Volume 65
June 23, 2021
Snapshots, For the Better
  • Successful Prioritization
  • How Close?
  • Who Lives There?
  • Getting to Them?
  • Inside Coaches?
  • A Comparative Look
By Design, our PEAK Performance targeting construct is a pragmatic roadmap to delivering targeted results with Senior Living Community (SLC) initiatives. As introduced, our informational and analytical summary starter version will favorably prioritize growth destinations.
With these criteria in mind, list 5 to10 communities to assess, identifying each as Independent Living, Assisted Living or increasingly prevalent Continuum of Care. This is our Informational baseline.

We then define, on a scale from 1-10, what scores each community should be Analytically assigned, leading with quantitative measures of Proximity and Established Relationships. For Proximity, depending on local traffic patterns and patient willingness to commute further for healthcare, these distances from SLC’s to your clinic are typical metrics:

  • Within 1 mile = 10 points
  • Within 2-3 miles = 8 points
  • Within 5 miles = 6 points
  • Beyond 5 miles = 4 points

Regarding Established Relationships, we pinpoint how many current patients presently live in each community. If 10+ patients live in a certain facility, score 10 or if there are 7, score 7 etc. By simplifying, we realize needs to steadily gather residential details in case histories. These comfortable conversations are ideal moments to ask patients which fellow residents may aspire to improving their quality of life.

Regarding Access and “getting to them,” thoughtful due diligence is crucial. What clues are gleaned from interactions with key decision makers, shared by patients or learned via carefully reviewing SLC websites? While vital information is evident in some scenarios, others will require further research to enhance assessments. There are distinct competitive advantages to gain from diligently pursuing collaborative inroads which other complacent practices are not committed to. Progress takes persistence!

With preliminary insights on leadership influencers, make initial contacts via phone or selective in-person visits. Whether direct conversation or speaking to a frontlines colleague, ask these discovery questions:

  • Who currently provides hearing care to your residents?
  • Is care provided in SLC and/or at provider’s location?
  • For how long has this hearing care relationship lasted?

As opportunity arises, we suggest inquiring, “May I ask if you and residents are pleased with the quality and continuity of care being provided?” Whatever the response, pause and say, “Please tell me more,” then listen closely to details. Role-playing is an effective way to hone these skills, despite many who fear doing so.

Consider these queries your “baseline exam” which guides scores noted in evaluative matrix.
“In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count.
It’s the life in your years.”
Abraham Lincoln
The final aspect of our PEAK Performance evaluate quartet is a challenging assessment of Kindred Spirits or like-minded folks who genuinely share Better Hearing, Better Living goals. Since you cannot be ever-present, who feels like they would be expert Inside Coaches that:

  • Lead action steps and protocols necessary to ensure optimal success
  • Encourage colleagues and residents to understand the benefits of better hearing
  • Share constructive feedback on ways to improve operational methods

When scoring this criterion, vibes matter and direct conversations are ripe with connectivity cues. Do you sense collaborative motivation and is there caring precedent with other ancillary healthcare professionals? Is it recognized that in their home quarters, dining room, playing bingo or daily activities, residents’ hearing ability impacts safety and socialization? For example, do potential Inside Coaches know how hearing loss relates to fall risk?

In addition, your patients will enlighten you with insights on those nurturing their SLC experience. You should ask, they know.

With initial findings appraising vibes, precedent and patient perspectives, apply these scores:

  • Highly motivated, with strong precedent = 9
  • Highly motivated, without strong precedent = 7
  • Moderately motivated, with moderate precedent = 5
  • Not very motivated, without prior activity = 3

With detailed PEAK Performance scoring, here is how comparative factors may appear:
Next week, our SLC practice development journey continues. Until then, scroll below to see prior Practice Growth Insights issues. Please explore to learn more.
Bruce Essman
High Definition Impressions (HDI)

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