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Dr. Carter  
Dr. Jacques Carter
Dr. Mohler
Dr. James Mohler
Dr. Sox
Dr. Harold Sox
Dr. Walsh
Dr. Patrick Walsh

Dr. Ahaghotu
Dr. Chiledum A. Ahaghotu

Summit Schedule & Venues


Hyatt Regency Washington 
 Capitol Hill 
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Thursday, September 20th
8:30 AM - 1:00 PM 
Kennedy Caucus Room, 
Russell Senate Office Building 
Doctors Jacques Carter, James Mohler, Patrick Walsh and Harold Sox will headline the opening summit session with their assessment of the scientific evidence used by the U. S. Preventive Services Task Force to recommend against PSA screening for Black men, and men with a family history. 
Dr. Chiledum A. Ahaghotu will lead the session on moving beyond the PSA Test Controversy. 
Why the USPSTF Recommendation Against Early Detection PSA Testing Should not Apply to African Americans and Men with a Family History of Prostate Cancer 

Moderator: Dr. Jacques Carter, Harvard Medical School 
Dr. James Mohler, Chair, NCCN Prostate Cancer Treatment Guidelines Panel, Roswell Park Cancer Institute
Dr. Harold Sox, Dartmouth College, Former USPSTF Chair 
Dr. Patrick Walsh, John Hopkins Medical Institute
Moving Beyond the PSA Test Controversy Through the Evolving Impact of Genomics and Biomarkers

Moderator: Dr. Chiledum A. Ahaghotu, Howard University 
Dr. Jason M. Alter, Iris Personalized Medicine   
Dr. Jeff Lawrence, Genomic Health    
Ms. Pamela J. Reed, Beckman Coulter  

Session I
The U. S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPTF), in its final "D" grade recommendation against PSA screening for the early detection of prostate cancer, made this statement in reference to Black men: "Thus, no firm conclusions can be made about
the balance of benefits and harms of PSA-based screening in this population."

This statement is the USPSTF's definition for its "I" grade recommendation, which was in place prior to the "D" recommendation. It was made due to the lack of scientific evidence within the PSA screenting trial (PLCO) to support including Black men within its "D" recommendation. However, the USPSTF referenced preliminary data from another trial (PIVOT), as its basis for including black men in the final "D" recommendation.

This session will address whether this is a double standard lacking adequate scientific evidence for the population most at risk for prostate cancer, and the potential impact. The session will also address new data and analyses that seem to tip the balance in favor of informed decision-making for the PSA test and away from the USPSTF recommendation against it for all men. (USPSTF Recommendation)  

Session II
Moving beyond the PSA test controversy will require new diagnostic tests to help identify aggressive prostate cancer that should be treated and the less agressive form that men may be able to live with. Such tests would reduce the risk of overtreatment for the disease. This session will provide presentations about some of the most promising diagnostics and when they may be available for use.


Washington D.C. 
Wednesday, September 19th 
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM