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PMP Research Foundation NewsMay 2011 

Happy Spring!

The PMP Research Foundation is pleased to share our latest news with you. We've got lots of exciting updates, including information about several educational and fundraising events coming up in the next few months.  We hope to see some of you at one of our upcoming events!

What's New?
Upcoming Symposiums
Upcoming Fundraising Events
PMP Documentary "The Secret Cancer"
Grant Applications Due May 20, 2011
Upcoming Symposiums

The PMP Research Foundation has two educational events coming up. Register now for a chance to win Red Sox and Phillies tix! 


Photo of Drs. Alexander, Lambert & GoodmanUMass PMP Symposium: May 25, 2011

University of Massachusetts Medical School/UMass Memorial Health Care (UMMS/UMMHC) and the PMP Research Foundation will host a Symposium on PMP on May 25, 2011 in Worcester, MA. Red Sox tickets will be raffled.  


Speakers will include Dr. Richard Alexander, Dr. Laura Lambert and Dr. Martin Goodman. This is a FREE event and is open to all. For more information or to register, click here.


New England Fundraising Volunteers needed! We will be holding a fundraising session following the symposium for anyone interested in supporting the PMP Research Foundation. Find out how you can help fight PMP. Please contact for more information.

Second Annual PMP Cancer Symposium: June 17, 2011

Fox Chase Crozer-Keystone Cancer Partnership and the PMP Research Foundation will host a Symposium on PMP on June 17, 2011 in Upland, PA. Phillies tickets will be raffled.    


Speakers include Dr. Paul Sugarbaker, Dr. Laura Lambert, Dr. Jesus Esquivel, and Dr. Armando Sardi. Click here for more information. 

Upcoming Fundraising Events

PMPRF has lots of exciting fundraising events planned for this summer:


First Annual PuMP Out with Jeff - Gastonia, NC, May 21, 2011. Click here for more information.  PMP Cancer Walkers Photo


Fifth Annual PMP Cancer Walk - Philadelphia, PA area, June 19, 2011

Click here for more information.


Brenda's Ultramarathon for PMP  

Badwater, CA, July 11, 2011 

Brenda Carawan was selected as one of 90 athletes from around the world to compete in the Badwater Ultramarathon.Badwater Runners Photo


Brenda is running the race in honor of her friend who has PMP, and is using the race to build awareness and raise funds for PMP research. Click here for more information or to support Brenda in this awesome endeavor. 


Third Annual Summer Scurry - Cleveland, OH area, August 13, 2011. Click here for more information or to register.

PMP Documentary "The Secret Cancer"

Fellow PMP patient and documentary filmmaker Deborah Walker plans to create a documentary about Appendix Cancer and PMP called "The Secret Cancer."     


Deborah and her partner/husband Jonathan Cunningham are seeking patients and caregivers who are willing to be interviewed so they can share their experiences with Appendix Cancer and PMP for the documentary. Contact Deborah and Jon directly at  if you would like to participate. Click here to find out more.


Patients and caregivers will also have an opportunity to participate in the documentary at our upcoming fundraising events in Philadelphia, PA (Sunday, June 19) and Cleveland, OH (Saturday, August 13), as well as at our Second Annual PMP Cancer Symposium at Crozer-Chester Medical Center in the Philly area (Friday, June 17), where Deborah and Jon plan to have camera crews on hand.


Please consider supporting this important project aimed at increasing awareness and understanding of PMP among the general public!

Grant Applications due May 20, 2011

PMPRF and NORD are currently accepting proposals for two $50,000, 2-year PMP research grants for 2011. Click here to access the Request for Proposal. The application is due to NORD on May 20, 2011. The timeline for grant applications is as follows:

  • Letter of Intent Deadline is May 20, 2011.
  • Full proposal invitations will be announced during the second week of July, 2011.
  • Full proposals must be received by NORD by August 26, 2011.
  • Award announcements will be made in mid-November, 2011.


Thank you for supporting the PMP Research Foundation. We look forward to your continued support and hope to see you at some of our upcoming events!




The PMP Research Foundation

PMP Research Foundation

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PMP Symposium 
Dr. Sugarbaker's Photo
Dr. Sugarbaker

Please join us on Friday, June 17th in Upland, PA for our 2nd Annual PMP Symposium. 


Dr. Paul Sugarbaker will present "Standard of Care for Peritoneal Dissemination from Gastrointestinal Cancer - 2010 and Beyond."


Click here for more info. 

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