November 2019 vol. 1
Brought to you by Dairy's Professional Development Organization ®
Introducing PDPW PRIME
LOG INTO PDPW PRIME! Through this online catalog you now have access to the storefronts of hundreds of dairy’s premier suppliers in one easy-to-navigate resource. Suppliers can update their digital storefronts 24-7, ensuring you have the latest information about PDPW farmer specials, new product launches, services or resources at your fingertips anytime. Click here to check it out! 
Opportunities to learn
November 19, 20, 21, 2019, 2020
THIS WEEK - HANDS-ON WORKSHOPS AND FOCUSED BREAKOUT SESSIONS on social housing, identifying and diagnosing calf pneumonia, and understanding calf mortality are on tap for the PDPW Calf Care Connection® workshops. Three repeating one-day sessions will be held Nov. 19 in Chilton, Nov. 20 in Eau Claire, and Nov. 21 in Fennimore, Wis. Workshops will be led by Dr. Jennifer Van Os, Dr. Theresa Ollivett, and Dr. Franklyn Garry. Click here for details and registration. Walk-Ins are welcome!
Dairy Insights Summit
December 5, 2019
MAKE PLANS TO ATTEND 2019 PDPW DAIRY INSIGHTS SUMMIT on Thursday, Dec. 5, in Madison. This collaborative event will include innovative dairy farmers, industry and food-system professionals and policy makers. The program features a discussion panel on Wisconsin water and presentations on zoonotic diseases, dynamics of tuberculosis and potential for Blockchain and other technologies in the food system. Click here for details and registration or contact 800-947-7379 or [email protected] with questions.
January 14-16, 2020
THINKING DIFFERENTLY AND UNLEASHING YOUR TEAM’S POTENTIAL are the keys to success in today’s fast-paced world. World-class trainers will lead three days of executive-level training and tours at the 2020 Managers Academy for Dairy Professionals Jan. 14-16, 2020, in Corpus Christi, Texas.

Combining the latest in neuroscience with tested techniques, Holly G. Green will teach participants how to stay focused and succeed in an environment of constant distraction. By outlining how top performers use their brains differently they are able to maintain an unwavering focus on the target in spite of distractions. A behavioral scientist and experienced business leader who has worked with U.S. Navy SEALs, fighter pilots, Olympic athletes, and more, Holly is the founder of the Management Development Institute offered at San Diego State University and the author of several books.

Michael Hoffman will showcase strategies to propel you past just managing your team to empowering them to build a culture of ownership in the operation. The founder and owner of Igniting Performance, Inc., he brings more than 25 years’ worth of experience in sales, customer loyalty and leadership training. His highly-interactive style will explore the management cycle and varying types of coaching conversations to help set expectations, conduct meaningful reviews and offer useful feedback.

Register today, view the program flier and learn more here
Financial Literacy for Dairy
Winter/Spring 2019-20
THE NEXT ROUNDS OF FINANCIAL LITERACY TRAINING ARE UNDERWAY for Level One, but there is still time to register for the Level Two course that begins in January and newly-created Level Three course beginning in March. Registered attendees will complete and online placement test, sessions are taught by dairy financial experts Gary Sipiorski, Dr. Kevin Bernhardt and Dick Wittman. Learn more and register here or call 800-947-7379 with questions
CHECK OUT DAIRY ADVANCE – Dairy AdvanCE provides vetted, high-quality trainings from education providers around the country. From human resources and financial management to animal care and nutrition, you’ll find all these accredited trainings available to you to provide you with the ideas and solutions you need to thrive.

Get tracking today! Learn more at .
A Thoughtful Christmas Gift
GIVE AN UNFORGETTABLE GIFT THIS HOLIDAY SEASON. The “Faithfully Feeding the Future” painting, created by Larry Schultz to honor farmers in recognition of PDPW’s 25 th anniversary and its roots in dairy, is the perfect gift for farm families and industry professionals. The painting is inspired by the generations of dairy farmers connected by a common thread of stewardship and partnership. Sustained by our faith and by a sense of mission, we dedicate each day to caring for our land, our herds and our families, doing our part to feed our world - today and tomorrow.

PDPW has prints and canvases available for purchase. Please call the office at 800-947-7379 or visit  our website  for details. 
For your dairy
REDUCE POTENTIAL FOR MASTITIS-CAUSING PATHOGENS by ensuring that cloth udder towels used in milking parlors are completely dried in hot-air dryers. A study of 67 herds from 10 U.S. states were reviewed as part of a larger study of bedding management and published in the Journal of Dairy Science . From each herd, two recently laundered cloth udder towels were collected in addition to a questionnaire to collect information about pre-milking teat preparation and towel hygiene and management practices. Of 12 towel-management practices evaluated, failure to use a hot-air dryer was identified as a clear predictor of risk for high coliform count. Learn more in the study summary here
GOING BEYOND CLINICAL SIGNS IN DIAGNOSIS of bovine respiratory disease in young dairy heifers is a key component of preventing and treating the disease, according to Dr. Terri Ollivett, DVM. In a presentation at the 2019 Bovine Respiratory Disease Symposium in Denver, Dr. Ollivett shared research that suggests 20 to 35% of calves treated for BRD need multiple treatments. Using a systematic clinical-scoring system and using thoracic ultrasound to detect lung lesions, producers can define BRD subtypes as upper-respiratory tract infections, clinical pneumonia or subclinical pneumonia, then make treatment and measurement decisions accordingly. Read the full article here – and register for the PDPW Calf Care Connection workshop to learn more from Dr. Ollivett about identifying and diagnosing upper-respiratory challenges in calves.
PRE-CALVING FEEDING AND AGONISTIC BEHAVIORS CAN HELP IDENTIFY cows that are at higher risk for hyperketonemia and metritis in the weeks following calving, according to research in the Journal of Dairy Science. Researchers watched video recordings of cow behavior from the-8 weeks-before-calving mark that were either healthy or diagnosed with hyperketonemia and/or metritis. They found that the odds of a cow remaining healthy increased by 1.3 times for every additional 15 minutes spent eating. Also, cows that were involved in fewer aggressive interactions prepartum were more likely to be diagnosed with both conditions during the postpartum period. Learn more here .
For your business mind
“PREDICTING RAIN DOESN’T COUNT ; building an ark does.” The “Noah Rule” credited to Warren Buffett in a 2001 Berkshire Hathaway annual report, emphasizes the importance of not just looking ahead to possible challenges, but also taking realistic steps to prepare for such issues. You can apply the Noah Rule to your farm or business by:
1.      Have the discipline to do scenario planning
2.      Build action plans for each scenario
3.      Take action accordingly
Learn more about each step in the full article here
NEW LOOK AT 15 MEASURES OF DAIRY FARM COMPETITIVENESS. In 1997, Ohio State Extension published a list of benchmarks for 15 areas for dairy farmers to track their competitiveness in the industry. A new release of this publication takes into consideration changing economics as well as technologies for today’s dairy farms. The benchmarks in this edition include pounds of milk per worker and net farm income per cow, in addition to debt-to-asset ratio and a per-cow manure removal cost. Click here for more details and to download the new bulletin. 
BREAKING DOWN COMPLEX PROJECTS INTO SMALLER TASKS can provide satisfaction for completing steps and provide challenges for employees. When faced with both challenging tasks and simpler ones, most people choose to tackle simple projects first. However, completing the small tasks – even a large number of them – can keep you busy while neglecting to deal with the harder projects that need to be managed for business and personal success. Read more here
Dairy currents
MCDONALDS TO LAUNCH NEW FORMULATION OF CHOCOLATE MILK that was developed with support from dairy checkoff food scientists. The new milk will contain 25% less sugar and will no longer be a fat-free product. The reduced sugar, low-fat milk will be available in January across the country. Learn more here
MOST CONSUMERS ARE WILLING TO EAT TECHNOLOGY - DEVELOPED FOOD if those new products are supported by both scientific data and emotional connections before they are launched. Recent research showed that 77% members of Generation Z (born between 1995 and 2010) are most likely to try these foods, compared to 67% of millennials and 58% of Gen X members and baby boomers. These findings can help introduce foods developed through new technologies such as gene editing to consumers. Learn more in the article here
WHY DOES PIZZA TASTE SO GOOD? With 350 slices of pizza eaten every second in the U.S., it ranks as one of the most popular foods in the country. Turns out there are lots of science-based reasons why pizza is so delicious! Naturally occurring glutamate in tomatoes, cheese, pepperoni and sausage excites our brains; flavor compounds in cheese and tomato sauce taste good alone but even better when together. Cooking the pizza results in caramelization of toppings like onions and tomatoes and interaction of amino acids of sugars in high-protein foods like cheese … all combining to make our taste buds happy! Read more here .
Words to live by
“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty.” - Henry Ford
PDPW Educational Calendar
November 19, 20, 21
Chilton, Eau Claire, Fennimore

December 5
Dairy Insights Summit (formerly Food & Policy Summit): Madison, Wis.

December 10
Madison, Wis

December 18

January 8, 2020
World Class Webinar - Strategies for Rising Labor Costs with Jason Karszes

January 8 & 9, 2020: Level 2 Begins

January 14-16, 2020
Corpus Christi, Texas
February 5, 2020
World Class Webinar - What are the Top 20% Doing? with Jason Karszes

February 12 & 15, 2020
Green Bay, Wis.

March 17-18, 2020
Alliant Energy Center, Madison, Wis.

March 18-19, 2020
Alliant Energy Center, Madison, Wis.

March 24-25, 2020: Level 3

April 4-5, 2020
Juneau, Wis.

April 14, 2020
Madison, Wis.
Thank you Vision and Mission Sponsors
Thank you to these agribusiness leaders that stand alongside our nation's dairy farmers supporting your professional development organization. Their support allows PDPW to execute best-in-class producer training and has enabled us to become the go-to resource for outreach initiatives. See the full list of generous sponsors here.