ADVERTISE IN THIS NEWSLETTER Reach 3,000 members monthly for pennies! |
As 2019 rapidly approaches an end I want to take this opportunity to thank all the members of PNWS for your continued passion and support of the section. As we continue to move forward it is through you the members that this section is such a success. As a volunteer driven organization, the sacrifices that each of you make and the tremendous work that is done through the committees and subsections does not go unnoticed and is greatly appreciated. I am truly impressed with your commitment, talent and the direction that you are taking our committees and subsections. It is an honor to be a part of this great organization and to work with each of you.
I also want to thank all of you who have chosen to step out and run for a position on the board this winter. It is an incredible list of worthy candidates and we are blessed that you have decided to share your tremendous talents, skills and leadership with the section. I am sure the experience will be as rewarding for you as it has been for me and the section will definitely benefit from your contributions.
I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas enjoy your time with family and friends during the upcoming holidays.
James Dean
PNWS Chair
SECTION CONFERENCE IN SPOKANE - Registration Opens January 2
The 2020 Section Conference will be in Spokane, April 29- May 1. The technical program is already on our website!
Registration goes live on January 2. Save yourself $150 and register before April 1st and take advantage of our early bird pricing.
If you are a vendor you will want to reserve your booth early to get the best spot. We will have 100 vendors booths. Check out all the vendors sponsorship opportunities on our website, we have something for every budget! As the vendor trade show is Thursday only this year, vendors are encouraged to take advantage of the golf tournament on Wednesday and to provide hospitality options for clients on Thursday evening.
- No change to Wednesday activities - golf and pre-cons as usual as well as the Competition Night Welcome Reception with Tapping, Hydrant Hysteria, Meter Madness and Best Tasting Water Finals!
- You asked for more CEUs and we are listening! We have added two more hours of technical sessions. This year you can expect 2.0 CEUs as compared to previous years of 1.7 -1.8.
- You asked for less down time and we are listening! Similar to ACE we will have multiple things happening at the same time. Something for everyone all the time!
- You thought the Friday night banquet was outdated. We are listening! The Friday banquet has been replaced with a Friday Awards Luncheon where we will give out the Section's Top Five Awards!
- The Board of Trustees Meeting will take place Friday afternoon. At this meeting we will present a few more awards, get the State of the Section Update from outgoing Chair James Dean and pass the gavel to incoming Chair Ronda Farmer.
- The conference will wrap up Friday at 5pm with a reception for new Chair Ronda Farmer as you pick up your Water For People auction purchases.
Check out our conference website for all the latest information! |
SECTION BALLOTS HIT THE MAIL - Members to Vote For Trustees
To vote members will be asked to enter their email and last name which will be verified against the AWWA member database. You will only be allowed to vote once.
Candidates for office this year are:
Chair Elect
John Roth
Dan Sleeth
Oregon/Idaho Trustee
Rob Barrett
Jill Hoyenga
Karen Kelley
Washington Trustee
Cheryl Capron
Michael Pleasants
Loren Searl
Trustee At Large
Nick Belmont
Michael Lubovich
Doug Schlepp
Polls close on December 31.
Please join us for the Tri-State WUC, where Washington, Oregon and Idaho water professionals come to learn about and discuss regional water utility issues. We will also be hearing from Tommy Holmes from our Washington D.C. office regarding national water issues.
The meeting is taking place at the Seattle Radisson Hotel which is conveniently located only a 5 minute walk from SeaTac Airport!
Register Now To Attend!
Want to be part of a better future? Join the PNWS Mentorship Program for 2019 - 2020 as a mentor or protégé.
The PNWS-AWWA mentorship program initiates in the late winter, with five mentor sessions between December - May. The Mentorship program is an opportunity for Students and Young Professionals to engage with industry veterans through
5 one hour-long meetings
over the course of a year to learn skills that will help shape a successful career in the Drinking Water Industry. Sessions are guided around key topics including charting one's career path, technical skills, interpersonal skills, goal setting, and resume writing. Note, a young professional is considered someone who has between 0-10 years' experience in their given field of work. See the Mentorship page here for more information and the application. The deadline to apply is November 15.
Celebrate the achievement of your communications goals by submitting them for an Excellence in Communication Award! Categories include print, electronic, video creations, calendars, and consumer confidence reports. Have you developed something totally wild in the last year or so...we have an entry category for you to!
Final deadline for entries is January 31 BUT if you apply before January 10 you can take advantage of the early bird entry fee!
Washington State Department of Health staff finalized the 4th Edition of their Water System Design Manual in early October. It is now available on their Water System Design webpage where it is described as start-to-finish reference for engineers and others involved in water system design. It covers design, review and approval of sources, storage reservoirs, booster pump stations, water treatment facilities, and other aspects of designing water systems.
Numerous updates were made to the manual from the previous edition released in 2009. While many drinking water professionals in the Pacific Northwest were involved in these updates, much of the credit for the completion of the 4th Edition belongs to Scott Torpie, an engineer and manager who recently retired from the Washington State Department of Health. |
March 14 / Walla Walla For Water
November 6 / Mt. Vernon, WA
November 7 / Issaquah, WA
- Water Reclamation Facility Operator
- Wastewater Treatment Plant Machinist
- Program Manager - Water Conservation
- Project Engineer - Capital
- Facility Operator Grade 1-3
- Water Operator
- Drinking Water Training and Technical Assistance Specialist
- Analyst Water Automated Metering Project
- Sewer Maintenance Worker
- Water Maintenance Worker
- Field Operations Equipment Mechanic
- Cross Connection Specialist
- Water Meter Mechanic
- Water Distribution and Plant Worker
- Engineering Specialist - Water
- Field Service Representative
- Water Distribution Operations Supervisor
- Accountant I
- Maintenance Electrician
- Sewer Transmission Systems Maintenance Supervisor
That's it for this month! Please send your news or information for inclusion in the December edition to the
Section office.
Kyle Kihs
Executive Director