Tracking Legal Technology
PCLaw 11 and QuickBooks - To Link or Not To Link?
One of the major new features in PCLaw 11.0 is a closer integration with QuickBooks.  Now, if PCLaw is already an award-winning, integrated solution for law firms, why should this be necessary?  The answer is - to take advantage of the legal-specific billing and trust accounting capabilities of PCLaw, along with the advantages of tax submission contained in QuickBooks.
How the Link Works:
The new PCLaw-QuickBooks link is a one-way link.  The data flow is from PCLaw to QuickBooks.  Data is entered into PCLaw and is seamlessly integrated into QuickBooks.  In Version 10 and below, PCLaw data was exported in an .IIF format for QuickBooks, but could only display totals.  With Version 11, PCLaw data exported to QuickBooks includes detailed transactions and data entities.
Data that is transferred from PCLaw is flagged to indicate that records have been exported.  This prevents data records from being exported more than once.
What and How Much Data Can Be Exported?
The link can be used in one of three ways -


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About Eastern Legal Systems, LLC
Eastern Legal Systems, LLC is a regional consulting firm spanning the Eastern United States, with local offices in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Washington,D.C. The firm specializes in time billing, accounting, case management, and document management software. The firm's founding partners have consulted in the legal technology field for over 20 years, and focus on commercial software products for law practice management. Our mission is to add value to each project we initiate for our law firm clients through our extensive software and training experience, and our deep knowledge of the products we support.
About PCLaw�
PCLaw� by LexisNexis is an easy to use foundational solution for managing matters, helping to ensure compliance with trust accounting rules, tracking time and expenses, billing, payroll and
more. Preferred by more than 30,000 law firms, PCLaw is the most widely used, legal-specific, back-office management software in North America.
Setup is straightforward with a unique Startup section to help the user enter current accounting information.  PCLaw can also accept data from other systems, including Timeslips�, QuickBooks�, Tabs3™, AbacusLaw Gold, ESILaw and more. User-friendly Navigators and screens guide the user through entering time and expenses to create bills in a variety of designs (including the LEDES electronic billing format).  The program allows bank account transfers, full Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable functionality, payroll management and even the acceptance of credit cards. 
There are also a variety of reports for general ledger and
financial statements, as well as reports requested by attorneys for almost 30 years providing valuable management feedback.
PCLaw is an integrated application, but has third-party links to Time Matters�, HotDocs�, MS Office, Word Perfect�, Amicus Attorney� and Adobe Acrobat.
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