Did you know...?
  • 9000 people bought tickets to our shows that will multiply earning power up to twenty-fold for food banks and agencies working with Canada's homeless, hungry and in recovery
  • 16 shows in 27 days
  • 8 of us each traveled 5651 km by ground and collectively flew 18716 km by air
Many thanks to our national sponsor Great-West Life, London Life and Canada Life.

We had a few hundred submissions from our "Box of Hope" campaign where we asked what you would say or do to bring joy to someone you knew, or didn't. The messages were beyond inspirational. Some were submitted online, and below are a few others that resonated.

Treasure the little things and moments each day offers. It is the sum of these memories that make for a fulfilled life. Drop the unimportant. Love unconditionally.
~ Sheila, Victoria

Bringing joy to someone? First I would start by showing kindness, showing others that you care will always put joy in their hearts. And will always put a smile on their faces.
~ Selena, Camrose

I would ask them what their natural gifts are; the talents they are born with. I would offer my eyes to see them, my ears to hear them, my heart to embrace them and my voice to encourage them to live their gifts. They are given to us at birth to offer us the path of purpose and joy.
~ Colleen, Calgary

Spoken word has long been a part of First Nations history. Over time certain stories will have grown - some stating facts, some stating fiction. In the true world of unknown, First Nations folklore and legends are just that - some fact, some fiction. It'll be up to you to decide as you follow the adventures of Doc (me) and Shayla (Shayla Stonechild) in Red Earth Uncovered. Catch this 13-episode series that premiered on APTN February 21. 


All six seasons of North of 60 are now airing on APTN. Set your PVR! Now that's a TBT.  

Tina Keeper and me.


Very excited to announce this 2 volume CD set is scheduled for release on May 4. We'll have advance info on how to order in upcoming editions of In The Loop.

Volume 1 can be described as black and white musical photos of the great women who make up my life... an indelible tattoo that will only perish with me when I go back to the earth. When I listen to them they come to life as vibrant, colourful, beautiful, soulful images that hold my heart hostage until the last note...

Volume 2 is a personal journey on the other side of the vortex that reflects reality... a world of Vampires, Heroes, Prophets, Love, Lust and Longing...

...coming to the big screen in the fall. You'll hear about it here first.

$10,000 has been donated to the Canadian Red Cross Society from sales of the book "364 - Timeless Wisdom for Modern Times". The campaign isn't over! 
Jenn McManus, Vice President, Canadian Red Cross, Alberta and Northwest Territories and me.
"The language of a better future requires a vocabulary that is accessible to all."
Day 63 from "364 - Timeless Wisdom for Modern Times"

"364" is available in select Chapters/Indigo locations.

Or, order it online through our web site and I'll autograph it.

The digital app is available on Amazon or iTunes. Audio background included with this version.
Proceeds from all sales benefit the Canadian Red Cross.  
peace.....tom j.

 Web Sites:   Tom Jackson | Huron Carole 

My book "364 - Timeless Wisdom for Modern Times" - Order the hardcover version online now.

Ballads Not Bullets and 'Twas In the Moon of Wintertime can be found on iTunes and Amazon.