At our recent "Reunion" gathering in Jacksonville, FL, PCCNA President David Wells spoke regarding “Beyond the Impossible.” The fact is that what we as God’s people are called to be and to do is . . . Impossible! We cannot be the whole-hearted, whole-minded, whole-life lover of God and others we are called to be. We cannot consistently do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God as we are required to do. There is no way we can go to seven billion plus humans and make them disciplined followers of Jesus with the evidence of transformed and obedient lives as we are commissioned. Impossible . . . unless we go “Beyond the Impossible.” This article by David stems from his message at the PCCNA Reunion Conference and re-emphasizes these important truths.
Barbara Gray, Executive Director
We are pleased to introduce Barbara Gray as our newly appointed PCCNA Executive Director. Barb (as she's known by friends) has an extensive background in the areas of media and communication. In addition, she serves the Assemblies of God Coaching Network. Barb and her husband Brad have been in full-time ministry for more than 30 years. They currently pastor in the North Bay area in California. We extend a special welcome to Barb as she steps into this role!

Barbara Gray
Executive Director
The GO MOVEMENT is a joint collaborative movement of many denominations and ministries worldwide with the goal to mobilize and train every believer to be a witness of Jesus, reaching the world together. In 10 years, 64 million people have found Jesus and more than one billion people have been reached. In May, GO MONTH and GO DAY (formerly Global Outreach Day) are highlights with millions of believers sharing God’s love led by the motto “Pray, Serve, Witness.” Inspired by Matthew 28:19 the GO DECADE ministry team to reach every person worldwide with the Gospel by 2030.
April 2830, 2022
On April 28–30, Evangel University will host a two-day, preview event where visitors will have the opportunity to talk with professors, stay overnight in a dorm with a host student, and experience campus life at Evangel!

More info?
Phone: (417) 865-2815, ext 7432
As Pentecostals, the ACOP movement believes we are particularly adept at joyful praise. We welcome the moving of the Spirit and pray for spiritual renewal and refreshing as we join together each Lord’s Day.

Yet the last two years can serve us well by reminding us that our Christian hope is grounded not in our circumstances nor the latest spiritual mountaintop experience.

Neither is our hope measured by our attendance, our livestream audience, or other marketing success metrics. Our hope, as it has always been, is founded in the historical resurrection of Jesus Christ.

And that Easter hope–the hope of God breaking through with his healing love, resurrection power, and redemptive graceis a hopethat first arrived in the difficult dread and sorrow of Good Friday.
In a recent article, Alex Seidler with Elim Fellowship shared that googling the words “cool youth group ideas” yields 9 million results in half a second. That’s insane! There are also probably thousands of bloggers on the inter-webs who give coaching, thoughts, videos, game plans, blueprints for growth strategies, DVD curriculum, etc. I am not hating on those bloggers, they are great! But do you know what the problem is with all 9 million of these results? They don’t know you or your youth ministry. In Campus Target, we use EXTERNAL resources for growth and equipping all the time, but what about INTERNAL resources? It seems there is an overload of ideas and perspectives that all are outside of your situation and city. Internal resources are the things surrounding you right now that you could tap into and start using today. Feedback is a tool that unlocks ‘gold nuggets’ that have been stored up around you but have not been ‘panned’ to be discovered.
Ukraine has been under attack since February 24. Since that time, ERDO, the global mission outreach of the PAOC, has been active in monitoring the evolving situation, and is providing practical support through our partners. Currently we are responding with churches and organizations in Ukraine, Poland, Moldova and Romania. Here are some of the immediate needs for prayer and support: ERDO’s ChildCARE Plus partners in Ukraine have been working to evacuate all the sponsored children along with orphaned children and children with disabilities. Many children have already been moved to neighboring countries in western Europe through coordinated agreements and monitored transportation. ERDO (PAOC) is one of many global outreaches responding to the crisis in the Ukraine. We invite our PCCNA member organizations to let us know how you are responding to the crisis. Tap the "email us" button below to submit articles that we can feature in one of our upcoming communiques.
Your annual member and organizational contributions make a difference! PCCNA is a member of the ECFA.
Have you given your 2022 annual member contribution? Donate online or mail to:

Pentecostal Charismatic Churches of North America
P.O. Box 3986 | Cleveland, TN 37320-3986