Negotiations Update- January 30, 2019
O n January 23rd PGCEA and PGCPS Negotiation Teams met for introductions and began the preliminary work. PGCEA shared with PGCPS our Bargaining Platform and spoke briefly about Bargaining for the Common Good and driving student centered quality education and improved compensation. Sequentially, PGCPS spoke about the desire to move quality education in the system as well.
PGCEA emphasized that in our Bargaining for the Common Good we are wanting to keep parents, community and members informed and engaged throughout the process. Thus, at times there will be an audience and as may be necessary, pertinent experts and educator members to speak on matters. 
The next session is set for February 6th at PGCEA. We plan to present our proposals on Evaluation, Sensible Workload and Less Testing & More Learning. If you are interested in attending to observe click here .

Some sessions will be held around the county to provide for member and community attendance. Look for a session near you and communications as an update will go out after each session. Each school via Association Representative and Contract Action Team (CAT) will have communication and as needed action task. Stay tuned as we move through Bargaining for the Common Good.