Volume 9 Issue 2- Feb.25, 2022
P.O.W.E.R. February Monthly Newsletter
POWER-ful Happenings...
Join us for our POWER-ful You Event!
Please bring potential POWER members as guests!
Have a Heart.2022
Have a Heart.2022
Have a Heart.2022

Thank you to all the POWER members and guests who were able to come to our annual POWER Membership Have a Heart Dinner. Fun was held by all with the Wheel of POWER Game! Your membership and participation continues to make a true impact in the lives of children and families in Shelby County.
Kindergarten Tutors Needed!
Join the Fun!
20 slots are still available and we need you! Sign up and make a true impact by
becoming a kindergarten tutor.
Slots available Monday-Thursday
9am-9:50am at Emerson and
 9:15am-10:00am at Longfellow,
once a week or once every other week. Please share the below flyer with anyone that might be interested in becoming
a Kindergarten Tutor...
Welcome Aboard NEW POWER Member
Mardie Milligan
Current or Past Employer and position:   Western Ohio Cut Stone (former), community volunteer - current,
City Council member - current
Significant other name and children names as well as their ages if applicable: Tom -husband, Amanda-daughter 30, Calvin-son 27
Favorite thing to do “Off the Clock”:   anything to do with the arts
Favorite Book:  Mountains beyond Mountains by Tracy Kidder
Favorite Food: Italian
Favorite Restaurant:   anywhere Downtown Sidney!
If you could learn to do anything what would it be? Speak Spanish fluently  
What would your autobiography of your life be called? It has been a good ride
Favorite Quote:  "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Nelson Mandela
Chore you hate to do?  Clean the cat litter box
Favorite vacation destination? In the US - New Mexico Outside US - Spain
Best job you could have besides current/past one?   Art Museum curator
Why did you join POWER and what do you look forward to doing with the Women’s Initiative group? I enjoy connecting with others and helping out where I can.
124 Members Strong!!
Welcome aboard new POWER member:
Kellie Nuss
United Way Update
  • Special Project Grant was awarded to the Shelby County Health Department for $2,000 for their Family Assistance Program to purchase bike helmets for distribution to children and adolescents in Shelby County.
  • The Mercy Mission House Emergency Shelter is officially open. The campus is located at 950 Children’s Home Road. More information about the shelter can be found on their website www.themercymissionhouse.com
  • Student United Way reviewed 12 applications for grants, with 9 organizations coming in next month to present.