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August 2023                                                 View as Webpage

News and Updates

Peer and Family Career Academy Connection

Welcome to our New Learning and Development Manager: Brissa Rubio

We are excited to share that our team is expanding! Brissa joined our team in June 2023 to support us in developing and facilitating trainings. Brissa has over 20 years experience in human services and training.

Our Team

PFCA Conference

Don't forget to Register for our conference Embracing Hope: Rising Together on October 18th, 2023.

Community Jobs

Who is hiring Peers and Family supports right now? 

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Community Events

Check out these community events and trainings.

Upcoming Events 

  • August 30th from 5:30pm - 7:30pm Never Underestimate the Power of Documentation Do you struggle with how to complete or manage your needed documentation? We will discuss some best practices and techniques to write quality documentation.
  • August 31st from 5:30pm - 7pm Peer and Family Support Mixer (PHOENIX) Mi Patio Mexican Food. PFCA will be covering appetizers.
  • September 5th from 9am-5pm Hope and Healing in the opioid use crisis for peer and family support professionals Opioid use is at an epidemic level, and who better to answer the call of hope and support than peer and family support professionals. Opioid use has a deep and unique place in history, where it has been both romanticized and demonized. Today, we know that meaningful lives are devastated and even lost daily. This course provides an in-depth knowledge of how to support people who are living with opioid use dependency or disorder.
  • September 12th from 9am-11:30am Strengthening Families In the Protective Factors Framework, “concrete support in times of need” means that families have access to whatever they need to handle the challenges they face and to be successful.
  • September 12th from 2-5pm Cultural Connection: Tribal and Indigenous Communities Arizona has one of the 3rd largest American Indian/Native Population in the US. Learning about and celebrating Indigenous culture is one way to foster and encourage cultural pride. It is often essential to develop relationships based on mutual trust and active participation. This unique population has some different options related to their health care and liaisons to support.
  • September 13th from 5pm-8pm Abilities, Differences and Inclusion We must understand their abilities and differences while ensuring they are included in all aspects of their care. We need to be aware of the various resources available. We must be able to advocate, connect, educate, create opportunities and impact change for this particular population.
  • September 15th from 9am-5pm Breaking Down the Barriers: Forensic Support In this immersive course, family support professionals will gain invaluable knowledge and develop critical intervention skills to support individuals re-entering the community after incarceration.
  • September 22nd from 4:30-6:30pm Peer and Family Support Networking Mixer (Tucson) Fresco Pizzeria PFCA will be covering Pizza.
  • September 23rd from 9am-1pm Five Skills Resiliency This course from The One Tree Learning Institute will focus on the application of resiliency practices that manage stress. These evidence-based practices and system of resilience can empower us to support growth in others by learning from our own perspective.
  • September 25th from 1pm-5pm Supervisor Course Join us for a course on how to provide optimal supervision for your Peer and Family Support staff that will help your program deliver extraordinary outcomes.
  • September 28th from 9am-1pm Supervisor Course Join us for a course on how to provide optimal supervision for your Peer and Family Support staff that will help your program deliver extraordinary outcomes.
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