
  Creating a College-Going Culture!            May 2012




This year PIQE piloted and launched its Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Program with great success at the University of Pacific (UOP) in Stockton, California.  In addition, the PIQE "Best Practices Model" has been successfully replicated in 12 school districts in Minnesota and we are currently planning it also for the States of Washington and Ohio.  


PIQE's work has been highlighted in state and national news articles

David Valladolidand is reaching coast-to-coast

 attention.  I want to thank all of you for your ongoing support and collaboration; as the African proverb states, "It takes a village to raise a child!"


Together we will continue working for the best interest of ALL

 children, by promoting "Parent Engagement in Education" and "Creating a College-going Culture!"

Now Anything is Possible!




David's Signature

David Valladolid
National President and Chief Executive Officer   

Be Inspired...Watch this Video

Parent at Willow Glen-YouTube
PIQE is changing lives.

 PIQE Launches S.T.E.M. Program!



As the demand for skilled workers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) continues, so does our attention and strategic focus on getting students ready.


PIQE is deliberate in taking a stand, "parents should be aware of how to help their children into the STEM pipeline"...and these parents feel more confident about how they will cultivate STEM in their middle school children.


Spread the word about PIQE...only a click away!



PIQE is Making a Difference in California College-Going Culture!

In 2011, for the first time, more Latino students than white students applied for admission to California State University's 23 campuses. 

Read Full Article Here...


Parent Tips   


Guiding and preparing our children for their lives after high school is perhaps one of the most important tasks we face as parents.   


Here are some ideas to put into practice:   


1. Motivate our children to fulfill ALL of the college admission requirements.


2. Encourage our students to get a summer job during high school or....


Click Here for More Parent Tips 




 PIQE Impacts Parents and Students 

read testimonies here!   




 Your Contribution can help shape our children's future! 



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