May 2020 Vol. 2
Brought to you by Dairy's Professional Development Organization ®
LOOKING FOR TOP DAIRY INDUSTRY TALENT? An online resource from PDPW provides a great way to connect with students from universities and technical colleges who are seeking full- and part-time positions on dairies and in dairy-related occupations. Check out the PDPW talentCONNECT™ site to view experiences and skills of qualified individuals that may be the perfect fit for your organization.

If you are a student who would like to learn more about posting your information at talentCONNECT, contact PDPW at 800-947-7379 or email
The Dairy Signal
STAY UP TO DATE WITH THE DAIRY SIGNAL. Join industry leaders every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday as experts share updates on the latest news and trends, as well as strategies to manage during challenging times. The next several episodes will air June 2, 3, and 4; and June 9, 10, and 11. To view live episodes as they air, click here at noon Central Time on the corresponding day.

Recorded versions of every episode of The Dairy Signal™ are available for free here . Archived recordings are available in English and Spanish (via La Señal Lechera™).

Coming up next week:
Tuesday, June 2
What details do you need to provide to your lender and what do producers need to know about the banking world. 
  • Sam Miller, Managing Director, Head of Agriculture, BMO Harris Bank
  • Steve Schwoerer, Senior Dairy Lending Specialist, Compeer Financial

Wednesday, June 3
Learn how consumer buying habits have shifted during these uncharted times and what future trends could look like .
  • Charlie Arnot, CEO of The Center for Food Integrity

Thursday, June 4
Hear how the COVID-19 situation has impacted the environment and how the industry is responding. 
  • Dr. Frank Mitloehner, Ph.D., Professor and Air Quality Extension Specialist with the Department of Animal Science at University of California, Davis

Presenters and topics covered in the last couple weeks include:
Updates on the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) and the USDA’s Farmers to Families Food Box program.
  • Jim Mulhern, President and CEO, National Milk Producers Federation

Perspectives on the impact of COVID-19 on dairy farming around the world and how other countries and regions are being impacted.
  • Mary Ledman, Global Dairy Strategist, Rabobank

Details and timelines for the Wisconsin CFAP programs and signups. (Visit the Coronavirus Food Assistance web site for details on payment rates, eligibility, and records needed for application.)
  • Sandy Chalmers, State Executive Director, USDA Wisconsin Farm Service Agency
  • Tom Brandt, Farm Loan Chief, Wisconsin Farm Service Agency

Dairy producer scenarios that maximize net profit.
  • Victor Cabrera, Ph.D., Professor and Extension Specialist in Dairy Management, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Tim Swenson, Senior Business Consultant, Compeer Financial

Updates on what DMI is doing to increase demand for dairy-product consumption.
  • Barbara O’Brien, president of Dairy Management, Inc

Latest update on economic trends, ongoing global impact and how re-opening some parts of the industry is affecting the overall economy.
  • Economist Dan Basse, AgResource Company

The Dairy Signal is a resource intended for everyone in the dairy community. If you have suggestions for future programs and/or presenters, email
For your business mind
OSHA HAS RESUMED REQUIREMENTS FOR COVID-19 ILLNESS REPORTING after relaxing reporting rules earlier in the pandemic. As of May 26, employers must record all COVID-19 incidences if the case:
  • Meets the definition established by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
  • Is work-related
  • Involves one or more of the general recording criteria under the Occupational Safety and Health Act

To determine whether a COVID-19 illness is work-related or not, review guidance provided by OSHA here , and a summary from Ruder Ware law firm here .
MOVING OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE WITH COMPLIMENTS. During a presentation at the 2020 PDPW Virtual Business Conference, keynote speaker Michael Hoffman shared that providing feedback and reinforcing good work by saying “Thank you” or “I appreciate that” is key for employees to build confidence and repeat positive performance. If providing positive feedback and giving compliments is not something that comes easy to you, he recommends the following tips:
  • Think of giving compliments as a skill to practice. Be specific by saying “I really appreciate that you checked on that sick calf one more time … went out of your way to help your team members … arrived ten minutes early today … "
  • Focus on broadening your observation skills
  • Recognize that a compliment has nothing to do with your feelings; it’s about telling an employee what he or she needs to hear
  • If giving compliments is new to your management style, you might get push back or surprise at the beginning – but don’t stop
HOW DO SOME PEOPLE ALWAYS BOUNCE BACK even from the most challenging circumstances? Managing through a crisis can be difficult. Fortunately, there are several strategies you can use to cope during bad times and accomplish critical tasks, including:
  • Understand what you can control and what you can’t; then focus on actions you can take to make your situation better
  • Surround yourself with positive people. Even if you’d rather be alone, engaging with other people provides an outlet and way to connect with those who’ve had similar experiences.
  • Look for easy wins … find something you can complete quickly and successfully
  • Give others the benefit of the doubt

Read more in the full article .
Throwback thought
ALWAYS SOMETHING TO BE THANKFUL FOR. This time of year, we don’t commonly have Thanksgiving or the Christmas holiday season on our minds. Still, there’s value in focusing on the blessings in our lives no matter the season, especially during times of instability. Take a few minutes to listen to this PDPW Podcast from earlier this year for Hank Wagner’s thoughts on the importance of gratitude.
“A life without cause is a life without effect.”
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