Morning Session with Rev. David R. Wells, PCCNA President
2022 Reunion Conference in Jacksonville, Florida
PCCNA Member Organizations Respond

The US Supreme Court's recent ruling to overturn Roe vs Wade is historic. The desire to choose life is certainly a deep conviction PCCNA member organizations embrace.

Several of our member organizations have released statements on the recent ruling. They include a call for comprehensive, long-term, redemptive responses.

While not all members have not issued a response, you may access some by tapping the boxes below.
Press Release: JDA Worldwide for
Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, President NHCLC

“If we are celebrating this victory, we must likewise double down in providing services of compassion and outreach.”
- Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, President, NHCLC.

June 24, 2022

SACRAMENTO — Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, issued the following statement calling for comprehensive pro-life practice following the Dobbs decision by the Supreme Court:

“This long, dark night officially comes to an end. The unconscionable injustice of extreme abortion policies—aligning the U.S. with countries like North Korea and China is over. Praise God. We must now put the same energy into demonstrating mercy and compassion as we have our activism. 

“Now is the time for people of God to step up, proving they are comprehensively pro-life and pro-woman from the womb to the tomb, with not only rhetoric but actions that dignify, care for, and protect the lives of mothers, children, and families. We must be the hands and feet.

“Now is the time to unleash the greatest adoption movement in American history. Now is the time to come alongside women making difficult decisions and provide the necessary spiritual, emotional, relational, and economic support to undergird the continuum of life designed by God for all his children.

“The Church must come alongside mothers and provide the necessary economic support that government cannot provide. If we are celebrating this victory, we must likewise double down in providing services of compassion and outreach and support for the mother and the child not just in the womb, but after a baby is born. This is one of the many reasons we are seeing Latinos and Hispanics leaving the Democratic party en masse. We are pro-life.”

To learn more about NHCLC events, news and directives, visit them online by tapping the button below.
An Initiative of Servant Foundation

He Gets Us is a massive, advertising campaign, designed to create cultural change in the way people think about Jesus and His relevance in our lives.

The campaign began with a diverse group of people, who were passionate about the authentic Jesus of the Bible. He Gets Us is an initiative of the Servant Foundation, a designated 501c3 organization with a 100/100 Charity Navigator rating.

They are not “left” or “right” nor affiliated with any church or denomination. They simply want everyone to understand and relate to the authentic Jesus as He is depicted in the Biblethe Jesus of radical forgiveness, compassion, and love. This is about getting to know the real Jesus. How Jesus experienced the same problems and emotions that we have all been through. It is about providing a safe place to ask questions, including the tough ones, and realizing that Jesus is as relevant today as He was 2,000 years ago.

PCCNA member organizations such as the Church of God of Prophecy, International Pentecostal Holiness, and Open Bible Church (to name a few) are engaged in this powerful initiative!

To learn how your organization may be involved, email [email protected] to schedule a leadership or pastor briefing.

Don't miss your opportunity!
by Jamie Cain // IPHC Blog

“Please won’t you be my neighbor?” I remember Mr. Rogers’ kind voice and earnest smile as he sang those words on each episode of Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood. Rogers was a Christian and a minister, and he understood the biblical meaning of the word neighbor. Children watching instinctively understood Rogers’ invitation, as well as the deep meaning of the word, but over time, our society’s understanding has reduced to just “the person who lives next door.”

In a forthcoming book, former pastor David Docusen addresses that reduction and suggests a different—and, at times, difficult—way forward. Neighborliness (W Publishing, March 2022) asks, what could it mean to live as neighbors, in the sense that Jesus gives it in the Gospels? (More information about the book, as well as resources to bring the idea of neighborliness to your church or community, can be found at

To begin with, Docusen says, we need to overcome three obstacles to neighborliness: our intentional blindness, implicit bias, and aversion to discomfort. These three phenomena intertwine and flourish in the twenty-first century world. We live, as one writer said, in an “attentional economy,” where everything competes for the finite supply of an individual’s human attention. Small wonder, then, that we have little to spare when it comes to real need around us.
by Rev. Randall Bach, President
Open Bible Churches

Everyone has a story of their journey, and God loves to participate in those stories. Join President Randall A. Bach as he explores another “Better Roads” adventure!

In this episode, "A Conversation with Savannah Marten, Executive Director of the Pregnancy Center of Greater Toledo in Toledo, Ohio," Randall highlights the impact of this ministry.

Under Savannah's leadership, the center is committed to providing limited medical care for women and families, after-abortion care, and "Soul Purpose"a national ministry piloted and launched by Savannah and her team with a goal of equipping college-age women to embrace their value, worth, and identity. Abortion is such a strongly divisive and emotional topic, but Savannah demonstrates a heart and spirit that lovingly disarms heated arguments. She is passionately in love with Jesus (and her husband, Ryan) and sees life as an opportunity to lead as many people to heaven as possible. In this episode of Better Roads, Savannah offers insightful coaching for people who care about the pre-born and who want to please the Lord in demonstrating that care.
by Rev. Joe Oden
Evangelism Commission Chairperson

Turning on the news in today’s culture, one could feel a wide variety of different emotions. However, one thing is true; you do not have to watch long before the realization begins to set in that we live in a day and time when people are in desperate need of God. Within many segments of society, we seem to witness division, violence, depravity, decadence, disrespect for authority, and little to no regard for God. North America is in desperate need of a continental great awakening.

Looking at the history of awakenings in North America, we observe what occurred not long after the First Great Awakening ended was staleness penetrating the church. Bible colleges were full of skeptics, who would rationalize away all spirituality. Shades of the late 1760s mirrored what was happening in society as students would hold mock communions. As the minority on many campuses, Christian students met in secret. Another awakening was needed . . .

History reveals that one of the most powerfully used individuals of the Second Great Awakening was Charles G. Finney. His model was simple and proved to bear much fruit. His ministry shook the Northeastern part of the nation with 500,000 converts in 10 years. His method was to send two intercessors into a city that would pray for 30 days straight in 12-hour shifts per person. This would provide 24/7 prayer support for 30 days.

During our last PCCNA Evangelism Commission meeting in Jacksonville, I shared this model, which bore witness to the entire commission. One of the initiatives we are continuing to dialogue about is the implementation of combining intentional intercession—sending in intercessory teams to pray for 10 days—followed by evangelism training and mobilization. We believe this could significantly impact the local church and entire cities. When prayer and evangelism get married, the church is going to have a baby called Awakening.

Our commission is coordinating an evangelism conference, scheduled for March 23–25, 2023, in Dallas, Texas, to serve our PCCNA constituents throughout North America. Many network and denominational representatives have agreed to participate and equip on various topics.

Our goal is to bring together our collaborative PCCNA best practices and teaching. Mark your calendars for March 23–25, 2023, and plan to join us in Dallas, Texas.
by Tina Willis
Foursquare Church News

What is going to change this next generation for the Lord is the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.

In Acts 11, Peter addressed believers who were questioning his interactions with Gentiles and whether they could be saved. He explained: “As I began to speak, the Holy Spirit came on them as He had come on us at the beginning. Then I remembered what the Lord had said: ‘John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.’ So if God gave them the same gift He gave us who believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I to think that I could stand in God’s way?” (vv. 15-17, NIV).

This summer, every district is working hard to make camp happen for our youth, ages 8 to 18. Camp is a powerful experience the Lord can use to transform this next generation of youth to find their identity in Christ.
by Church of God Publications

The apostle Paul said the “middle wall of separation” dividing Jew and Gentile was destroyed by Jesus Christ, and we are “one new man” in the sight of God (Ephesians 2:14-16 NKJV). Truly, God is “no respecter of persons,” including ethnicities (Acts 10:34).

There is no place for racism or racial discrimination in the Christian faith. Anyone who claims to be a Christian and has hatred for any person, much less any group of people, is by that very hatred denying the Christian faith they espouse (see 1 John 2:9-11; 4:20). To manifest racism and racial hatred is to deny Christ and the gospel. At the same time, we must be proactive in declaring the good news of our Savior to all people everywhere. We must never forget, “For God so loved the world . . .” (John 3:16).
by Foursquare News

Foursquare Disaster Relief is partnering with Foursquare Missions International workers and Foursquare churches in Poland, Slovakia, Romania, and Croatia to buy food, life-saving essentials, and provide emergency housing to Ukrainian refugees. Watch updates from leaders on the ground and learn how you can partner with Foursquare Disaster Relief Response.
We invite our PCCNA member organizations to let us know how you are responding to the crisis in Ukraine. Tap the "EMAIL US" button below to submit articles or updates that we can share in one of our upcoming Communiques.

Your annual member and organizational contributions make a difference! PCCNA is a member of the ECFA.
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Pentecostal Charismatic Churches of North America
P.O. Box 3986 | Cleveland, TN 37320-3986