Join POAC in Recognizing
 Autism Awareness Month!
April Events
Free Workshops

Free Events

Resource Fair Vendors Wanted
All of POAC's walks include a community resource fair. Tables are only $150 and free for non-profits. If you would like to join us at one or all of our walks, click here and register right online. 

April 2017
38 Events in 30 Days!
Moving from Awareness to Action
POAC's motto is Making Lives Better Every Day and this April we are focusing on this more than ever. Many people know POAC for our free recreational events and free training for parents and educators, but there is so much more we are doing to improve lives of every individual with autism in our state. This month, in addition to the great activities you see here, POAC will be:
  • Providing training for police and first responders in municipalities throughout our state
  • Providing school assemblies for NJ students 
  • Participating in the NJ Governor's Council for Medical Research and Treatment of Autism furthering the Council's commitment to finding new and innovate ways to help New Jersey families impacted by autism
  • Participating in various local councils and commissions to increase access to free services in the community
  • Providing professional development for NJ school districts
  • Reaching out to high school Key Club students to collaborate on projects that will increase inclusion in our schools
We are doing so much, but there is so much more to do! We hope we can count on your support as we further our mission. 
Start a Walk Team - It's Easier Than You Think!
POAC can't do what we do without your help and it's so easy. Follow these 4 simple steps to get started:

1. Go to and click on the walk site you want to join.
2. Click the Register button and fill in your information.
3. Choose to start a team and follow the prompts.
4. Once you have your team started, you can link to social media with a few clicks and your friends and family can donate right online. 

If you are attending the walk, your friends and family can join you for a day of fun and celebration. If you are not attending in person, you can have a virtual team. Either way, you will be helping to raise funds for free autism services right here in New Jersey. 

POAC is here to help! Give us a call or email if you have any questions.

IEP Season is Upon Us
IEP meetings can happen at any time during the school year, but many of them occur during the month of May. With that in mind, POAC is offering some great free sessions designed to help you get the most from your child's IEP meeting. On April 24th and May 1st, join POAC and special education attorney, Hillary Freeman, for a two part series entitled, Overcoming Roadblocks to a Successful IEP. Part One will cover how to identify your child's needs and prepare for the meeting. Part Two will include a mock IEP meeting to help participants learn strategies to resolve disagreements. 

On April 13th POAC is offering Free IEP Reviews with special needs attorney, Hillary Freeman. This is a free 20 minute session designed to help answer questions about your child's IEP. 

Space is limited and registration is required. 

POAC Autism Services | |
1989 Route 88
Brick, NJ 08724