
Every Thursday, from 9:00 to 11:00 AM, a friendly bunch of folks gather to play Billiards and enjoy cake and coffee. Join them if this is what you've been missing!
For more information, call John Bowers at the telephone numbers listed below.
Our 55+ Lounge is a busy place! Come join in on your
favorite game.
Did you know that our bus will pick you up ( and bring you home again) so you won't miss your fitness classes? Take a class or two, mingle with others in the lounge or the lobby, and pick up your lunch on the way home!
Every month, twice a month, unless otherwise stated.
Lower your insurance rates or remove points on your driving record! These classes will still teach you new things even after years of driving.
Do you have supplemental insurance that covers 55+ fitness classes? We have a huge array of classes for all levels and abilities to keep you healthy, fit, and strong! Come by the 55+ Lounge and get your fitness pass and pick up one of the schedules.
Call us at
(585) 223-1617
Mon - Fri
8:00 AM - 3:30 PM
If you are having difficulties registering online, maybe you haven't set up a Web account with us yet to do so.
Call Amanda at (585)223-5050 EXT 1133
to set up your WebTrac account!