Our fiscal year just ended on June 30. We've tallied our impact and all the hard work from the past year, and they are our strongest numbers yet! Help us keep growing our impact and
join our growing list of individual donors.
Expungement intakes: 47
Clients served: 1,556
Expungement petitions filed: 2,929
Zip codes served*: 102
* new clients only
Community outreach events: 55
Attendees at outreach events: 1,115
Pardon Hubs established: 5
Individual donors: 27
Read all about our activities and efforts in the first year of the Pardon Project
Four Expungement Clinics Scheduled for September
PLSE accepts all new clients through its expungement clinics which are held monthly. For anyone interested in learning how to clear their criminal record, a clinic is the best place to start. They will be able to sit down one-on-one with a trained volunteer and review options for clearing their criminal record.
We are holding expungement clinics on 9/4, 9/6, 9/21, and 9/27. For more dates and details,
visit the PLSE website. Attendees do NOT need to register in advance. All you need to bring is a photo ID and a little patience.
PLSE Partners with Philadelphia FIGHT
Criminal history records are a public health crisis as much as other issues like gun control and climate change. Expungement clinics are a great place to begin the process of cleaning up a criminal record and PLSE is proud to have strong community partners such as Philadelphia FIGHT working to combat the barriers created by criminal records. On August 5, PLSE held an expungement clinic at FIGHT's Institute for Community Justice (ICJ), providing information to 51 individuals and accepting 37 new clients to the Expungement Project.
"The partnership between PLSE and ICJ creates an invaluable resource for the thousands of individuals in Philadelphia impacted by mass incarceration. It has and will continue to remove barriers and change the narratives of so many lives."
-H. Jay Adams, Community Health Worker at ICJ
You can sponsor another Expungement Project intake at ICJ for $2,500.
Today's Tip: Getting the Most from PLSE's Services
As a result of the new Clean Slate law, the general public is no longer able to view a complete criminal history record online. You can't see your record anymore, and neither can PLSE. The only way that PLSE can give you complete legal advice is by having your full history. How can you get a copy? Go to Room 310 of the Criminal Justice Center (13th and Filbert Street) with a government photo ID and ask for a copy of the “secure court record” and the “docket” in every case in which you were a defendant. While you are there: be sure to go down to the basement level and ask for a copy of how much money you still owe in court fines or fees. Bring your court documents to the intake session and we will walk you through them.
What Keeps Us Going?
PLSE is a 501(c)3 organization that depends on contributions from those who believe in our work. Earlier this month, we added even more names to our
ongoing list of donors, including a major donor, and sent along thank-you notes to these recent donors. Every now and then, one writes back. Here is what Paul, a monthly donor through PayPal, had to say:
"I'm very proud of your group's accomplishments. It's very impressive. Keep up the great work. I'm happy I get to help support the mission."
We want to thank everyone who contributes to PLSE, and especially those who personalize their gift with a note like this one.
Thank you, Paul! It means a lot to us when we hear from our supporters.