Breakfast: Cereals, especially whole grain such as Cheerios, Total, Raisin Bran are preferred; baking mixes, such as pancake, muffin and biscuit; concentrated fruit juices, both canned and boxed.
Lunch: Canned meats, dried and canned fruits, macaroni & cheese, boxed dinners like tuna, chicken and hamburger helper, pasta, peanut butter, canned vegetables, dried beans, instant potatoes, rice, soups, spaghetti sauces and stew.
Staples: Crackers, coffee, condiments, flour, sugar, syrup, jam, honey, tea, cooking oils.
Low-salt items: soup, vegetables, tomato and spaghetti sauces.
Low-sugar items: cereals, fruit.
Culture Specific Foods: Somali: dried beans, white or Basmati rice. Russian: Canned fish, grains or pickled vegetables. Latino: Maseca, black and pinto beans, white rice. Asian: Jasmine rice, Yellow Kokuho rice, noodles, chili sauce sardines and bamboo shoots.