View the PET Calendar Here

From Wendy

Greetings, in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ,

Thank you, thank you to all of you for jumping right in to help our neighbors to the East following the hurricane floods. I don’t even know how many cases of water we have sent to Holston, but it is truckloads. Thank you to the churches that have agreed to serve as collection sites. I know it requires coordination on your part, and I am grateful for you. Thank you also to the PET disaster response team for agreeing to serve and quickly getting organized to meet the evolving needs of our neighbors. Thank you, too, for the financial donations you have made. Your donations will be used to help those in need. The disaster response team will continue coordinating trips to Holston Presbytery to deliver water, food, and whatever else they need. Please watch for the communications from our response team to know what is needed each week and direct your questions about donations to them. They are listed further down in the newsletter.

Many of you received the peace and global witness offering in worship yesterday. Thank you! The world is in desperate need of peacemaking. I pray you will discern ways to use your portion of that offering to witness to peacemaking in your community in meaningful ways. I had the privilege of leading worship with the Graystone congregation yesterday and celebrating World communion Sunday with them. I was heartened to know that we were spiritually gathered around the Lord’s table and pray that as we were nourished at the table we will be strengthened to witness to the love and peace of Jesus Christ and so make a difference in the lives of many.

Earlier in the week, I had lunch with Rev. Jessica Lewis, Maryville College Chaplain and Rev. Paul Earheart-Brown, Maryville College assistant chaplain and Mast director. After lunch, I joined the college community for worship led by the Pride Club. Worship was held outdoors and included beautiful music, testimonials, and a chalk walk. I was grateful to be with them for worship and to witness the work Jessica and Paul are doing.

While there is much in our world that causes heartache and suffering, there is

also much that is beautiful and brings hope. I pray you may find those moments and be

those moments of beauty and hope for others in the name of Jesus Christ.

Grace and peace to you all,


PET Disaster Response

Click Here to Email the Team

A Message from the Office of Innovation

Many of you have church buildings that are underutilized and may be wondering how

you might use them. The PCUSA Office of Innovation has ideas.

Unlock Property Potential:

Tools to Align Church Property with Purpose

Read about resources – for a fee and free – to assist presbyteries and congregations in creative, sustainable uses of church property. Free resources include:

  • How to Develop Well
  • How to Rent Well
  • What About Taxes?

Annual Review of Session Minutes

Attention, Clerks of Session of the Presbytery of East TN!

It is time for the annual review of Session minutes. We will be reviewing minutes from all 2023 Session meetings and Congregational meetings.

We have a review team that will go through them on Monday, Nov. 18, 10am-4pm at Mars Hill Presbyterian Church in Athens. 

There are 3 possible ways to get your 2023 minutes to the team for review:

  1. Email them in one PDF document to - Make sure your church’s name and city are in the subject line.
  2. Bring your minutes to the November 12th Presbytery meeting at First Presbyterian Church, Cleveland and leave them with Laura (we will make arrangements to return them to you after the 18th). 
  3. Bring your minutes book to Mars Hill Presbyterian Church, 205 N Jackson St, Athens, TN 37303 on November 18th between 10am and 3pm.

Please email Laura if you have any questions.

Small Church, Big Win Grant

from the Congregational Relations and Development Committee

The Congregational Relations and Development Committee discerned great opportunities for financial support in the PET during the Technology Grant period of 2023. The Technology Grants were funded by a Synod Grant from the Synod of the Living Waters (and subsidized by the operational budget of the CRDT). Moving into 2024, the team did not have a fraction of the financial resources available but realized that many more needs were present in the PET. In Spring 2024, the team decided to make their operational budget available through grants to meet the ministry needs of both parish and non-parish ministries in the Presbytery. Unlike the technology grant, this grant series is not limited to technology or capital but can be any item/service/capital to meet an emerging ministry need that might be inhibited by financial need. 

Grant Parameters: CRDT invites PET members to discern emerging ministry opportunities that may be hindered by financial circumstance (this can be capital, personnel/services/items/consulting/etc.). These parameters are purposefully open to allow for congregations to discern ministry paths to which they feel called by the Spirit but, due to financial constraints, may be difficult execute.

Grants will be awarded to help meet or begin to meet these ministry goals. CRDT will receive and review applications from all ministries but will prioritize ministries of less than 200 members as well as ministries who did not receive a grant in 2023. We invite all to discern and apply. The application will be available on the PET website.

Grant Amounts: Congregational Relations and Development Committee will award FOUR – $1000 grants to churches and non-parish ministries in the PET.

Questions? Please contact Rev. Dr. Andy P. Morgan, Chair of the Congregational Relations and Development Committee,

Click Here to Apply

Leader Formation Webinar for

Ruling Elders and Deacons

Registration for the next webinar in the Leader Formation series, Discovering Leadership: Called to Serve is now open through October 30. The event will be held on Zoom November 7, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Eastern

Our Presbyterian Constitution says, “some are called to ordered ministries, to fulfill particular functions.” (G-2.0101). What does it mean for ruling elders and deacons to be called to fulfill particular functions in the life of Christ’s Church? In this webinar we will explore that question by considering leadership capacities and gifts, and how those gifts are discovered. Leadership will be contemplated both from an individual outlook and a community dynamic, while probing the meaning of “sharing with others a deep life of worship, prayer, fellowship, and service.” (Book of Order, F-1.0032d.).

The leader panel includes Daris Bultena, valerie izumi, Anna Kendig Flores, and Jihyun Oh. Interpretation in Spanish and Korean is available and a recording in English will be available following the event (registration is not required for access to the recording). Please pass along this link for more information and for registration.

News from John Knox Center

Haunted High Ropes is right around the corner October 19! Are you planning to join us? Grab your costume and let's have some fun in the trees & roast hotdogs over a fire!

Friends, we are sad to share that after many MANY years in service to this ministry, our Hobart dish machine has finally given up the ghost.



  1. Guess the AGE of our Hobart or the YEAR manufactured.
  2. Make a donation here:

Anyone who guesses the correct year of manufacturing or the current age of the machine denoted on their donation will be sent a camp prize pack! 


We know many of you grew up in the dish window. Washing dishes was your first job. Donning an apron you spent your summer in the steamy dish room spraying off dishes, running them through the Hobart, and joining camp activities after dinner. We are sad to see this era come to an end. A new unit with installation will cost over $20k. Please help us continue to create memories behind the dish window with a new machine!


*To be eligible to win, please donate on our website in ANY amount. Please put "dishwasher" or "Hobart" in the Donation Note & your guess of age or year in the box under the total of your donation. Donations will go directly to the purchase of a new machine. One guess per donation. The contest will run through 11:59pm Eastern on October 15. The Outdoor Ministries Team, staff, and select friends of camp who know the answer are not eligible to win. (You know who you are!)

Upcoming Events around PET

Presbyterian Older Adult Ministry Network

Join us for an opportunity to learn about POAMN’s new online resource for older adult ministry leaders launched this year. “Expressions of Older Adult Ministry” covers guiding principles for serving with older adults, a reformed theology framework, and a multitude of practical ideas you can implement in your context. Take a glimpse at the instructional videos, interviews with ministry leaders, and written materials available now. Come explore the resources, meet others who are in ministry with older adults, and ask questions. Miatta Wilson from the PCUSA Office of Christian Formation will lead this conversation and plans to have a couple of the resource contributors present too.

You must be registered to zoom in. Do this—for free—on the POAMN website.

Presbyterian Women of PET

Fall Spiritual Retreat

Saturday, October 26, 2024

9:30am – 2:30pm

John Knox Center

591 W Rockwood Ferry Rd, Ten Mile, TN 37880

Mission Focus

The Morgan-Scott Project

Register today for the Fall Spiritual Retreat for the Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery of East Tennessee! It will be Saturday, Oct. 26, at the John Knox Center, 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. A delicious lunch will be provided. Cost is only $12. Deadline to register is Oct. 15.

 “Do Everything in Love” (I Corinthians 16:14) will be the theme of the retreat. The Rev. Lyn Oakley, pastor of Washington Presbyterian Church in Knoxville, will be keynote speaker. She will lead us in worship and share her experience at the recent United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. Ms. Brenda Black, our voting delegate at the Churchwide Presbyterian Women’s Triennial Gathering, will report on her experiences at that event. Ms. Crystal Tompkins, director of the Morgan Scott Project, will bring an update on this vital mission within our Presbytery. Join us for fellowship in a lovely setting!


To register, just click here and register online. Or, if you would prefer, click here and download a registration form. You can fill it out and mail it with your check. You can register individually or in groups. To download a flyer for your circle or church bulletin, click here. Please note that you do not have to be in a church circle to come. Child Care is available if requested by October 15. If needed, Contact Ann Myers at or call 865-591-9038.

Register Here

Let's Support Morgan Scott Project!

Please bring an offering for the Morgan-Scott Project to the Spiritual Gathering. Our gifts will go directly to people in need.

Requested items include:

  • canned meats
  • dry goods: beans, rice, oatmeal
  • shampoo and conditioner
  • deodorant for men and women
  • soap/shower gel
  • dish soap and laundry detergent
  • toilet paper
  • Monetary donations can be made with Paypal on the website: Use the “donate” button and note “PW Fall Retreat”; or bring cash/ checks to the retreat.

To learn more about Morgan Scott Project, watch this video. Director Crystal Tompkins will speak to us at the gathering!

West Emory Pumpkin Patch

West Emory is looking forward to its 19th Annual Pumpkin Patch -- beginning Saturday, October 5! Come visit us for family fun -- and every dime of the proceeds goes to East Tennessee mission projects.

Presbytery Educator Group

Food, fellowship, and formation? Join in Christian fellowship and prayer with our Presbytery Educator Gathering (PEG) as we share Christian Formation fall and Advent resources and support one another serving in our local contexts. We will provide upcoming continuing education opportunities, but more importantly help you with what you're working on. This is for children, youth, and adult workers, pastors, educators, volunteers, and anyone seeking to network in the educational field. It will be held at Sequoyah Hills Presbyterian (3700 Keowee Ave, Knoxville, TN 47919) on Monday, October 14th, 11-1 including lunch. Please bring a salad topping of your choice; a salad base and drinks will be provided.

RSVP to Mark at 

Ordination Anniversaries

October Ordination Anniversaries

Rev. Heewong Chung, 22 years, October 4th

Rev. Peter Ryoo, 25 years, October 4th

Rev. Joseph Tanner, 50 years, October 9th

Rev. David Duggan, 34 years, October 14th

Rev. Clayton Thomas, 50 years, October 15th

Rev. Jennifer Jarvis, 14 years, October 17th

Rev. Stephen Mealor, 27 years, October 26th

Rev. Roy Scarbrough, 22 years, October 27th

Rev. Ann Owens Brunger, 45 years, October 28th

Rev. William Meyer, 32 years, October 31st

Resources for Congregations

The PET website has a lot of resources to help our congregations. Check it out at

If you need to find someone to preach and lead worship, here’s the link to the pulpit supply list:

Want to learn more about the Commissioned Lay Pastor program, click here:

You can find all of this information and much more at the PET website under the resources tab. Check it out!

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Upcoming Events around PET

All articles must be submitted by Wednesday of the week prior to publication. Repeat publication of articles is at the discretion of the editor. Send your submissions to

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