POSTINGS                              PEI Kids newsletter |  Summer 2020  

Welcome to the Summer edition of PEI Kids' newsletter, Postings. Here are some of the exciting things happening at PEI Kids...

PEI Kids launches SHAP in coordination with Lawrence Township PD

In June, PEI Kids launched the Lawrence Township Stationhouse Adjustment Project (SHAP) in partnership with Lawrence Township Police Department. PEI Kids' project was one of just six SHAPs awarded funding through a statewide competitive process led by the Governor's Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention ("JJDP") Committee. 
Funding was awarded to local police departments and community-based organizations to encourage the use of stationhouse adjustments for youth who have contact with the local police. 
Stationhouse adjustments allow police officers to divert youth accused of committing minor offenses from formal court proceedings by allowing these minor delinquency matters to be resolved locally and outside of a court room.  They also provide an opportunity to address root causes of behavior, impose immediate consequences, and offer meaningful supports to youth, such as referrals to social service agencies, community service projects, financial restitution, mediation, letters of apology, or writing assignments. 
Grants were made available to jurisdictions with high instances of juvenile arrests, particularly among youth of color, as a strategy for reducing racial disparities in the formal juvenile justice system. 
PEI Kids' SHAP program requires youth to complete 12 hours of evidence-based programming and perform 10 hours of community service. Any Lawrence-based nonprofit or community organization that may benefit from having local youth perform a community service project are encouraged to contact Rob Fiorello ([email protected]) to discuss a potential supervised project at your location.

NOTE: An article in the South Jersey Observer (9/18/20) provides an in-depth description of the SHAP program and all six projects awarded funding throughout the state. 
We're Golden!
PEI Kids has earned GuideStar's 2020 Gold Seal of Transparency.  This designation tells donors and supporters that our organization operates with a commendably high degree of transparency in matters relating to financials, governance, management, goals, strategies, operations, capabilities, and vision. 
Community members can view our in-depth nonprofit profile on GuideStar. 
What's New
PEI Kids introduces its fall Lunch & Learn Webinar series 

On Friday, PEI Kids launched its Lunch & Learn Webinar Series -- weekly (free) one-hour workshops presented by our Program Directors and Coordinators.  These webinars provide an opportunity for us to continue our community education and outreach, showcase the considerable expertise of our staff, and share insights based on our direct service experience. 
Our first webinar, "Child Abuse & Neglect During COVID: How abuse presents during the pandemic," was presented by Prevention Director, Erika Hillman, and Program Specialist, Rebecca Thompson. The workshop explored unique issues that have emerged in child abuse and neglect (CAN) during the pandemic, addressing current trends, stressors and risk factors, signs/indicators to watch for, and how to help prevent and report child abuse and neglect. If you missed this webinar, you can view the recording now accessible from our website.  
Be sure to register for our next webinar, being presented on Thursday, September 24, "Counseling Techniques for Parents & Lay People: Using TF-CBT for quality interactions with your child."   This workshop, led by Dr. Juanita Brooks and members of our counseling team, will help participants apply counseling techniques in everyday interactions to enhance the quality of their experiences and relationships with children who've experienced trauma. Learn more at
COVID's Impacting Ev-e-ry-thing
Proposed NJ state budget slashes school-based
youth services programs (SBYSPs)
There's lots of need on display these days -- including in the halls of state government. The State of New Jersey's proposed budget, slated for vote on October 1st, calls for slashing school-based youth services including a substantial share of PEI Kids' child assault prevention programming. 
If the proposed budget passes,  214 of our personal safety workshops for Pre-K to 9th-grade students will be defunded.  That means over 5,300 Mercer County kids will no longer receive vital prevention education and training where they learn how to stay safe from physical and sexual abuse, bullying, peer assault, teen dating violence, online threats, and predators.  
With your help, we can continue to fulfill this need.  If  you're able to support our initiative to restore 214 workshops for Mercer County students, please consider donating to this effort at: and when checking out, indicate  that you want to "restore school workshops" in the Notes section.
We'll surely get through these times like we always do...together. Thank you.
Time To Take Action
The once-every-decade US Census count will end on September 30th, and your participation is urgently needed. 
The final Get Out The Count (GOTC) effort is underway with Census Takers physically knocking on the doors of households who have not yet responded.  An estimated 1.3 million children under age 5 were missed in the last census leading to funding miscalculations for everything from schools to healthcare clinics and emergency resources. 
We need everyone in our community to be counted, especially our children and babies. An accurate count of everyone living in our community will guide critical decisions like Congressional representation and annual allocation of over $45 billion dollars, including support for children/youth and family services like WIC, Head Start, Community Development Block Grants and more.  
Please speak with everyone -- your patients, clients, neighbors, friends and family -- about completing the census. Tell them: 
  • It's safe, private and easy.
  • It takes less than ten minutes to answer ten questions. 
  • You don't even have to leave home to respond online at or by calling 844-330-2020.  
  • Remember to include everyone in the household -- especially children and infants.
Thank you so much for helping ensure everyone is counted. 

Note: Those filling out the Census form will never be asked for their social security number, bank account, income, political party, citizenship status or a donation. Answers will not be shared with anyone outside the US Census Bureau.
Our Super Sponsors Are Superheroes

We'd like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Super Sponsors who made our Lunch & Learn Webinar Series possible

Platinum Sponsors

 Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

We'd also like to thank Princeton Area Community Foundation and The Burke Foundation (Legacy Grant) for their generous support. 
In this edition
Program Update
What's New
Good News
COVID Response
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Keep our children safe. Donate today!

Thank you for your continued support! 


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Mission Statement


PEI Kids is dedicated to promoting and maintaining a safe environment for all children. PEI Kids works with the child, family, and caregiver to provide prevention, intervention and advocacy programs relating to personal safety, sexual abuse, and the overall well-being of the child.



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