The quarterly PIHOA E-Newsletter features news, upcoming events, and resources for the U.S. Affiliated Pacific Islands health community.
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Pacific Island Health Officers Association
Celebrating 30 Years (est. 1986)
Upcoming 60th PIHOA Executive Board Meeting:
Save the Date, Aug. 30-Sept. 1, 2016
The 60th PIHOA Executive Board Meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 30 to September 1, 2016 in Honolulu, Hawaii. This meeting will bring together key national and regional stakeholders, pacific development partners, and U.S. federal agency leadership to discuss health issues of regional significance and by the end of the meeting, discuss and decide on critical priorities for partner and funder advocacy through official communiques, resolutions and recommendations.
PIHOA is fortunate once more to have Centers for Disease Control leadership from the Office of State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Support (CDC OSTLTS) attend the meeting, as well as tentative confirmation of attendance by senior leadership of the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO), the Pacific Community-Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC), the World Health Organization (WHO), the U.S. Pacific Command (PACOM), and the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS).
Key topics that will be discussed at the meeting include; USAPI non communicable disease response, intersections between climate change mitigation and public health and disaster preparedness, U.S. Pacific Command engagement in the USAPIs, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services engagement in the USAPIs, laboratory and other ancillary services, health information and data driven policies and interventions, human resources for health and workforce development, hospital administration and services, and telehealth.
This year, PIHOA is also celebrating 30 years and welcomes you to attend a special dinner celebration on Thursday, September 1, 2016. We hope you can join us!
A message from the PIHOA Board President
Dear PIHOA Board Members and Affiliates. Buens yan Hafa Adai from Guam!
I am excited to be preparing for the 30th Anniversary of PIHOA. Over the years, we have faced many challenges, but I believe that the future bodes well for the continuation of PIHOA as a viable and respected organization that speaks to the needs of the Pacific Region.
I am encouraged by the interest that has been shown lately by our Federal Partners in Region IX and specifically the commitment by Mellissa Stafford Jones who is genuinely interested in growning PIHOA as an organization that can develop solutions to the challenges common to us all, as well as those that uniquely affect certain jurisdictions.
Funding opportunities that will strengthen our Honolulu Secretariat that will provide more locally focused Technical Assistance Opportunities is very encouraging. A strong central office is very important as we seek solutions to our development.
I am also encouraged by the continued involvement of our WHO and SPC partners. Our Affiliates continue to help us “see” the whole picture and I encourage more active participation from them all.
I look forward to seeing you all in Honolulu in late August!
-Director James Gillan, Guam DPHSS
PIHOA is Hiring
Visit the PIHOA website Careers Page for updated job vacancies!
The Regional PIHOA IATA Dangerous Goods Shipping Training-of-Trainers
The Regional PIHOA IATA Dangerous Goods Shipping Training-of-Trainers was held on May 9-11, 2016 at the Pacific Star Hotel in Guam. This was followed by a day of laboratory updates and awareness on laboratory infection control and the laboratory preparedness and response to Ebola virus infection.
On the last day, topics on the significance of strong laboratory leadership and its impact on the entire laboratory quality management was discussed in length with the USAPI lab participants represented.
Guam Department of Public Health and Social Services Director James Gillan officially opened the training and welcomed the participants to Guam.
Dr. Una Baba, the keynote speaker, provided insights into the different cultural aspects of adult learning in the Pacific and especially in Yap and Pohnpei and the importance of knowing how learning can be facilitated effectively in these cultural societies.
IATA Training participants
PIHOA Regional Lab Coordinator, Vasiti Uluiviti
IATA Training participants
Day-to-day summary of the training
Days 1 - 3: May 9th - 11th 2016
A total of 20 participants attended the three day training. This included the following participants: A/Samoa x2; Majuro x1, Ebeye x1, Kosrae x1, Pohnpei x2, Chuuk x1, CNMI x1, Yap, x1, Palau x1, GPHL x3, Guam DEH x2, GMH x2 and SPC x2.
Vasiti Uluiviti, PIHOA Regional Lab Coordinator and Dr. Paul Fox co-facilitated the IATA shipping training. Dr. Fox’s presence contributed to various aspects of the shipping dangerous goods regulations (DGR) from the perspective of the U.S. Department of Transportation.
18 successful participants (96% pass rate)
i. PIHOA will continue to provide overall consultation from a distance whenever needed by the trainers.
ii. PIHOA will continue to provide training materials annually to each trainer to standardize the training content across the USAPI.
iii. Since May 30th, 2016, the following trainers have implemented IATA shipping training in their respective jurisdictions:
Mr. Rick Kaipat - CHC lab, CNMI: May 24th – 25th 2016.
Day 4: May 12th 2016 – Infection control and Ebola virus infection updates
The session was co-facilitated by Salanieta Duituturaga, Laboratory Lead at the Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Dr. Thane Hancock (CDC – Communicable Disease Epidemiologist) and Mr. Peter Judicpa (CDC – Immunization Project Advisor).
Ms. Duituturaga presented on the important aspects of laboratory infection control and its importance in controlling exposure to infections. Dr. Thane Hancock and Mr. Peter Judicpa presented on the Ebola virus infection updates and aspects of preparedness to counter the infection and the emphasis on the laboratory's role in strengthening surveillance.
Day 5: May 13th 2016 – Laboratory leadership and strengthening quality systems in the USAPI
The last day of the training started with a motivational presentation from Mr. David Qumivutia, the General Manager at the Suva Private Hospital, Suva, Fiji. Mr. Qumivutia is a medical lab scientist by profession, who worked his way up from being medical lab technologist, lab manager to the position he is at today. His presentation emphasized that everything in the workplace falls and rises on leadership. The week ended with the introduction of the concept of strengthening lab management towards accreditation (SLMTA) complemented with short group work activities which provided the participants a brief peak into the SLMTA concept as a whole.
Dr. Hancock giving his presentation
A few IATA training facilitators and participants pose for a photo. From left to right: Salanieta Duituturaga (Laboratory Lead, SPC); Tebuka Toatu (Lab Specialist, SPC-Pohnpei Office); Alan Mallari (Microbiology Technologist, GPHL); Vasiti Uluiviti (Regional Lab Coordinator, PIHOA)
Mr. Qumituvia giving his presentation
PIHOA Executive Board Member Highlights
Mrs. Magdalena Walter is the newly appointed Secretary of Health for the Department of Health and Social Affairs(DHS) in the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM). Secretary Walter is from Pohnpei State, FSM and has worked in the Pacific as a health and education professional for the past 30+ years. Secretary Walter was a Staff Nurse, Head Nurse Medical Ward, and the Chief Nurse for Pohnpei State Department of Health Services (Pohnpei DHS), and as a coordinator at the Nursing Home Institution in Florida.
In addition, she served three terms as a Senator on the State Legislature as the Chairman for the committee on health and social services for eight years and the Vice Chair for the committee on health social services for three years. Secretary Walter received her Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing Administration from Silliman University and a Master’s Degree in Nursing Administration from the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Secretary Walter is also very passionate about empowering women and establishing strategies for gender equality, assisting children at home, cooking, and home gardening. We look forward to what Secretary Walter has in store for the future of our island nations!
PIHOA Spotlight: Mr. Robert Spegal
Mr. Robert "Bob" Spegal, MPH, a long time resident of Pohnpei State, Federated States of Micronesia, is originally from the Philadelphia area in the eastern U.S. state of Pennsylvania. He first came to Pohnpei in 1975 as a U.S. Peace Corps volunteer.
From 1988-1997, Mr. Spegal was the Fiscal/Administrative Officer for the Pacific Basin Medical Officers Training Program (PBMOTP), a five-year physician training program which trained 70 Micronesian and American Samoa physicians who all have remained within the U.S. Affiliated Pacific Islands with one graduate in Hawaii (who works for PIHOA). Mr. Spegal was responsible for administering a $14 million budget during his nine years of service at the PBMOTP. In 1998 the PBMOTP was labeled by the U.S. Institute of Medicine (IOM) as a "remarkable program".
Mr. Spegal’s first work with PIHOA came in 1989 when a “Re-Evaluation of the Health Care Systems in the US-Affiliated Pacific Jurisdictions” was conducted by the US IOM, with administrative support from PIHOA. As the FSM’s National Health Planner, Mr. Spegal assisted PIHOA with organizing the conference in Pohnpei, at which the results of the re-evaluation were presented.
During PIHOA’s 1998 annual meeting, Mr. Spegal (as the State Director of Health Services) proposed that Pohnpei State host PIHOA’s next annual meeting. That meeting was held on September 20-24, 1999, marking the first time that one of PIHOA’s associate members (a state rather than a national office) had hosted the annual meeting. The meeting was a great success with over 80 participants.
As Manager of the Pohnpei-based Doctors and Dentists For Tomorrow program (DDFT) under the Health Careers Opportunity Program (HCOP), Mr. Spegal is again working with PIHOA to build HR capacity in Micronesia. Recruitment of 25 recent high school graduates was completed in May 2016, and these students are now taking summer “Boot Camp” foundation level science and math courses at COM-FSM national campus in Palikir, Pohnpei. DDFT students will graduate following the Spring 2018 semester, better prepared to successfully complete degree programs in medicine and dentistry.
Here are a few photos from the DDFT summer bootcamp happening now in Palikir. This program would not be possible without the dedication and commitment from the following individuals: Dr. Greg Dever, PIHOA's Regional Human Resources for Health Coordinator, PIHOA Consultants; Mr. Robert Spegal, Health Education Coordinator, Dr. Brian Magnum, Medical Science Instructor, Mr. Danny Wyatt, Math Instructor, Ms. Holly Lyons, Study Skills Instructor, and COM-FSM's Dr. Paul Dacanay.
The HCOP tutors lead the candle lighting ceremony during the welcoming ceremony on June 24th at the COM gymnasium.
Dr. Johnny Hedson, Acting Director of Pohnpei State Hospital and PIHOA Associate Member speaks to HCOP students at the hospital orientation on Tuesday, June 27th, prior to students starting their twice-a-week Practicum.
The HCOP tutors lead the students in the candle lighting ceremony at the Welcoming Dinner on
June 24th
at the COM gymnasium.
HCOP students, tutors and instructor Dr. Brian Mangum pose in front of the Pohnpei State Hospital after the orientation by Dr. Johnny Hedson.
CNMI NCD hybrid data collection complete!
The CNMI NCD Hybrid Survey completed data collection in early May 2016. This is the first adult NCD population-based survey to be conducted in CNMI and serves as a pilot for the region. A total of 1034 surveys were conducted. Data are currently being analyzed, and a data dissemination workshop is planned for October 2016.
2016 Pacific Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) Summit in Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Pacific Islands’ leaders and ministers, and officials from regional and global development agencies, gathered in the Kingdom of Tonga from June 20-22, 2016 to consider urgent action to address the region’s non-communicable diseases (NCD) crisis. PIHOA's Executive Director, Emi Chutaro were among those who attended the summit as well as PIHOA Board Members, FSM Secretary of Health Magdalena Walter, RMI Minister of Health Kalani Kaneko, and American Samoa Deputy Director of Health, Fara Utu, as proxy for American Samoa Director of Health, Motusa Tuileama Nua.
Palau NCD Hybrid Survey training
The Palau MOH NCD Unit and Palau MOH Prevention Unit conducted training for its NCD Hybrid Survey with assistance from Dr. Haley Cash from May 2-6, 2016. Data are currently being collected throughout Palau by local surveyors. These data will provide NCD burden and risk factor prevalence data on the adult population in Palau.
Council for State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) Annual Conference
In June 2016, Dr. Haley Cash attended the Council for State and Territorial Epidemiologists Annual Conference in Anchorage, AK with Ms. Rica Dela Cruz. Ms. Dela Cruz is from Saipan and recently received her MPH from University of California Los Angeles (UCLA). She completed a summer internship in CNMI under the guidance of Dr. Cash over the summer of 2015. Dr. Cash and Ms. Dela Cruz presented epidemiological work from the region at the Conference and continue to work together on publications.
2016 Pacific Islands Program Collaboration and Service Integration Conference in Majuro, RMI
In July 2016, the Pacific Islands Program Collaboration and Service Integration (PCSI) Conference brought together clinicians, community workers, laboratorians, public health officials, and partner agencies from the U.S.-affiliated Pacific Islands and across the Pacific to share cross-cutting and disease-specific expertise in HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, TB, Hansen’s disease, and diabetes. The conference was held in Majuro, The Republic of the Marshall Islands with PIHOA’s Regional Laboratory Coordinator Vasiti Uluiviti attending laboratory break-out sessions along with Dr. Matthew Bankowski and Dr. Angela Starks.
DDM Training in American Samoa
On May 16-20, 2016, Data for Decision Making 802: Introduction to Public Health Surveillance was conducted at the American Samoa Community College by course facilitators Dr. Haley Cash, Ms. Leiema Hunt (ASDOH), Mr. Scott Anesi (ASDOH), and Mr. Aifili Tufa (UH graduate student). 23 participants enrolled in the course and attended sessions Monday-Friday. All of these participants completed the course and presented a final project. Success of this course would not have been possible without the coordination and support from the American Samoa Department of Health and the American Samoa Community College.
Anthropometric Measurement Standardization Training in Kosrae, FSM
On July 13-15, 2016, PIHOA’s Pacific Basin Primary Care Office (PCO) Coordinator, Dr. Angela Techur-Pedro and PIHOA Consultant and Professor of Nutrition from the University of Hawaii at Manoa, Dr. Rachel Novotny provided anthropometric measurement standardization training in Kosrae, FSM. Kosrae State Director of Health, Dr. Livinson Taulung presents certificate of anthropometric measurement standardization to trainee Ms. Patricia Tilfas as one of the 10 trainees and one of only 3 who passed all 3 measures, height, weight, and waist circumference.
NLAPH Training at CDC Headquarters
In June 2015, a few PIHOA Executive Board and Associate Members attended the National Leadership Academy for the Public’s Health (NLAPH) leadership Development training at CDC Headquarters in Atlanta. PIHOA Board members include; CNMI CHC CEO Ester Muna, FSM Secretary of Health Magdalena Walter, RMI Secretary of Health Dr. Briand Kennar, and Deputy Director of Health for Yap State, Dominic Taruwemai, as proxy for Yap State Director of Health, Martina Reichhardt.
DDM 803 Training in Kosrae, FSM
DDM 803 Training in Yap, FSM
Data for Decision Making 803, Outbreak Detection and Response was conducted in mid-late April 2016 in Kosrae and Yap State, FSM by PIHOA/CDC placements, Dr. Haley Cash and Dr. Thane Hancock. This has been the second module in an ambitious project to produce epi technicians and surveillance/health information system improvement in the FSM through the DDM program. The students remained engaged and enthusiastic through the second module. Independent applied epidemiology projects were discussed, and topics were identified for all participants during the first module. For the last two weeks, Dr. Cash and Dr. Hancock have implemented the next module, DDM 801, Introduction to Epidemiology and Data Analysis in both Yap and Kosrae (See next E-Newsletter).
Local & National Events
August 10-12, 2016
August 22 - 25, 2016
11th Annual Pacific Island Primary Care Association (PIPCA) Meeting
Location: Honolulu, HI
August 30 - September 1, 2016
Location: Honolulu, HI
September 13 - 15, 2016
Location: Atlanta, GA
September 14-16, 2016
October 12-14, 2016
If your agency or organization would like to contribute to
the Quarterly PIHOA newsletter, please
contact us
. Content should be of interest to public health professionals in the U.S.-Affiliated Pacific Islands, and should concern the public health and healthcare system field and related activities.