Monday, January 13
Leatrice Borofsky, Mother-In-Law of Ms. Anne Borofsky
Esther Diament, Sister of Gloria Horowitz
Dorothy Koblenz, Grandmother of Eleanor Dreyfus
Thursday, January 16
Melvin Prigot, Father of Andrea Prigot
Friday, January 17
Diane Geller, Mother of Edward Geller
Ruth Kasten, Mother of Iris Kasten
Joseph Y. Lenney, Father-In-Law of Leah Lenney
Saturday, January 18
Henry Smith, Father of Leah Leonard
Sunday, January 19
Charlotte Goldklang, Mother of Janice Goldklang
Frances Schreiber, Mother of Gloria Staple
Monday, January 20
Henry Goldman, Father of Robert Goldman
Stanley Stern, Father of Melanie Stern
Tuesday, January 21
Helen Goldberg, Mother of Shelli Goldberg-Peck
Wednesday, January 22
Frank Bennett, Grandfather of Leah Leonard
Thursday, January 23
George Coleman, Grandfather of Douglas Spitzer
Friday, January 24
Nathan Schaeffer, Father of Florence Grossman