First, they cannot even present keep track of where their money goes. These records were destroyed during 9-11.

9/10/2001: Rumsfeld says $2.3 TRILLION Missing from Pentagon

Salaries of military personnel are far below that of US industry so obviously it picks up personnel from the bottom of society and the same applies to officers. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff makes less than two hundred thousand dollars a year yet supervises a budget of 850 billion dollars plus? Is it any wonder that we can't find trillions of dollars of missing money by an organization of incompetents whose only outlook for money is to earn as Lloyd Austin, the Secretary of Defense, millions of dollars being on Raytheon's board after he retired from his affirmative action job? Russia and China are way ahead of us technologically.

In reference to the report below showing high Russian costs of production which I assume the Pentagon and CIA compiled, the comments below it answers this article.  We have other estimates at 7 times cheaper for the entire Russian military budget versus the US. In other words, it would cost the US 7 times more to do the same. So if Russia spends 121 billion dollars it equals 850 billion for the US. Our estimates that their budget is well over 121 billion US dollars and it is purposely understated.  

The problem for the US is that the number of defense firms fell from 107 to 5 as quoted from "The Kill Chain: Defending America in The Future of High-Tech Warfare, ( Paris Hachette Books, 2020, pp. 47). There is no competition and defense contractors charge monopoly profits for inferior equipment. Our Patriot is worthless and does not compare to the S-500 which I gave a report on to the deep state in 2013 which Brzezinski got his hands on and was so shocked he created the Ukraine crisis as another Afghanistan for the Russians to further break up their country instead of making a better missile for ourselves. The Patriot could not even hit the primitive Yemenite scuds that attacked Saudi Arabia. The S-500 travels at 15,480 miles an hour reaching an altitude of 115 miles reaching a distance of 2,174 miles.  Israel intel says that there is a S-700 which sounds about right at an average of five years for each of them to develop.

Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman on Tuesday downplayed Israeli concerns over Russia’s purported plans to outfit the Syrian military with its powerful S-300 air defense system, but stressed that Israel would retaliate if such a battery were used against its aircraft. “What’s important is that defense systems being supplied by Russia to Syria aren’t used against us,” Liberman said during a live interview with the Ynet news site. “One thing needs to be clear: If someone shoots at our planes, we will destroy them. It doesn’t matter if it’s an S-300 or an S-700,” he said.

Yet, the US defensive missiles such as the Patriot, THAAD are worthless. Here is an analysis of the Patriot:

Why Did American Patriot Missiles Fail To Stop the Houthi's Attacks?

The Aegis was designed for ships though it is the best we have on land has been set up in Romania and are being built in Poland. It is said that it has been placed there to handle an attack on NATO by Iran which is really an absurd explanation but the real reason is for the installation of nuclear missiles as the Raytheon Aegis is interchangeable for offensive nuclear missiles and defensive missiles, and this is not the case with the THAAD or Patriot which are worthless against the R-28 Sarmat anyway much less hypersonic missiles. Israeli intel says that the Zircon non-nuclear missile fired from submarines can return England to the stone age knocking out 50 or 60 of their power stations in ten minutes. The link below says nuclear missiles but it is totally misleading heading as Yakov Kedmi of Israeli intel says the conventional Zircon fired from submarines is all that is necessary.

Russia says Britain should be nuked ‘back to the stone age

And what do get for the trillion dollars spent on the F-35 wonder plane?  Aside from the fact that the blue prints were stolen by our adversaries equivalent of the NSA, our affirmative action laws are so abusive that security risks are passed by as long as they are from a minority rather than be sued for millions of dollars.  So our adversaries know what we have from day one. The most capable computer aboard a US weapon system today is the core processor on the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, an aircraft that took more than a decade to develop and which provides the premier superiority and air strike platform for the U.S. Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corp. In the Pentagon it is ofter referred to as "The Flying Supercomputer." But its processing power is 800 times slower than a processor produced by NVIDIA that is available today on board a commercial car or truck. At home, F-35 pilots may be using advanced NVIDIA processors when playing video games with their children or when they are driving their own cars off duty. But they are stuck with far slower technologies when at work. The distance that separates Silicon Valley from the Pentagon stands in dramatic contrast to the situation in Russia and China where their Silicon Valleys work directly with their defense contractors.

We address the specifics in this article below after the link that purport to show Russian expenses are considerably more than that of the US and nothing could be further from the truth.

Here Is What Russia’s Military Aircraft And Missiles Actually Cost


See key table below on Russian costs. Prices for airplanes and helicopters are 4-5 times lower than the US. Direct USD price.  Interesting that MC-21 and SSJ-100 the civil airliners have 100 and 40 million prices with is quite close to Boeing and Embraer E-195 airplanes. Everything that Russia is doing with "wide world cooperation" is the same in terms of price. Everything that Russia is doing for themselves only in 3-5 times cheaper for aircraft.

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