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Weekly Announcements

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'24-'25 LC Calendar


PJC Book Group: Jan 13

Adult Education: Jan 14

MLK Day of Service: Jan 19

Hooked on Havdalah: Jan 25 REGISTER!

Blood Drive: Jan 26

Bowling Night: Feb 8 RSVP REQUIRED!

Synagogue News


Next PJC Board Meeting: Feb 13

Next Women's Group: TBD

This coming spring the World Zionist Congress is holding elections, which are of profound significance to Jews everywhere. Like many Conservative shuls around the world, at the PJC we are coordinating our campaign with Mercaz, which is the the movement affiliated party at the WZO. A vote for Mercaz ensures that the Jewish values that animate our lives at the PJC and beyond will be represented at the Congress.

For more details, please click here. Rabbi Resnick's discussion during Shabbat services on Jan 11 can be reviewed here.

Shabbat: Parshat Shemot

Erev Shabbat, January 17

Light Candles 4:36 pm

Kabbalat Shabbat 6:00 pm

Shabbat, January 18

Morning Service 9:30 am

Havdalah 5:40 pm

This week, Kiddush is being sponsored by

Gloria and Sheldon Horowitz in honor of

their 60th Wedding Anniversary.

Yom Nisu'in Sameach!


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The PJC Book Group will discuss Ayelet Tsabari's, The Best Place on Earth on Monday, Jan 13th at 8:00pm on Zoom. A link will be sent out separately.

This collection of short stories is written from the perspective of Israelis of Middle Eastern descent. The Best Place on Earth interweaves stories of discrimination, loss, displacement, sex, death and religion. The voice is intimate and compelling. Tsabari writes with incredible compassion and a light touch.

Future Events:

Feb 10: Long Island Compromise by Taffy Brodesser-Anker

Mar 24: The Heaven & Earth Grocery by James McBride

Adult Education

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Rabbi Resnick will be holding this winter's adult education program: Exploring the Talmud.

Class is every Tuesday from 7:30-8:30 pm from January 14th through February 25th with the exception of February 18th. Suggested donation is $75.

The Babylonian Talmud is the crown jewel of ancient rabbinic literature. A work of astonishing breadth and depth, it is the single most important guide to Jewish ritual life, as it is lived today, and it has informed and shaped Jewish culture throughout the ages in profound ways. Throughout the winter we'll explore some of the Talmud's major themes and modes of inquiry, paying special attention to rabbinic culture and styles of interpretation. In the end we'll try to answer the question: Who were the ancient rabbis and why do they remain so urgently relevant? Toward the end of the course we'll also be joined by Rabbi Marc Katz, author of "Yochanan's Gamble," a recent book about Talmudic thought.

Please RSVP to the office

MLK Day of Service

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Join the PJC for a Day of Service to honor the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. on Sunday, January 19 from 10:30 - 12:00 pm at the PJC.

Members will be donating and packing toiletries for adults and adolescents facing financial difficulties without the means to purchase the items themselves.

A full list of items needed for donation can be found here, and an Amazon Wishlist can be found here.

Hooked on Havdalah

Hooked on Havdalah is back on Saturday, January 25th from 5:00 - 6:30pm. A light dinner will be served with a movie for the kids, followed by ice cream for everyone.

All are welcome!

To register, click here.

PJC Blood Drive

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The PJC Winter Blood Drive is Sunday, Jan 26 from 9:00 am to 1:30 pm! 

No appointment is necessary but if you would like to make one please contact Michael Dvorkin at  

Bowling Night

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We hope that you will join an evening out for bowling, food and fun at Bowlero White Plains on Saturday, Feb 8 at 7:30 pm. This is intended to be a non-competitive, social event for PJC members ages 25 and up.

Please RSVP with payment! The cost is $47 per adult, and all proceeds are used to cover the costs of this event. We will need at least 20 people to lock in this price and we need to collect up front in order to cover the deposit to hold the reservation. Hopefully our group will be even more than 20, as it will be lots of fun.

You can RSVP the following ways; ensure the names of all attendees are in the memo of the payment:

  • Sending a Venmo payment to Tracie Cohn (@tracieandjason)
  • Deliver a check made out to the PJC to the PJC office, with Bowling and the attendee names in the memo.


Monday, January 13

Leatrice Borofsky, Mother-In-Law of Ms. Anne Borofsky

Esther Diament, Sister of Gloria Horowitz

Dorothy Koblenz, Grandmother of Eleanor Dreyfus

Thursday, January 16

Melvin Prigot, Father of Andrea Prigot

Friday, January 17

Diane Geller, Mother of Edward Geller

Ruth Kasten, Mother of Iris Kasten

Joseph Y. Lenney, Father-In-Law of Leah Lenney

Saturday, January 18

Henry Smith, Father of Leah Leonard

Sunday, January 19

Charlotte Goldklang, Mother of Janice Goldklang

Frances Schreiber, Mother of Gloria Staple

Monday, January 20

Henry Goldman, Father of Robert Goldman

Stanley Stern, Father of Melanie Stern

Tuesday, January 21

Helen Goldberg, Mother of Shelli Goldberg-Peck

Wednesday, January 22

Frank Bennett, Grandfather of Leah Leonard

Thursday, January 23

George Coleman, Grandfather of Douglas Spitzer

Friday, January 24

Nathan Schaeffer, Father of Florence Grossman

Yahrzeit candles should be lit the evening before the date specified.

PJC Library News

The Library is open.

New books can be found on the mantle. To check out a book, write your name and the date on the card in the back of the book and leave the card in the office upstairs.

Return all borrowed books to the blue bin on the window ledge in the library. Please don't shelve returned books!

Treasurer's Message

Billing statements are emailed monthly. 

Credit card instructions are on your billing statement and on ShulCloud. Checks made out to the Pelham Jewish Center can be mailed to P.O. Box 418, Montvale, NJ 07645. 

It is the policy of the Pelham Jewish Center to make every effort to assist members experiencing financial challenges. Financial challenges should never be a barrier to being an active member of the PJC community. You can reach out to President Lisa Neubardt, Treasurer Mitchell Cepler or Rabbi Benjamin Resnick to speak confidentially concerning your ability to pay.

Odds and Ends

Please consider being a Kiddush sponsor, there are dates available. Please contact the office for more information.

Do you have an upcoming simcha you would like acknowledged in our PJC community? Please reach out to Barbara Saunders-Adams so she can share via the HaKol.

Have you attended or participated in a virtual PJC event you would like to write about for HaKol? Please let Barbara know!

For any other related communications matters, please contact Adam Ilkowitz.

Community - Inspiration - Tradition - Respect - Hope

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