This year PIQE piloted and launched its Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Program with great success at the University of Pacific (UOP) in Stockton, California. In addition, the PIQE "Best Practices Model" has been successfully replicated in 12 school districts in Minnesota and we are currently planning it also for the States of Washington and Ohio.
PIQE's work has been highlighted in state and national news articles
and is reaching coast-to-coast attention. I want to thank all of you for your ongoing support and collaboration; as the African proverb states, "It takes a village to raise a child!" Together we will continue working for the best interest of ALL children, by promoting "Parent Engagement in Education" and "Creating a College-going Culture!" Now Anything is Possible! Sincerely, 
David Valladolid National President and Chief Executive Officer |