December 2019 vol. 2
Brought to you by Dairy's Professional Development Organization ®
Opportunities to learn
January 8 and February 5, 2020
HOW ARE TOP DAIRIES HANDLING RISING LABOR COSTS?  Join Jason Karszes, Senior Extension Association with the PRO-DAIRY program at Cornell University, in the next PDPW World Class Webinar to learn about operational adjustments producers can implement to impact profitability. The webinar will be held Wed., Jan. 8 at 12:00pm central time, or watch a recorded version at your leisure. Karszes will provide insights and strategies that can be implemented at dairies of all sizes and geographies. The second webinar in the series, “What are the top 20% doing?” will be held on Feb. 5. Click here to learn more and to register. 
Financial Literacy for Dairy
Winter/Spring 2019-20
START THE NEW YEAR ON A STRONG FINANCIAL FOUNDATION with the PDPW Financial Literacy for Dairy Program. Level Two courses will be held Jan 8-9, Feb. 12-13, and March 4-5; and the new Level Three course will be on March 24-25. On online placement test will be completed upon registration and placement into appropriate course. Registered attendees will complete and online placement test, and sessions will be taught by dairy financial experts Gary Sipiorski, Dr. Kevin Bernhardt and Dick Wittman. Learn more and register here or call 800-947-7379 with questions
Applications due January 31, 2020
GET A HEAD START ON YOUR LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT GOALS by applying for the 2020 PDPW Cornerstone Dairy Academy to be held March 17 and 18, 2020, in conjunction with the PDPW Business Conference. With three training pillars to choose from, this application-based professional development program equips dairy professionals with the tools to communicate, collaborate and lead more effectively. Learn more and complete applications here . Don’t wait — applications are due Jan. 31, 2020. 
January 28 & 29, 2020
THE PDPW HISPANIC CONFLICT MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP - taught exclusively in Spanish - is designed for dairy farm managers, supervisors and workers. The one-day program will be held Tuesday, Jan. 28 in Oshkosh, Wis. and Wed., Jan. 29 in Eau Claire, Wis. This training will take your Spanish-speaking team's skill sets to the next level and cover the topics, tips and techniques to effectively manage personalities and conflict on your dairy. Register now !
February 12, 13, 2020
HOW WE HANDLE AND HOUSE OUR ANIMALS MATTERS to animal health, employee health and the consumers who ultimately purchase dairy products. Learn the latest from Don Höglund, DVM, about human-animal interaction and how practices can be improved at the 2020 PDPW Dairy Wellbeing Workshop.  Dr. Kurt Vogel will also present a session comparing how U.S. dairy compares to the rest of the world. Two separate one-day workshops will be held on Feb. 12 and 13 at the Tundra Lodge Resort in Green Bay, Wis. Learn more and register here .
March 18-19, 2020
“FOCUS 2020” AT THE PDPW BUSINESS CONFERENCE.  Mark your calendars now for the March 18-19 and make plans to join us at the premier educational event for the dairy industry. Keep watching for more details on keynote speakers, research previews, hands-on workshops and learning lounge sessions. Conference information is available here.
CHECK OUT DAIRY ADVAN CE – Continuing education season is upon us! If you’ve been able to get out of the fields to attend a program, be sure to give yourself credit for it at . The site is easy to navigate from desktop
or mobile phone and subscriptions are free for active farmers.

Get tracking today! Learn more at .
For your dairy
IMPACT OF REPLACING SOYBEAN MEAL WITH CANOLA MEAL at various ratios of alfalfa to corn silage was analyzed in a recent study in the Journal of Dairy Science . Cows were fed diets containing high ratio of alfalfa to corn silage (50% alfalfa, 10% corn), medium ration (30% alfalfa, 30% corn), or low ratio (10% alfalfa, 50% corn). Regardless of the forage source, replacing SBM with CM improved yields of milk, milk protein, and solids-not-fat. Yields of milk and milk components were greatest for cows fed 50% CS. Learn more here .
ADDING WATER TO HIGH STRAW DRY COW DIETS can improve intake and reduce sorting, according to research in the Journal of Dairy Science.   Beginning at dry-off, researchers fed Holstein cows entering their second or more lactation a high-straw dry cow TMR with no water, or water added to decrease the dry matter by 10%. Cows fed the wet diet tended to consume their feed faster and experienced a less rapid daily decline in rumen pH during the first 7 days after calving compared with those fed the diet without added water. Read more here .
For your business mind
TAKING TIME TO WELCOME NEW SPOUSES into the family business as well as the family will pay dividends in relationships and business processes. Start with explaining existing business processes like the purpose and attendees for family business meetings, as well as providing background on the business history, growth, changes and current goals. Depending on the new family member’s role and interest in the business, additional training for financial and legal documents may be required. Click here to learn more and find a list of topics to cover. 
TAKING NOTES AT WINTER MEETINGS AND CONFERENCES? Try a time-tested notetaking approach from Cornell University to help you take notes that help you remember key points and insights and refer back to them later. The system includes drawing lines to separate page into three sections: summary, notetaking and cues, which allows you to highlight the most important points and draw connections between them. Click here to read the article about the notetaking system and modifications that the author has included over the years. 
Dairy currents
STORYTELLING ABOUT FOOD INGREDIENTS, ORIGIN is top trend in the food industry for 2020, according to Innova Market Insights in a Food Business News article. A survey showed that 56% of consumers around the globe said that a story around a brand influences their purchase decision. Stories can include where ingredients are sources, how they are processed or detailing culture and tradition behind the products. Other top trends include:
2. Plant-based products
3. Consumer interest in sustainability
4. Consumer expectation of having many choices
5. Food texture.
Read about all top 10 trends in the full article here .
NEW REAL SEAL WEBSITE HELPS CONSUMERS CHOOSE AUTHENTIC DAIRY FOODS.  A new web site features a buyer’s guide to help shoppers identify brands that feature the REAL seal and only use real milk. It will also create more content about why consumers should look for the REAL seal on their food labels, and compares real dairy foods with imitators. Click h ere to read more and visit the new website here .
MORE THAN 9.5 MILLION LINKS HIGHLIGHTED IN COMPLEX MAP of the U.S. food chain, created by researchers at the University of Illinois. The map database shows how urban and rural counties are connected as products are grown, shipped, fed, processed and sold across the country. The project also identified the counties that had the highest inflows and outflows of food, with California counties at the top of the list. Researchers noted the high complexity of the food chain system and the interconnected infrastructure that keeps food products moving through the chain. Read a blog post here and the full study here
Book Review
For centuries, the common assumption was that our brains stopped developing at a young age. However, more recent research is showing the power of how our thoughts can physically rewire our brains and change lives. Attendees of the 2020 PDPW Managers Academy will be learning more about how to change how their brains approach problem solving and challenges. 

If you can’t make it to Corpus Christi and the Managers Academy this year, author Shad Helmstetter, Ph.D., shares information about this research and how principles such as intention, focus and repetition can help overcome challenges, reach personal goals, and increase mental sharpness and clarity. Throughout the book, he provides practical suggestions you can apply to work and daily life. Click here to learn more.
Words to live by
"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."
--- George Bernard Shaw
PDPW Educational Calendar
January 8, 2020

January 8 & 9, 2020: Level 2 Begins

January 14-16, 2020
Corpus Christi, Texas

January 14-16, 2020
Oshkosh, Wis. and Eau Claire, Wis.

February 5, 2020
February 12 & 13, 2020
Green Bay, Wis.

March 17-18, 2020
Alliant Energy Center, Madison, Wis.

March 18-19, 2020
Alliant Energy Center, Madison, Wis.

March 24-25, 2020: Level 3
Juneau, Wis.

April 4-5, 2020
Juneau, Wis.

April 14, 2020
Madison, Wis.
Thank you Vision and Mission Sponsors
Thank you to these agribusiness leaders that stand alongside our nation's dairy farmers supporting your professional development organization. Their support allows PDPW to execute best-in-class producer training and has enabled us to become the go-to resource for outreach initiatives. See the full list of generous sponsors here.