2022 | Week 21

52 Hikes | 52 Homes

"Balance is not something you find,

it's something you create."

This is WEEK at a GLANCE - 52 weeks of my PNW adventures!

Join me as I journey through life as an entrepreneur on a mission to make a difference, one step at a time, one week at a time.

How was your week? Here's a glance at mine...


Can you believe it is almost June and there is still snow in the mountains? Luckily, it's melting quickly and before we know it, this gorgeous lake will be showing its true colors. I honestly wasn't expecting the lake to still be frozen; however, after flying over the mountains with my Dad a few days prior, I should have known. But conditions tend to change unexpectedly in the PNW... so this week, I set out to explore Lake Serene - one of my all time favorite hikes. The trail was lined with tiny white flowers and there were waterfalls & streams in between the countless stairs and several wooden bridges. Bridges that require balance. And with each step, I was reminded that balance is not something you find, it's something you create.

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21/52 | LAKE SERENE | 8.2 MILES




About a month ago, I went to visit my family on the East Coast and upon arriving to the hotel, I received a text message asking if it was the correct number for Rachel Lloyd. I paused before replying, because let's be honest - I was finally on vacation. But I didn't get into real estate to vacation, I got into real estate to help people. So I replied and said, "Yes, this is. How may I help you?" The next message I received said, "Great, my name is [respectfully keeping this private] and I am interested in buying a home, can you help?" I quickly responded while jumping around my hotel room and spent the next few days negotiating us into contract... while tending to my auntie duties of course. We literally went into mutual as the plane touched down back in Seattle and it was in that moment that I realized I can really help anyone, anytime, from anywhere. I had never met my client, nor had I seen this home before writing the offer, but we had connected a while back on LinkedIn and he was impressed by my mission and philanthropy efforts. We of course have met, and I have seen the home since, but I just wanted to share how grateful I am for opportunities like this. The ones that are unexpected, reassuring me that I am on the right path, a path that makes a difference in the lives of others, and in our community. If you are thinking of buying a home in Washington State, I can help! Don't be shy, message today!

Let's [email protected] or at 425.218.2125 to discuss your real estate goals!!

To learn more about my mission to hike 52 mountains and sell 52 homes, one per week, check out www.PNW52.com. For each home sold, I donate $52 to Washington Trails Association in support of our aligned efforts to protect the place we call home, the PNW.

The 52 Difference.

Are you keeping your goals TOP of MIND?

THE.HEMP.HIKER was designed with accountability in mind - a TOP of MIND reminder to make every week, YOUR week. 

This durable, eco-friendly hat, features an organic hemp body that is from this earth, for this earth as 1% of proceeds are donated to Washington Trails Association.


What will you do with your 52?

"Summit your goals, one week at a time."

Support Local.


"My flying goals for this year: My wife and I completed a Van’s Aircraft RV-12iS kit built aircraft last year. We flew to some beautiful areas of the PNW last summer and fall, logging over 100 hrs. of flight time. This year, I have the goal of giving some more friends and family rides and also flying to twelve additional locations/ airports. They include Yakima (to visit my best friend since childhood), Boeing Field (with a departure to the north over the city), Paine Field (Everett) {completed}, Roche Harbor and Lopez Island airports (San Juan Islands), Mt. Olympus, Renton Airport, Skagit Valley Airport, Bellingham Airport {completed}, scenic sunset flights, and Copalis State Airport (on the coast just north of Ocean Shores, it is the only legal beach airport in the U.S.) Lastly, I’d like to fly over Rachel on one of her amazing hikes somewhere in the Cascades."

THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing your goals Dad! I has been incredible watching you fulfill one of your lifetime goals - to build your own plane and I am so proud of you. I have always looked up to you and mom and now I can even do it from the mountain tops! You are a rockstar and I can't wait to go flying with you to all of these destinations, and more!!



Hello! My name is Rachel Lloyd and I am here to help you summit your PNW goals!

As your local licensed real estate agent and outdoor enthusiast, I will help guide every step of your next adventure!

If you are interested in buying or selling a home in Washington State, I can help.
"Together we can move mountains, and it all starts by working with someone you trust."
Fueled by Woods.

Summertime is almost here...

For some, that means going on vacation, going on a weekend getaway or camping trip, or simply soaking in some sunshine.

Every week, temperatures are rising, and Woods has handcrafted, thirst quenching beverages that will keep you staying refreshed on every step of the way.

Speaking of summer adventures - If you are thirsty for a new adventure and want explore new heights with likeminded locals, sign up now to SAVE THE DATE, and stay tuned for more information regarding this upcoming PNW group hike. 

Until then, keep your goals TOP of MIND, and your adventures fueled by Woods.
