Peace Lutheran's weekly announcements, calendar, and schedule

Worship in-person and live-streamed.

Sundays at 9 am

Peace Lutheran Church of Plymouth ELCA

3695 County Rd 101, Minneapolis, MN 55446

Families are encouraged to have their children in

worship: however, the nursery is available if needed.

The nursery is staffed by Peace parent volunteers.


Reminder: Congregational meeting for voting members on

November 19th at 10 am in the Sanctuary.

Printed copies of the resolutions we will vote on will be available at church on Sunday.


Paster Paul Lutter

These words from the Apostle Paul are a balm for those who are afraid, angry, and anxious because

everything we know is slipping away. Paul – the Apostle – neither shies away from speaking the truth in love nor pulls the wool over the eyes of those to whom he writes. He recognizes the power of grief in the lives of those who follow Jesus and in the lives of congregations who are facing a difficult

reality about their future. Yet, he doesn’t shy away from speaking the truth in love because his

message is rooted in the kind of love that comes from God. Though everything else will eventually

pass away, “love never ends.” (1 Cor. 13:8a) Though we cling for dear life to prevent being cut off from the things we hold most dear, nothing “…will be able to separate us from the love of God in

Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Rom. 8:39)

Read Full Article


Thanksgiving Eve Worship & Pie Fellowship

Join us for worship on Thanksgiving Eve, Wednesday, November 22, 6:30 pm.

As in years past, we invite all to stay after worship for Fellowship and pie! 

We will have a sign-up sheet in the Gathering Space to bring a pie. You can also email Chris at [email protected] and tell her what you are bringing.

Join us for Christmas Tea

Saturday, Dec. 2, 2023 1pm - 3pm

Sign up in the Gathering Space to attend, host a table, bring some goodies and/or serve, set up/clean up.


Poinsettia Orders

We will be decorating the Sanctuary with poinsettias during the Advent season.

The plants come in 6.5" pots for $8.50 each; orders will be taken through

November 19. Order forms will be in the bulletin or you can

click on this order form, print, and fill out.

 Please drop off the form and payment in the church office

Plants can be picked up after the 4:30 p.m. Christmas Eve service.