A new sculpture honors Yesler residents' resilience through periods of change and growth
A new sculpture at Yesler, Megastrobili by artist George Lee, has been unveiled. Lee was commissioned by SHA in 2016 to create a public artwork as part of a Kresge Foundation Arts and Culture grant supporting SHA’s work to integrate arts into the Yesler redevelopment process. 

Since then, Lee has led many community engagement projects at Yesler, including a youth and sports after-school program and the creation of a Yesler Hospitality Table. In creating Megastrobili, Lee was especially inspired by stories shared by elders in the Vietnamese Garden Club and East African Food and Fitness Programs, where the artist learned about the rich gardening traditions of the community and more>

President-Elect Biden Proposes New
COVID-19 Relief Proposal!
covid package and housing provisions

The federal eviction moratorium expires in just over two weeks. By then, renters will owe an estimated $70 billion in back rent, more than they can ever pay off. If the federal government doesn't intervene, tens of millions of people will lose...

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Meet the Candidates for NAHRO President and SVP!
At #NAHRONavigates, the association’s online national conference, Patricia Wells, CEO of the Oakland Housing Authority and the current NAHRO Senior Vice President, officially announced her candidacy for the office of NAHRO President.

Senior Vice President Candidate Messages
Hello NAHRO Family,
During these trying times I hope everyone is staying safe and working to keep our communities safe. With this new normal, it is great that we can use these types of platforms to stay connected.
Thank you for allowing me this time to present to you as a candidate for the Senior Vice President. The focus of my campaign is education and advocacy. Education is a key to success, especially in our current environment and provides great knowledge. If elected as NAHRO Senior Vice President, my mission will be to provide and build the necessary resources to strengthen the knowledge of all NAHRO members to enable them to grow as individuals, agencies, and organizations.
Education and advocacy provides public officials the knowledge and ability to make informed decisions. We owe it to ourselves as NAHRO members, our staff and the families that participate in our programs, to ensure that public officials are making informed decisions based upon a clear understanding of our programs before the decision is made. An informed decision hopefully will have an affirmative impact on our programs and assets, creating communities that are diverse and equitable and that allow disadvantaged families to succeed and prosper. But let’s be frank and let me be direct, it’s also time to speak loud and clear. We need to demand Congress to provide us adequate funding, we need to demand that our leaders appreciate and better showcase the hard and amazing work we do, and we must stand firm with a strong message that we will not be left behind the nations other priorities - because without a home, all else fails!
I have served as the Executive Director of the Baltimore County Office of Housing since June 2012. I also served as the Executive Director of the Human Relations Commission. This role and position has given me a unique and unusual perspective into the realm of discrimination, inequity and creating solutions to these disparities for all.
During the 2017-2019 NAHRO term, as VP of Professional Development, under my leadership the PD Committee was able to award it first recognition award. I proudly served on the NAHRO Board of Governors, the Strategic Planning Group, and the CEO Evaluation Committee, and participated in the International Forum. This term I will continue to be a member of the Board of Governors, Professional Development and a member of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee.
I am NAHRO Certified. I am a Certified Management Executive (CME), Public Housing Management (PHM), HQS. I am a member of the NAHRO faculty.
It is an exciting experience when you get to interact and educate your colleagues on the work that we do and work to continue to enhance our education and development offerings.
I truly hope that you will get to know me better, converse with me, educate me on your needs and desires, and consider electing me to this exciting position.
Thank you and stay safe.
Marsha J. Parham-Green, CME, MA, MNPM
Candidate for Senior Vice President 
Happy Holidays NAHRO Family!
2020 has been a year unlike any other, as we faced a crisis that immobilized our world. As we responded to the challenges and adjusted to our new normal, we were tasked with creating solutions to meet the ever-changing needs of our communities. As the nation’s largest connector of housing and community professionals, NAHRO has played a key role in supporting its members as we navigate during this challenging time.
As members of NAHRO, we are part of a diverse group of individuals that are passionate about our agencies and the communities we serve. This passion and the belief in the NAHRO mission are the inspiration for me to seek the role of Senior Vice-President.
Over the years, I have had the pleasure of working with many of you, while serving as Executive Director of the Fort Wayne (IN) Housing Authority. As a member of NAHRO I served as President of the Indiana Chapter and current President of the North Central Region Council. I am Vice Chair of the Board of Ethics and Credentialing Trustees where I had the opportunity to lead the effort to create the current Code of Conduct. I’m also a Co-Founder of the Housing and Education Task Force.
This is an unprecedented time within our nation. We must mobilize and collaborate to identify innovative solutions that will prepare our agencies for the future. As senior vice-president, my goal will be to continue to advance our work in Housing, Equity, and Community.
Year after year, our programs are under siege from budget cuts, federal red tape, and officials who do not understand our programs and their impact. I will advocate for increased funding and local flexibilities for public housing authorities and community development agencies. Our goal is to protect small agencies and strengthen the finance tools and programs to expand housing programs, redevelop properties and better meet local needs.
Public Housing Authorities can serve, empower people and communities that have been marginalized. This includes those impacted by systemic inequities, rural communities, the homeless, victims of the pandemic and others. Collectively we can advance conversations regarding equity, that will empower all NAHRO members.
We will work to grow our NAHRO community through expanded professional development, networking, and advocacy. Together we can elevate the conversations to reduce the disparities in housing, education and health to advance the communities we serve.
We have proven our ability to rise to the challenge of the moment and will continue to be resilient. I look forward to working with each of you as we work to strengthen the impact of NAHRO while empowering our team members, residents and stakeholders.
Please follow me on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn for updates and to share your thoughts and ideas on how we can advance the NAHRO agenda.
I ask for your support and vote in advancing our shared goals of housing, equity and community.
I look forward to connecting with you.
George Guy
CEO/Executive Director of Fort Wayne Housing Authority
Candidate for Senior Vice President
Don't Delay: Register Now for our Washington Conference!
As our nation continues to grapple with COVID-19 and a historic rental housing crisis, we also need to prepare for a new administration and shifting Congressional priorities. Get ready to reconnect with your allies, forge new relationships, and make your voice heard on Capitol Hill!
This year, we’ll schedule virtual Hill visits for you and provide pre-visit advocacy training. Make sure you register early so you get access to the training and preparation meetings! Last year, we learned that the virtual meeting format allows members of Congress and their staff to attend more meetings and chat with their constituents longer than they might normally be able to, so don’t miss this opportunity!
More information on advocacy, speakers and sessions will be coming soon – check our website often for updates.
Vancouver Housing Authority using technology to manage voucher programs
When COVID-19 hit the U.S. in March, Vancouver Housing Authority (VHA) took swift action to adjust its voucher programs to the new reality and have staff work remotely.

Brandi Sargent, voucher programs manager, said VHA changed a few processes that remain in place today. Staff allow tenants to turn in paperwork through email, fax or a drop box. Having them sign electronically via DocuSign is faster than mailing documents back and forth.
Participants can email pictures to verify income. Sargent’s department also created a self-declaration form for participants to complete and sign via DocuSign.

To complete annual inspections of occupied units and maintain housing quality standards, VHA performs remote inspections through video calls with landlords and tenants. Using Zoom, Skype and other video conferencing platforms, inspectors have landlords or tenants virtually walk them through units. (Vacant units are still inspected in person.)

GoToMeeting allows for web-based group briefings and conference calls so Vancouver Housing Authority can continue to issue new vouchers.
In fact, during the pandemic the agency applied for and received 75 additional mainstream vouchers, 48 more Veterans Affairs Supported Housing (VASH) vouchers and 16 new Foster Youth to Independence Initiative (FYI) Vouchers dedicated to local foster youth at risk of homelessness or transitioning from foster care.

“Our staff continues to work from home remotely and we are still moving full speed ahead,” Sargent said.  

While many housing authorities suspended portability during the pandemic, Vancouver Housing Authority continues to port tenants into Clark County, Wash. and port them out to other jurisdictions.

Vancouver Housing Authority also allowed for some hardships among its Section 8 tenants. Tenants could send voucher staff a document showing they lost income due to COVID-19 and VHA being a Moving to Work (MTW) agency allowed for interims to change rent portions to ensure they didn’t fall behind on rent.

Despite the waiver from HUD allowing extra time for annual reviews, VHA continued to complete them on time.

“Even though it’s COVID we’re still here and still working,” Sargent said.

Amazon pledges $2B for affordable housing, including $185M for apartments in Bellevue
Amazon pledges $2 billion to affordable housing,...

Amazon, which has drawn criticism for contributing to rising housing costs, will direct $2 billion in loans and grants to secure affordable housing near three U.S. cities. Here's where the money will go and what it means for the Puget...

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Housing Authorities Risk Retention Pool (HARRP) and Affordable Housing Risk Pool (AHRP)
It is with regret that HARRP and AHRP was forced to pass the higher costs of excess property reinsurance to our valued members for all 2021 policies. After an exhaustive search for alternatives in the reinsurance markets, both pools were subjected to hardened insurance markets, primarily fueled by wildfire exposures, market uncertainty related to the pandemic and many other uncharted pressures on reinsurers. HARRP experienced a 265% increase in excess property reinsurance costs, while AHRP saw a 135% increase over 2020. These increases were factored into the rates that were adopted by the Board of Directors on December 16, 2020 and released to the membership that evening. We are exploring alternative options for the 2022 renewals, but we are caught in the very hard insurance market, as are all property insurance providers. We appreciate your understanding the situation and ask for your patience while we endure this financial hardship with you. The Executive Director is available to meet with you virtually, by phone or email to provide further details on the challenges of our renewal in 2021.
PNRC NAHRO Members Save $$ and the Region Earns $$
PNRC NAHRO has partnered with NAHRO Professional Development on their "Distance Learning" trainings that will directly benefit members and our Region!
Members will receive a discount of $10 on every NAHRO "Distance Learning" training and PNRC NAHRO will also receive a revenue share for each participant from our region.
How does it work?
When registering, please use code: PNRC2020 (All CAPS)
and your discount will automatically be applied, it’s that simple!

Please note: this code must be used when registering! It cannot be retroactively applied.

What is Distance learning?
Multi-day training delivered in a modular and a web-based format. Participants register individually and access the sessions with a direct email. Sessions are typically 3 hours (1:30-4:30pm ET) and spread out. This allows participants to balance learning with other work responsibilities.  Attendance is recorded and upon successful completion, CEUs are applied towards certification requirements. Distance learnings are meant to be interactive. Participants will engage with the faculty member by discussions, polls and utilizing a chat feature. 
What Else is Happening in January?

  • January 7: Excellence in Customer Service for Housers e-Learning
  • January 11-15: Public Housing Manager Virtual Classroom Early Bird Ends 12/21/20
  • January 13: HCV Homeownership Intensive Rent Calculation e-Learning Early Bird Ends 12/29/20
  • January 14-15: Repositioning: Where Do I Start? E-Learning Early Bird Ends 12/24/20
  • January 21: Leading Through Times of Change and Transition Early Bird Ends 12/31/20
  • January 25-28: Procurement & Contract Management Virtual Classroom Early Bird Ends 1/4/21 
For more information, contact NAHRO Professional Development at
202 580 7211 or
PNRC NAHRO Regional Service Officer 202.580.7203
Shelli Scrogum  |  [email protected]
We want to fill this newsletter with articles and pictures about you, but we can't do that unless you send them in. Send your pictures and articles to [email protected] by February 9th to be featured in next month's newsletter!!