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PCS Countdown

PCS Season is in full swing! Are you ready? Whether you are moving a state away or an entire continent away, the chaos can build up! So, start purging and take a look at our PCS Countdown to get you going!

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Helpful Tips for a PCS move

When you get the PCS orders, your head may start spinning with everything that you have to do between now and then! No two PCS’s are ever the same, but there are some helpful tips that can make this transition less stressful! Make sure to check out these Helpful Tips for a PCS Move.

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PCS Checklist for the Military Spouse

PCS’ing can be overwhelming! So, we are here to help with a quick and easy PCS Checklist for the Military Spouse to help you think of some of the forgotten items that can pop up as you get ready to PCS.

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PCS with Pets, Powered by Purina

Don’t forget about your four-legged friends when it’s PCS time! It can be stressful for them too! However, we are here for you with our PCS Pet Prep! So don’t delay, and start prepping today!

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Summer Grilling with Tyson Products

Get your summer BBQ ready with delicious Tyson products! Tyson Foods is here to provide you with all of your grilling essentials. These flavorful food items will surely make your BBQ the talk of the town! Visit your local Commissary to purchase.

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Stock Up and Save at your Commissary

Shop for these favorite products at your local Commissary now through July 3rd and you will be able to enter for a chance to win a $100 Commissary gift card.



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