Hello Everybody,

I figured that with all this lovely weather we are experiencing, I needed to update the background for this newsletter since the snowflakes just weren't cutting it. The crocuses are popping out in the flower garden in front of the community center, so before we get a late winter snow fall covering them all up again (causing distressing seasonal confusion and headaches), our newsletter background is representative of the turn of the season - even if it's 14 days too early. Spring is (unofficially) here!

That said, I'm flabbergasted that Irish Night is happening NEXT WEEK! How did that happen? Wasn't it just Valentines Day? If you find yourself seasonally challenged like I am, and can't wait to dig in to your annual plate of corned beef, cabbage, spuds, and those awesome Chocolate Guinness cupcakes, please register for our Irish Night before it's too late. The Irish dancing school will be back; amazing us all with their endurance, strength, and grace. Slainte!

Due to Irish Night taking place next Thursday, we will only have a 3 day lunch week next week. Check out the deliciousness and order by Friday 2:00 PM!

We still have a few tickets to the Geva Dinner Theater Night, so if you thought they are all sold out, they are not! You can register with or without dinner; we'll provide the ride and the theater tickets.

I received news that the first meeting of the new Couples Club was a great success! Around 40 people showed up in pairs and the group is in the process of organizing themselves. Their next meeting will be on Thursday, 3/21 at a venue in Fairport. See the posting below for more details.

There will be a dress rehearsal for the teen version of CHICAGO, being performed at Fairport High School. Bill Tiberio, Fairport HS music teacher, has asked me to let all of you know that seniors are invited for free to their dress rehearsal on Monday, 3/11 at 3:00. In order for me to be able to provide Bill with an estimate of how many of you will attend that show, we ask you to please register. You will need to provide your own transportation to the event.

Lesley Shakespeare is adding another fun art class to the spring selection; creating a lovely spring decoration for your home, or a friend's home who is lacking adequate spring decorations. No matter on whose wall your artwork ends up on, you will have a great time making it!

I have been asked to let you all know that if you have saved a space in a fitness class, but find that you are unable to attend, to please let us know. For many popular classes, there are people waiting in the wings in case someone can't make it to class. If you let us know in advance that you aren't coming, we'll be sure to make that space available to one of the folks waiting.
Since we're on the fitness class topic; THANK YOU all for having been so diligent this past winter changing your street shoes to indoor exercising shoes in order to keep our floors as clean as possible. It has been greatly appreciated and the floors have been a lot less slippery.

Unfortunately this lovely stretch of weather won't extend to the weekend, but nevertheless, I hope you all have a great weekend planning your warm weather activities (hint).

All the best,
This limited edition 16" x 19" poster is now available for purchase at the front desk of the PCC lobby for $20.
Every Thursday, from 9:00 to 11:00 AM, a friendly bunch of folks gather to play Billiards and enjoy cake and coffee. Join them if this is what you've been missing!
For more information, call John Bowers at the telephone numbers listed below.
Our 55+ Lounge is a busy place! Come join in on your
favorite game.
Did you know that our bus will pick you up ( and bring you home again) so you won't miss your fitness classes? Take a class or two, mingle with others in the lounge or the lobby, and pick up your lunch on the way home!
Every month, twice a month, unless otherwise stated.
Lower your insurance rates or remove points on your driving record! These classes will still teach you new things even after years of driving.
Do you have supplemental insurance that covers 55+ fitness classes? We have a huge array of classes for all levels and abilities to keep you healthy, fit, and strong! Come by the 55+ Lounge and get your fitness pass and pick up one of the schedules.
Call us at
(585) 223-1617
Mon - Fri
8:00 AM - 3:30 PM
If you are having difficulties registering online, maybe you haven't set up a Web account with us yet to do so.
Call Amanda at (585)223-5050 EXT 1133
to set up your WebTrac account!