Brought to you by Dairy's Professional Development Organization®
2016 CROP PRODUCTION IMPACT ON THE MARKETS will be the focus of the next World Class Webinar featuring economist Dan Basse. The series "U.S. and World Impact of 2016's Crops & Markets" will explore price trends and glean insights from Basse's tenure in the commodity business, focusing on agriculture numbers, trends and forecasts. "Global Markets: The Impact" will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 12 from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. CDT.
Click here to learn more about these webinars and to register online.

GEEK OUT ON CALVES AT AN UPCOMING CALF CARE CONNECTION WORKSHOP. Dairies wanting to strengthen their calf care program and advance best management practices are invited to attend a PDPW Calf Care Connection Workshop. These interactive one-day
repeating workshops will take your calf program to the next level as participants tackle challenges such as abomasum bloat, nutrition, scour management and fluid treatments. Attend at one of these three location sites: Tuesday, October 18 in Appleton, Wis., Wednesday, October 19 in Madison, Wis., and Thursday, October 20 in Warrens, Wis. The training will begin at 9:30 a.m. and conclude by 4 p.m. Calf Care Connection is an accredited program offering continuing education credits from the UW-School of Veterinary Medicine (up to 6.9 CE credits) and with the American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists (up to 5.0 CE credits). To learn more or to register, visit us
online or call a team member at 800-947-7379.
YOUR 2016-17 PDPW EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM & EVENT CALENDAR IS HERE. In this year's educational calendar, you will find the programs to capture the ideas, solutions, resources and experiences needed to enhance your business mind and operation. The calendar is packed with professional development and producer education that is key to leading you in strategically managing and positioning your dairy business for success. Key executive-level education like Manager's Academy for Dairy Professionals will be held January 17-19, 2017, in San Diego, Calif. Our premier educational event, the 2017 PDPW Business Conference, will be held March 15-16, 2017 in Madison, Wis. Our Youth Leadership Derby, to be held April 22-23, 2017, will be hosted in Colby, Wis. If you're interested in any of these programs or want to view this fall's upcoming production-focused program details, flyers and online registration, visit us at Click here to view the entire
2016-2017 PDPW Educational Program and Event Calendar.
For your dairy...
CAN LYING BEHAVIOR HELP DETECT SUBCLINICAL KETOSIS IN TRANSITION COWS? Researchers conducted a study with 339 dairy cows on four dairy farms where automated data loggers tracked lying behavior for 14 days before calving to 28 days after calving. Cows were tested weekly for subclinical ketosis, and other health issues such as retained placenta, metritis, milk fever and mastitis were tracked as well. The study also compared differences in lying behavior between first-calf heifers and multiple-lactation cows. The study concluded that while monitoring lying time may not be useful to early identification of subclinical ketosis alone, it may contribute to identifying cows with subclinical ketosis that also have other health problems after calving. The research was reported in the September issue of the Journal of Dairy Science, and more information can be found online.
TMR SAMPLING CAN PROVIDE USEFUL INFORMATION FOR MORE THAN JUST NUTRITION DATA if proper techniques are used to gather and analyze samples. According to research conducted by Dr. Bill Weiss at The Ohio State University, proper sampling and analyzing of TMR fed to dairy cattle can also be used to measure the variation of TMR delivery within bunks and the consistency of TMR delivery from one day to another. In addition, proper techniques can confirm whether the TMR delivered to cows matches the formulated diet. The experiment also found that using a simple, yet efficient sampling technique for obtaining TMR samples can accurately reflect data for some nutrients (dry matter and crude protein) but not others. For example, using results from a single sample had a high risk of being wrong with respect to NDF and minerals. Sampling TMR did not accurately assess mineral delivery and is not advisable. More information and steps for the recommended sampling protocol can be found
ENJOYING SWEET TREATS WITHOUT THE SUGAR RUSH may be possible with a new device that can isolate "several natural aromatic molecules that could be used to trick our brains into believing that desserts and other foods contain more fat, sugar or salt than they actually do." Research presented at the 252nd National Meeting of the American Chemical Society is working to use aromas to compensate for lower levels of fat, sugar or salt in foods and make those healthier foods more appealing to consumers. The research is being conducted by Thomas-Danguin and his colleagues at the Centre des Sciences du Gout de l'Alimentation in France. Read the full article from
BELIEFS ABOUT HOW FARM ANIMALS ARE RAISED CAN IMPACT WHAT A CONSUMER TASTES was one of the findings from a recent study at Northeastern University in Boston. The researchers conducted three experiments to test their hypothesis that 'believing meat came from animals that suffered would reduce the pleasantness of the eating experience as well as product consumption.' In one experiment, participants were given two identical samples of organic beef jerky that were labeled as being from either a 'humane farm' or a 'factory farm.' Participants ranked the 'factory farm' sample as less pleasant in a number of categories, were willing to pay 22 percent less for a six-ounce package, and consumed less of the product. In another experiment, participants sampled three identical slices of deli ham, but reported that the one labeled 'factory farm' ham tasted 'saltier, greasier, and less fresh' than the one with the 'humane farm' label. One of the study's authors summarized the research findings: "Beliefs are really powerful. Words are really powerful. They influence what you do, often in surprising ways." Read a summary of the research
POLITICS AND THE DINNER TABLE DON'T MIX is an old adage that some food companies and restaurants have chosen to ignore. Several companies have taken high-profile stances on issues in recent years, including Ben & Jerry's, Chick-Fil-A, Chipotle, Shake Shack, Starbucks and Whole Foods. A restaurant industry consultant says that whether mixing politics with business is a good idea depends on the company, tonality, and the issue. For example, Chipotle's 'food with integrity' promise was called into question by a lawsuit over its non-GMO stance and illness outbreaks in 2015. In other cases, a CEO's public political stance can potentially impact the company's brand and products. Access the
full article to read other examples.
For your business mind...
DECIDING WHEN TO OUTSOURCE ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE FUNCTIONS can be difficult for many businesses, but it can be a way to help owners stay focused on what is most important. The Cloud Accounting offers seven potential benefits for finding an outside professional resource to handle finance and accounting tasks, including: being more efficient, reducing costs, eliminating fraud, finding qualified and experienced staff, having an ability to scale, improving cash flow, and better managing your business. Read the full article.
A CLEAN DESK AND ORGANIZED WORKSPACE can lead to higher productivity and better time management when working in an office. Taking the time to declutter a workspace before starting a task can help you focus on the job at hand.
Tips for being more productive at your desk include:
* Organize your computer desktop. If you cannot see your screensaver, there is too much on your screen.
* Focus only on your current task. Try to have only one item in front of you whenever possible.
* Organize your desk with proper supplies. Nothing is more frustrating than having to stop to find the right office supplies for the job.
* Keep your email inbox organized.
Additional tips can be found
here along with an infographic with suggestions for setting up a productive workspace.
BOOK REVIEW: GRIT: THE POWER OF PASSION AND PERSEVERANCE. Why do some people succeed and others fail? Psychologist Angela Duckworth shares stories and research behind her hypothesis that what really drives success is not talent, but a unique combination of passion and long-term perseverance she calls "grit." In
Grit, Duckworth takes readers from cadets struggling through their first weeks at West Point to teachers working in some of the toughest schools and also shares what she learned from interviewing dozens of high achievers. The book offers insight on how grit can be learned, regardless of IQ or circumstances, how lifelong interest is triggered, and why any effort you make ultimately counts twice toward your goal.
"When we are closed to ideas, what we hear is criticism.
When we are open to criticism, what we get is advice." --- Simon Sinek
A BIG Thank You...
support continuous improvement for the dairy industr
hey believe in producer leadership and place a high value on lifelong
education for those involved in the dairy industry. We deeply respect their commitment to PDPW and the members we have the honor to serve. It is by this partnership that we c
e to build a strong industry filled with capable professionals. Click
to see a list of our sponsors. If you interact with any of these companies, please thank them for supporting PDPW!
If you or a company you know is interested in participating as a sponsor, please contact one of our team members at or call 800-947-7379.
PDPW Education Calendar
October 12
World Class Webinar "Global Markets - The Impact", Dan Basse: online, noon CDT
October 18, 19 & 20 |
Calf Care Connection Workshops: Appleton, Madison and Warrens, Wisc.
October 25-26 |
Food & Policy Summit: Madison, Wis.