by Dr. A.D. Beacham, Jr.
General Superintendant
IPHC and PCCNA Chairman
The eternal communion experienced between the Son and the Holy Spirit was demonstrated in human history through the thirty-three years and nine months of Jesus life. His mother, the Virgin Mary, bore Him in her blessed womb as He was conceived by the Holy Spirit in fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy some 700 years earlier. The Holy Spirit was with Him as He matured into manhood, was baptized, overcame temptations in the wilderness, understood the basis of His ministry (Luke 4), and communed with His heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit in constant prayer. In the final hours with His disciples before His betrayal and arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane, He spoke in detail about His constant spiritual companion (John 14-16). Ponder these words of Jesus in this intensive workshop on the Holy Spirit given in the Upper Room and on the way to the Garden.
by Rev. Kay Horner | PCCNA Women In Ministry Commission Chairperson
An Encouraging Word from
Our Former PCCNA Executive Director
During this season on the Christian calendar, our Pentecostal-charismatic family becomes energized with fresh hope and anticipation for contemporary outpourings of the Holy Spirit. We often run past Ascension Day in our rush to reach the upper room and celebrate Pentecost. We long to see a fulfillment of the promised visions, dreams, signs, and miracles. We are praying and believing for God to restore the full operation of the spiritual gifts in our communities of faith. I say, “Yes and amen! May it be so in our generation.” Pentecost is also about celebrating the festival of harvest. We see an accelerated harvest after the outpouring of the Spirit when 3,000 were added to the church (Acts 2:41) and following the miraculous healing of the lame man as the number of men believers grew to 5,000 (Acts 4:4). Yet in Jesus’ Upper Room Discourse, people receiving the gift of eternal life and a knowledge of “the only true God and Jesus Christ” was intricately interwoven with oneness with the triune God and one another (John 17: 3, 20–23). Consequently, “Demonstrating unity in the power of the Holy Spirit” must be more than a byline or Christian mantra for the PCCNA.
by Rev. Jonathan Bland | IPHC Blog
As we prepare to celebrate Father’s Day (and having just celebrated Mother’s Day), we can never miss the fact that for a parent, legacy starts at home. Before we are consumed with reaching out to the world, our first spheres of influence are spouses and children. We are given ample opportunity to mark the lives of those closest to us. Let’s not waste it. But some of us don’t have children or spouses, so how can we leave a legacy? Look around you, there’s no shortage of opportunity. Many individuals do not have a relationship with their biological parents. Or perhaps there is relationship, but not the kind you want to build a legacy from. In the Church and out of the Church, there are hearts longing to feel the value that a mentor or spiritual parent can offer. Accidentally or intentionally, we will leave a legacy behind. I hope that you are challenged to choose to be intentional. Today, we have the opportunity to see who’s in front of us. All we must do is look up. They’re waiting for us.
by Rev. Rick George, General Overseer
International Fellowship of Christian Assemblies
by Shalane Wellard-McKay | Independent Assemblies of God Int'l Canada
“Just call me, Paul.” That is how Rev. Paul McPhail, former General Secretary of the Independent Assemblies of God International, Canada (IAOGI) often introduces himself. Being a member of the next generation, you can imagine the looks I would get when I referred to this man of God and leader of our fellowship as simply, Paul. Yet, I do my best to honor his request. This past month, I sat with Paul at breakfast during the 104th Annual National Convention for the IAOGI. Set to be a major week, this was the first time our fellowship had gathered in person since the pandemic. Additionally, Paul had announced the year prior that he would not accept the senior leadership position of general secretary in 2022. I peppered the man with questions about his 17 consecutive years of leadership and was quite content to listen to the wisdom and stories that promptly followed.
by Shauna White | Church of God Publications
Being Pentecostal matters to me because all my life I’ve been exposed to an environment where deep worship, praise, and prayer were OK. When tragedy hit my family, I watched my mother engage in spiritual warfare with strength and determination not of her own. She may not have run an aisle, but she dug her heels in and relentlessly sought God over the matter, trusting Him in the bleakest situation.
by AG News | AG Youth Ministries
Solomon once said, “There’s nothing new under the sun.”1 While that’s true in most cases, it doesn’t hold up with culture. Sure, there are universal values in every culture to certain extents, but the reality is that too many church leaders use that statement as a way to dodge figuring out how the next generation ticks. If the next generation is the future of the Church, then it deserves the better part of our personal bandwidth to get where they are and engage them.
by Rev. Karen Kepkay | Coastal Church
At different points in our lives, it is possible to feel overwhelmed by unchangeable circumstances. At the moment, we are trying to make sense of global issues such as the COVID pandemic, Russia-Ukraine conflict, global inflation, food insecurity and climate change, to name a few. At a more personal level, we might be feeling pressed down while waiting for a new turn of events, or the fulfillment of a promise or purpose. Though these circumstances are seemingly out of our control, we rest in the assurance that “God works everything for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:2*). God is sovereign over all, but in all these things He calls us to pray and persevere.
Leaders Are Learners!
The King's Seminary knows God is divinely involved in your journey. If that means you feel called to stay right where you are, we believe that shouldn't prevent you from continuing your education and being part of The King's community. That's why all of our seminary programs are offered online or combined online and cohort. Learn from anywhere!
“At The King’s, it’s all about education and experience. When you leave here, you’ll know how to minister to people effectively. How effective do you want to be?”
Jelani Lewis
Pastor, Gateway Church
Student, The King's Seminary
by NHCLC News
Bishop Derek Grier of Grace Church in Dumfries, Virginia, recently held a series of discussions with a variety of Bible experts regarding racial strife United States and how Christians can be part of the solution. Among those interviewed by Grier, the founder of 50 ministries, was Courtney McBath, the president of Virginia Bible College and bishop of Calvary Revival Church in Norfolk, Virginia. When asked why people might be unaware of the multiculturalism in the Bible, McBath said he finds that it’s due to an educational problem. “Like everything else, it’s a lack of teaching and training, and it’s the context and perspective of the training that we have. Part of the struggle of today is that so much of the Gospel was introduced to the world by a segment of people,” said McBath, who’s served as a pastor for more than 30 years and is the head of a multicultural leadership network on five continents.
by Convoy of Hope News
Since the start of the war, Convoy of Hope has served more than 2.2 million meals to more than 400,000 people across Europe. Convoy is also distributing other much-needed, relief supplies relating to hygiene and shelter. More than 50 operational partners throughout Europe have assisted Convoy of Hope in this response. As Russian military forces move east, some people are returning to their hometowns. Upon arrival, many see the destruction of their homes and communities. Others are still fleeing from the violence.
We invite our PCCNA member organizations to let us know how you are responding to the crisis in Ukraine. Tap the "EMAIL US" button below to submit articles or updates that we can share in one of our upcoming Communiques.
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Pentecostal Charismatic Churches of North America
P.O. Box 3986 | Cleveland, TN 37320-3986