A quick rundown of Ohio child protection news this week
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Weekly Update for August 13, 2018
Association Updates

Gubernatorial candidates to speak at 2018 PCSAO Annual Conference
Both major-party gubernatorial candidates have accepted PCSAO’s invitation to speak at the annual conference next month on their vision for children, families, and Ohio’s children services system. Richard Cordray will make remarks during the awards luncheon on Wednesday, Sept. 19, and Mike DeWine will speak during the awards luncheon on Thursday, Sept. 20. Both candidates have developed campaign platforms focused on children, and PCSAO is gratified that child protection and related children’s issues will be front and center during the campaign.

Mike Kenney and Shannon Deinhart of   Kinnect  will keynote the breakfast plenary on Friday, Sept. 21.

Reminder: PCSAO Conference registration
Join us at the 2018 PCSAO Conference Sept. 19-21 in Columbus. Don’t miss our special offer for early registration rates -- register by Aug. 17. Some of our workshops are getting filled quickly. We encourage you to register as soon as possible. Download   the conference registration brochure  and then  register online  today!

Gift basket donations requested
PCSAO invites you and your agency to donate a gift basket. Gift baskets that we receive will be given away to conference attendees as door prizes during the networking events. With our appreciation of your generosity, any agencies that donate a gift basket will be listed on the conference program. Please e-mail [email protected] by Aug. 17 to confirm your gift basket donation. 

Institute for Human Services endorses PCSAO’s reform plan
We’d like to thank the Institute for Human Services (IHS) for endorsing the Children’s Continuum of Care Reform last week. IHS added its name to the growing list of state and national organizations supporting the redesign of the child protection system. Learn more .

AOF moves forward with new staff, establishes budget priorities
Advocates for Ohio’s Future, the coalition of state health and human service organizations, is reenergizing with new staff and held an annual planning retreat Aug. 7 that included a meeting with gubernatorial candidate Richard Cordray (a separate meeting is being planned with rival Mike DeWine). AOF has hired a new state director, Kelsey Bergfeld, and is gearing up for the biennium budget campaign that will begin in February.

OCWTP considers kin caregivers
At its monthly meeting Aug. 8, the Ohio Child Welfare Training Program welcomed Office of Families and Children Bureau Chief Alicia Allen to hear more about the training program’s interest in offering targeted learning opportunities to kin caregivers. Kin take placement of children who otherwise would go into foster care, and currently they are able to attend training offered at regional training centers on a space-available basis. While there is no interest in requiring kin to attend training, OCWTP has expressed interest over the years in ensuring that kin have access to much-needed training and other interventions that would help stabilize placement so that children can avoid entering foster care. There is also interest in developing specialized training for kin and marketing those opportunities to them, but at this time, federal guidelines appear to prohibit such. As the ratio of kinship placements to foster care placements grows across the state due to shifting practice and targeted programs such as 30 Days to Family, OCWTP is eager to ensure that these families have access to high-quality training when needed.

Inspiration from HOPE Parent Partners
HOPE Parent Partners have a tradition of inspiring others with their stories of overcoming hardships and success. Two recent HOPE parents are following in this tradition. Jennifer Alberts, a HOPE parent partner with Cuyahoga County, has written a book about her experiences, Birth of a Nation . Her first book signing this week was held at the Westside Community House in Cleveland. As part of a series on the opioid epidemic, an NBC Dateline reporter interviewed Kitty Matson, a HOPE parent partner with Fairfield County. She shared her lived experience and provided a tour of the drug hot spots in the area. Thank you, Jennifer and Kitty, for being willing to share your stories. Congratulations on your success!

Anti-human trafficking update
Announcements and Resources

Office of Criminal Justice Services strategic planning assessment survey
The Office of Criminal Justice Services (OCJS) is engaging in a statewide strategic planning effort to identify and address Ohio’s key criminal justice needs and priorities. Part of this effort involves gathering information from experts in the field. You are invited to participate in the strategic planning assessment survey. Your responses will be invaluable to OCJS in shaping the strategic plan. Please disseminate this assessment to your staff, colleagues, partners, associates, funded entities, membership, or other relevant parties in the field, as feedback is welcome from all stakeholders. Click here to complete the survey.

Third annual Responding to the Needs of Victims conference
Focusing on domestic violence and sexual assault training promoting trauma-informed approaches to victims and greater offender accountability, this conference is appropriate for law enforcement officers, victim advocates, attorneys, social workers, counselors and medical personnel. The training is organized by the Summit County Prosecutor’s Office, and it will be held Sept. 21. Click here to register. If you have questions, please contact Summit County Prosecutor’s Office .
 NSDTA conference registration opens
The National Staff Development and Training Association (part of the American Public Human Services Association) will hold its annual conference for trainers in Columbus Sept. 30-Oct. 3. Registration is now open. Celebrating its 30th year, the 2018 NSDTA Annual Conference is designed to assist health and human service leaders responsible for human services training, staff and organizational development/effectiveness shape the future of these vital programs through collaboration, innovation and the exchange of experience and knowledge amongst attendees. Thanks to the Institute for Human Services and the Central Ohio Regional Training Center for bringing this exciting national conference to the state and for helping to organize it!

OCDA fall training planned
The OCDA Fall Training brochure is available for your review. The Conference Committee did an excellent job organizing and planning an informative group of 40 session options. The registration form and online registration will be available by the end of next week. Please remember to make your hotel reservations before Sept. 21 by calling 614-885-1600. The rate is $159/night for single, double, triple and quad rooms. The room block will sell out before Sept. 21, so don't wait! If you have any questions, please e-mail [email protected] .
Child Protection in the News

Aug. 9 – Opioid crisis not slowing down in Ross County – ABC6OnYourSide.com
It's the video that stunned our viewers and even first responders working the case. Medics rushed to treat a baby who was just born in a toilet while police said his mom was high on drugs and didn't even know she gave birth to a baby.

Liam's adoptive mother picked up her son and asked him to display his feet. With his right foot on the glass table, the 5-year-old showed that one of his toes was inches removed from the rest. Liam was born with opioids in his system as a result of his birth mother's drug use.

The city’s multi-prong approach to the heroin epidemic seems to be making an impact, according to officials who reported the latest statistics Monday during the 14th Heroin Summit meeting, which have been held quarterly since 2015.

Voters in Hamilton County will be asked this fall to pay more in property taxes to help neglected and abused kids. The county's Board of Commissioners voted 2-1 Monday to put the issue on the November ballot; Republican Chris Monzel was the lone vote against.

Aug. 5 – HARCATUS program gives young adults a hand up – Bargain Hunter
The YES program is funded by a grant and is available only to those who meet certain eligibility requirements and have a qualifying barrier to employment. Potential barriers include lack of a high school diploma, living in a high-poverty area, receiving SNAP or OWF funds, past involvement in foster care, past or current involvement in the justice system, being a teen parent, or having a disability.

Far too many children are also living in homes where drug abuse is occurring. That's one of the many "Adverse Childhood Experiences" (ACES) that can induce a prolonged activation of the stress response system and impair development of children's brains and immune systems. 
Upcoming Events

Aug. 15 | Southwest District Meeting
Aug. 17 | Permanency Roundtables Advisory Council
Sept. 5 | Board of Trustees Meeting

Employment Opportunities

Looking for a career in child protection? Or a new position to challenge yourself? Check out the latest job openings in child protection.

UPP graduates seeking employment at a PCSA are listed on our website.
Quote of the Week

“Truth will always be truth, regardless of lack of understanding, disbelief or ignorance.”
- W. Clement Stone
Public Children Services Association of Ohio | 614-224-5802 | www.pcsao.org