RMI MOHHS Ebeye - Position Vacancies
- Staff Physician/Family Medicine
- Chief Pharmacist
- Biomedical Engineer
- Radiologist
- Environmental Health Program Manager
- Director of Supply and Material Management
The physician is expected to use his/her cross-section medical knowledge and skills (including minor surgeries) in the field of family medicine, provide training to appropriate support staff such as out-patient nurses and emergency room nurses, manage record keeping of patients, and perform other duties within the capacity and qualifications.
Main Duties and Outcomes:
- To examine, diagnose, and treat patients with greater emphasis on preventive medicine through patient education at the out-patient clinic and assist the Bureau of Primary Health Care in its clinics.
- Assist / co-manage or refer patients as deemed appropriate to/with other member of the medical staff.
- Make recommendations to the Hospital Administrator in improving family medicine services.
- Conduct continuing education classes to medical staff, and other health care providers.
- Making notes and preparing information, both as a legal record of treatment and for the benefit of other health professional.
- Admitting patients requiring special care followed by investigation and treatments.
Inquiries/Application: For interested applicants, please submit your resume to the Chief of Staff-Ebeye Hospital for assessment at ebeye_692@yahoo.com. Any inquiries related to this vacancy can also be directed to the Chief of Staff-Ebeye Hospital.
Application Deadline: Open Until Filled
The chief pharmacist's key responsibilities are to manage and assigns the daily operation of the pharmacy, assist and give advice to medical staff regarding pharmaceuticals, prepare and requisition to order drugs from vendors, and perform other duties within the capacity, qualification and experience normally expected from person occupying position as this classification.
Main Duties and Outcomes:
- Plan assigns and evaluates the work of the subordinate staffs, compounds and dispenses drugs and medicines according to prescriptions receipted from physician or dental officers.
- Ensure that such prescriptions conform to accepted dosage levels, interprets prescriptions and purchase of drug items, maintains and adequate storage to prevent deterioration and to maintain drug potency.
- Supervise the maintenance of records of drugs and pharmaceutical compounded and dispensed including prescription files and stock control records, prepares a variety of concentrated solutions in strengths suitable for use intravenously.
- Supervise the sterilization and sealing of solutions member of Majuro Hospital Formulary Committee and advice the Chief of Medical Staff regarding various pharmaceutical.
Prepares the requisition to order drugs from approved vendors through the Marshall Island Health Fund, and make every effort to stay within the budget ordered and amounts dispenses and make dispensed and report of narcotics and alcohol used.
Inquiries/Application: For interested applicants, please submit your resume to the Chief of Staff-Ebeye Hospital for assessment at ebeye_692@yahoo.com. Any inquiries related to this vacancy can also be directed to the Chief of Staff-Ebeye Hospital.
Application Deadline: Open Until Filled
The biomedical engineer is expected to perform duties of a medical engineer in repairing, evaluating, and supervising to ensure efficient utilization of equipment and other related tasks within capacity and perform other duties within the capacity, qualification and experience normally expected from person occupying position as this classification.
Main Duties and Outcomes:
- Manage and coordinate activities of the Biomedical Engineer Department to include the evaluation, replacement, service, and repair of complex medical equipment.
- Advise Hospital Administration when equipment should be repaired or replaced and recommend selection of new equipment if required.
- Advise Hospital Administration in planning, budgeting, and pre-purchase evaluations.
- Supervise and coordinate all service and repair activities with respective clinical departments.
- Schedule works and ensures efficient utilization of staff, equipment, and facilities.
- Inspect completed work for accuracy and for compliance with pertinent safety regulation.
- Develop and conduct in-service education programs on new and existing equipment for biomedical maintenance personnel, physicians, nurses, and technicians to ensure proper use and adherence in safety guidelines.
- Establish and implement preventive maintenance programs for biomedical equipment.
- Develop system for efficient tracking of all equipment malfunctions, repairs, replacement, and downtime.
- Prepare budgetary recommendations; maintain variety of relevant records and data and managing various personnel actions including performance appraisals, promotions, and action schedules.
Inquiries/Application: For interested applicants, please submit your resume to the Chief of Staff-Ebeye Hospital for assessment at ebeye_692@yahoo.com. Any inquiries related to this vacancy can also be directed to the Chief of Staff-Ebeye Hospital.
Application Deadline: Open Until Filled
The radiologist's key responsibilities are to provide clinical supervisor, medical service and consultation, training and education classes, consultation on recommendation and improvement and perform other duties within the capacity, qualification and experience normally expected from person occupying position as this classification.
Main Duties and Outcomes:
- Oversee and manage the daily operation of radiologist.
- Examine diagnose 1and treat patients including performing surgical procedures.
- Perform ultrasonodgraphy, computed tomography (CT scan) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) image interpretation and other adjunct services. available in the hospital provided has certified training in these field.
- Assist the medical staff for guided procedure to ensure accuracy and safety of patient.
- Provide training mentoring and guidance for radiology technicians.
- Make recommendations to the Hospital Administrator thru Chief of Staff in improving radiology services as te as equipment upgrade
Inquiries/Application: For interested applicants, please submit your resume to the Chief of Staff-Ebeye Hospital for assessment at ebeye_692@yahoo.com. Any inquiries related to this vacancy can also be directed to the Chief of Staff-Ebeye Hospital.
Application Deadline: Open Until Filled
The environmental health program manager is expected to manage the delivery of high-performance environmental health service, implement, create and monitor environment strategies, reports and budget, training and development and perform other duties within the capacity, qualification and experience normally expected from a person occupying position at this classification. The environmental health program manager will manage, develop, coordinate and facilitate the ministry's health, safety and environmental policies and audit requirements on a national level.
Main Duties and Outcomes:
- Leading and fostering a culture of continual environmental improvement across all RMI through a day to day environmental focus effective leadership of environmental priorities.
- Giving high priority to environmental policy compliance and delivering on the corporate environmental plan and goals.
- Taking a proactive approach and facilitating a program that ensures there remains a strong agency focus on continuous improvement in environmental management practices and that an individual commitment and awareness of environmental sustainability is visual around the community.
- Advising managers on the appropriate disposal of waste in an economical and environmentally friendly manner, the reduction of landfill and emissions, the efficient use of energy and the elimination of unnecessary packaging and the use of environmentally friendly packaging materials.
- Contributes to and/or manages special projects as identified by the supervisor, ensuring project outcomes are achieved or progress on track in accordance with department plan.
- Manage, coordinate and facilitate the ministry's health, safety and environmental policies and audit requirements on a national level.
- Safe guarding the ministry's reputation and protecting management from liability by ensuring appropriate focus is maintained on environmental, and health and safety issues.
- Establish polices and regulations for programs under the EHU.
- Monitoring key environmental issues and impacts and effectively ensuring that the MOHHS management are kept informed of incidents or issues.
- Ensuring that MOH HS compiles with all applicable environmental standards and performance and legislative requirements.
- Analyses any program processes to identify problems and opportunities for developing strategies for environmental improvement.
- Developing a national Environmental Health & Safety strategy designed to position the ministry at the forefront of Environmental Protection Agency in RMI.
- Actively contributing to the development and Implementation of overall department strategies.
- Monitoring compliance with MOH HS policy and assisting managers to develop and sustain a safe an environmentally sustainable work place.
- The preparation and approval of an environmental annual plan and reporting.
- Provides monthly report to supervisor and all reports are completed in a timely manner with a high degree of accuracy.
- Leading the development and delivery of health and safety training and certification and providing proactive advice to managers on training providers.
- Liaising with our technical teams to ensure that we identify and minimize the potential environmental risks from our products and operations.
- Working with EPA, MAWC other relevant agencies and managers to ensure that we pursue a materials strategy based on the principals of reduce, reuse, and recycle.
- Attends meetings as directed by supervisor.
Inquiries/Application: For interested applicants, please submit your resume to the Chief of Staff-Ebeye Hospital for assessment at ebeye_692@yahoo.com. Any inquiries related to this vacancy can also be directed to the Chief of Staff-Ebeye Hospital.
Application Deadline: Open Until Filled
The director of supply and material management's key responsibilities include procurement and supply chain management, contract administration and management, logistics and asset management, and perform other duties within the capacity, qualification and experience normally expected from person occupying position as this classification. The director of supply and material management's purpose is to take a leadership role in executing effective and efficient procurement and supply services of Ebeye Hospital.
Main Duties and Outcomes:
- Management the entire process in the planning of procurement and supply chain activities, inventory control logistics and distribution, ensuring effectively functioning processes to avoid costly delays and lost opportunities.
- Ensure effective lines of communication between department heads, project/program managers and the procurement team to ensure priority requirements, timely delivery of goods, works and services using the most appropriate procurement procedures.
- Be responsible for introducing process improvement in the supply chain and identify new vendors/suppliers without jeopardizing quality and service delivery.
- Implement effective internal control, proper design and functioning of a client-oriented procurement management system for projects and related reporting requirements.
- Ensure effective use of internal Standard Operating Procedures in procurement, control of workflows, continuous business processes monitoring and elaboration improvement in systems and processes.
- Manage and monitor all transactional procurement including tendering processes, evaluation, contracting, contract management, legal considerations and payment conditions, contractors, performance evaluation and risk assessment.
- Ensure timely preparation of procurement plans for projects and monitor their implementation by controlling processes including receipt of requisitions, receipt of quotations, bids and proposals, evaluation and negotiation of certain conditions of contracts in full compliance with RMI Procurement code.
- Prepared monthly, quarterly and annual procurement plans, and progress reports as required.
- Promote a zero-tolerance for violations of procurement policies and procedures.
Inquiries/Application: For interested applicants, please submit your resume to the Chief of Staff-Ebeye Hospital for assessment at ebeye_692@yahoo.com. Any inquiries related to this vacancy can also be directed to the Chief of Staff-Ebeye Hospital.
Application Deadline: Open Until Filled