PIBC Elected Board of Directors
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National Indigenous History Month 2023

June marks the start of National Indigenous History Month (#NIHM2023) - a time to recognize the First Nations, Métis, & Inuit Peoples who have stewarded these Lands known to many as Canada for time immemorial. It also creates an opportunity for us to honour and celebrate the diversity of Indigenous knowledge systems, cultures, languages, governance structures, and kinship models that continue to exist today.

We encourage all our members and partners to dedicate time this month to strengthening their relationships with the Indigenous Peoples of their territory and find meaningful ways to incorporate Indigenous knowledge systems into their planning practice.

Click here to read our joint statement with the Canadian Institute of Planners, Professional Standards Board and other professional planning institutes and associations across Canada. Click on the image to learn about the meanings behind the visuals.
PIBC Board Elections
PIBC Board Elections - Thank You & Congratulations
In accordance with PIBC's bylaws, the Institute held elections for positions on the PIBC Board of Directors for the two-year (2023-2025) Board term, in conjunction with the 2023 Annual General Meeting held on June 2, 2023.

The 2023-25 Board of Directors has been elected. Thank you to the members who volunteered and stepped forward as nominees in the Board Elections and to our outgoing Board members for their hard work and contributions. Thank you also to all members who took the time to vote in the election.
A Warm Welcome to PIBC's 2023-2025 Board of Directors
  • Emilie Adin RPP, MCIP

  • Kenna Jonkman RPP, MCIP (Elected by acclamation)

Certified Members (Directors)
  • Sawngjai (Dear) Bhokanandh RPP, MCIP
  • Lui Carvello RPP, MCIP
  • Narissa Chadwick RPP, MCIP
  • Cleo Corbett RPP, MCIP
  • Zoë Morrison RPP, MCIP
  • Sara Muir RPP, MCIP
  • Alex Taylor RPP, MCIP
  • Andrew Yan RPP, MCIP

Candidate Member Representative
  • Sarah Foulkes (Elected by acclamation)

The Board also includes the non-voting participation of the following guests:

The new Board will meet later this summer and will begin work updating the Institute’s strategic plan and renewing the various PIBC committees for the coming term. Thank you all and congratulations!
2023 Annual General Meeting & 2022 Annual Report
The 2023 Annual General Meeting was held on Friday, June 2, 2023 at the Sun Peaks Grand Hotel & Conference Centre during the PIBC 2023 Annual Conference - It takes a Village. The AGM was also broadcasted for virtual attendees to watch live and will be available as a recording after the event.

Thank you to all the members who attended and participated. The meeting addressed confirmation of the minutes of last year’s AGM, receipt of the 2022 Annual Report, as well as approval of the 2022 audited Financial Statements and the appointment of the Institute’s auditors for 2023. Additionally, the conclusion of the Institute’s bi-annual elections for the Board of Directors took place.

Click here for a downloadable copy of the Annual Report (PDF) available on the Institute's website.
PIBC logo
The Planning Institute of British Columbia recognizes, acknowledges, and appreciates that we are able to live, work, and learn on the traditional territories of the First Nations and Indigenous peoples of BC and Yukon. Acknowledging the principles of truth and reconciliation, we recognize and respect the history, languages, and cultures of the First Nations, Metis, Inuit, and all Indigenous peoples of Canada whose presence continues to enrich our lives and our country.
© 2023 Planning Institute of British Columbia
All rights reserved.