Making South Carolina more
bike and walk friendly, since 1995.
July/Aug 2022 Newsletter
NEW board member Spotlight!
Fiona Martin, Lugoff, Midlands Regional Director
Fiona is a digital marketer and founder of FGM Internet Marketing, a workers' owned co-operative for digital marketing professionals. As a competitive triathlete, she spends many hours traveling by foot and bicycle on the roads near her house in Kershaw County. Through her grassroots advocacy for bike/ped safety, she was appointed to the Kershaw County Planning Commission in March 2021. 
Tameika Isaac Devine, Columbia, Advisory
Tameika is a Partner in the Law firm of Jabber & Isaac, PA and an expert in the area of women in leadership. As a former member of Columbia City Council, she chaired the city's environment and infrastructure committee and fiercely advocated for the implementation of the Walk Bike Columbia plan. She continues to be a community champion and advocates for issues that are important to our citizens and community. 
Kyle Kelly, Sumter, Advisory
Kyle is a Senior Planner with the Sumter City-County Planning Commission, where he serves as the lead transportation planner for the City of Sumter, Sumter County, and the Sumter Area Transportation Study (SUATS) MPO.  
Leigh DeForth, Columbia, Advisory
Leigh has worked in the planning field since 2005, and has enjoyed becoming more involved with bike and pedestrian planning while working as a comprehensive planner for the City of Columbia, a role she's held since 2015. 
Sylvie Baele, N. Charleston, Advisory
Sylvie is the executive director of Charleston's nonprofit bicycle shop, Second Chance Bikes, which works to make bikes accessible to all so everyone can enjoy the benefits of bike ownership.
Stacey Owens, Greenville, Advisory
Stacey is a retired police captain from the Greenville Police Department in S.C. after 28 years of service, where he served primarily in investigatory and supervisory roles. He holds a Master’s in Criminal Justice and is now employed by the SPINX Company, LLC as the Director of Community Engagement.
Click above to apply for a job at PCC!
PCC is hiring ! !
We are adding capacity to PCC. Help us find our next hire! We are seeking a highly qualified Community Engagement Manager (CEM) to oversee Summit Planning and outreach and engagement, assist in our Livable Streets Academy, and serve as a steady voice for people biking and walking in South Carolina. We seek someone who is dynamic, engaging, passionate, and committed to safer and more accessible biking, walking, and healthy & livable communities, who is also a highly motivated, tech savvy, responsible, and talented self-starter and good communicator, with experience working with diverse populations. Please share the CEM job ad with someone who fits that description. We would greatly appreciate it. And if we hire your referral, we'll send you a FREE t-shirt!
Log Trips ==> Win Prizes!
Log Miles ==> Win Prizes!
Last year, the League of American Bicyclists (LAB) and Love to Ride challenged you to transform 1 million car miles into bike miles, and this year it's 2 million miles for transportation! Be part of the LAB and PCC's goal to inspire more people to ride about town!
Did you know that nearly 1/2 of all trips in the USA are under 3 miles - less than a 20 minute bike ride? If we could switch a few car trips for bike trips, we'd all feel more fit, healthier, happier, and emit less CO2 into the atmosphere. In fact, if we all ride 2 million miles instead of drive, we'll save over 580,000 kg of CO2 from entering the atmosphere. Register today, and ride for trips OR miles for transportation. The more you do, the greater your chance of winning.

Aug 20
Sept 16
Oct 13-16
Oct 21-23
Oct 27-29
Oct 29
Oct 29
Nov 9-13

Got a ride or event to share?
Full calendar has more.
Also see route links.
We are only as strong as the members that support us. Donate today!
Read how to get your own Share the Road plate here.

Thank you for the support!
Good Read:
Editorial: Now that SC has ID’d
its most pedestrian-unfriendly streets,
it’s time to act
We agree with this entirely. Our advocacy, since the adoption of SCDOT's Complete Streets policy in 2021, calls for all of this. In 2022, SCDOT developed a priority list of SC's most high risk roads, and they need all hands on deck (funding) to implement it, if we're going to achieve equity, safety, and access for people biking and walking. Please read this Post & Courier Editorial, by the Editorial Staff. You'll see where our advocacy is going, from a birds eye view.
Good Read:
Travelers Rest will get a Trail Display Counter
Traveler's Rest is working with the non-profit Bike Walk Greenville to help fundraise for a display counter that will count people biking and walking along the Swamp Rabbit Trail through TR. TR says: "The counter is a powerful, highly visible tool used to communicate bike and pedestrian counts to the public in real time. This new addition to the trail provides quantitative insight into the daily and yearly use of the Swamp Rabbit Trail, along with comprehensive data on the economic and community impact the trail provides." Kudos to BikeWalkGreenville, who has also conducted manual counts.
Good Read:
The 6 Dimensions of Equity
Alta Planning is one of many highly qualified consultants for writing Bike and Pedestrian Master plan for cities, towns, and states. They have written a LOT in South Carolina. For a long time now, they have included Equity in their plans, as a way to prioritize distributing the benefits and burdens of biking and walking more equally. Read their take on their 6 Dimensions of Equity in transportation planning.
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to Our Generous Sponsors!
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