In the first half of this year, PFSCM procured more than $179 million worth of health products for 76 countries. We delivered more than 1,222 shipments, among which many were cold chain for temperature-controlled products like reagents used in analyzers and HIV Viral load (VL) and early infant diagnostics.
Nigeria, Mozambique, Uganda, Tanzania, Malawi, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, and Zambia were our biggest clients in 2023 based on spending. The bulk of our deliveries comprised rapid diagnostic tests specifically for HIV and malaria, but we also managed the procurement of several notable project-based orders for complex products like genome sequencing equipment, mass spectrometers, laser cytometers, computerized tomography (CT) scanners, and portable and stationary digital radiography systems - some of the most interesting and challenging machines to commission, transport and install.
PFSCM’s supply chain teams are experts in the full-cycle procurement and delivery of capital equipment. Our client-centric, project-based supply chain approach offers our clients the full support they need to order, receive, install, maintain, and optimally use complex laboratory and diagnostic equipment.
We share some of our recent supply chain news and accomplishments in our newsletter below.