Making South Carolina more
bike and walk friendly, since 1995.
April / May 2022 Newsletter

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Legislative Updates
S.908, the Carolina Squat bill, PASSED!!! Your emails and calls worked! This bill was sponsored by Senator Rankin of Horry. It will soon be illegal to dangerously alter your vehicle's front and rear so the angle is unsafe to drive and see safely.

S.248, the Hands Free bill, moved at lightning speed at the start of session in January in the Senate and through committee. In February it struggled with an Objection on the Senate floor, but made it through by rare Special Order late February. By March 1, the Hands Free bill had successfully passed through the Senate and into the House - only because of windfall of voiced support. In the House, S.248 was sent to Judiciary committee, where PCC and partners continued to work to prioritize the bill. Rep. Rita Allison of Spartanburg passed a Resolution for Distracted Driving in the House towards that end. S.248 still awaits a subcommittee hearing in Judiciary near the end of session.

H.3120, the Trails Tax Incentive bill, acquired over 20 co-sponsors last year and made it through subcommittee. This year, it crossed from the House to the Senate just in time, after an attempt to stall it failed. It currently resides in the Senate Finance committee and awaits a hearing near the end of session. 

S.245, the 3 Feet to Pass bill, sponsored by Senator Young of Aiken, was advanced by PCC last year, but an Objection was raised by a Senator who wanted to change the existing Safe Passing Law. PCC was unable to obtain resolution with the merits of this Objection. S.245 died when it did not make it through the Senate by the cross over deadline of April 10. 

H.3050, Criminal Justice Reform, sponsored by Rep. Moss, establishes additional responsibilities to the Law Enforcement Training Council to develop curriculum and minimum standards. Additionally establishes a Compliance Division under the Council, which will inspect the relevant policies and procedures for every law enforcement agency in this State to ensure compliance with minimum standards. H.3050 was developed by the House Equitable Justice and Law Enforcement Reform committee and has broad support. H.3050 was amended May 3 in committee and awaits passage in the Senate now.

Read PCC's April 28th Legislative Update blogpost, for more information about these bills and others.
PCC & partners recommend changes
to SCDOT's TA funding
Bike and walk infrastructure is built with funding from many generalized sources: a local general fund, county transportation committee, transportation sales tax money, state highway safety money, or from a state funded, regional Long Range Transportation Plan.

However, there are other federal pots of money that are dedicated ONLY for use for biking and walking. One is Transportation Alternatives (TA) funding, and after the new infrastructure bill, that funding went up 60% at our SCDOT and doubled in our largest cities. PCC and partners recently submitted recommended changes to SCDOT on administering this now larger grant program. We are grateful SCDOT was open to changes; they manage TA funding as a competitive grant process for rural areas, towns, and small cities. FY2022 Transportation Alternative funding will NOW total $24Million for South Carolina. Approximately half of that goes to SC's largest urbanized areas, where it's managed independently of SCDOT. The other half if administered by SCDOT through a competitive grant process to small cities, towns, and rural areas.

PCC & partners recommended to SCDOT to make these program changes: 1) use for larger projects, by raising the maximum and minimum caps, 2) provide more guidance to small communities without grant writers, 3) allow more flexibility in where the 20% local match can come from, 4) allow grant to fund programs too, 5) fund Temporary Infrastructure projects, and 6) bring back Safe Routes to School program funds.
SCDOT's new Road Safety Audits for VRU's
SCDOT is conducting more Vulnerable Road User (VRU) specific Road Safety Audits on the most unsafe roads for VRU's. See that map here. Click on the far right tab - and then the spreadsheet.
New federal grant program gearing up
Municipal leaders across the country are gearing up to apply for the new Safe Streets and Roads for All program (SS4A). See this link for more information.

Here's what your community needs to know to apply for this grant and help reduce the number of fatalities on your roads.

all of May, 2022
May 15-17
PfB Ebike Summit, Asheville
May 18-19
May 20-22
Oct 22
Nov 9-13

Got a ride or event to share?
Full calendar has more.
Also see route links.
We are only as strong as the members that support us. Donate today!
Read how to get your own Share the Road plate here. Thank you for the support!
What We are Watching:
See this quick video to learn why safety VS vehicle speed are incompatible goals, and why the answer is narrower lanes, narrower intersections, streets trees, and tighter corners and curves. (Smart Growth America & Strong Towns)
DYK? Bike Mounted Rangers in SC state parks
Read about them here!
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