Property Owners' Association of Deep Creek Lake

As you may be aware the State's Lakes Protection and Restoration Fund (SLPRF) was Funded in the last Maryland legislative session at $1M/year for three years. While this amount was far less than had been requested, it constitutes recognition by the State that the State has a responsibility for the 16 lakes it owns.

In the current legislative session Senator Edwards and Delegate Beitzel have introduced bills to increase SLPRF funding to $3M/year and remove the "sunset" clause of three years. Clearly this increase in funding without a "sunset" clause will benefit all Maryland lakes and, in particular, Deep Creek Lake.

Please take a moment to send letters of support for these Bills to both Senator Edwards at and Delegate Beitzel at . A draft letter that you may use as a guide for your letter may be seen here . Please add your own views and "spin" to your letters. If you are a Maryland resident living outside of Garrett County, please consider writing to your Senator and/or Delegate.

Thanks for your help!

Best Regards,
Paul Weiler
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